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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Military Cross Medal

Guest Chris Newby

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Guest Chris Newby

Hi anyone, many years ago, my family found a Military Cross medal. The name on the medal is Captain J E Stone of the Royal Garrison Artillery and it was awarded on 1.6.1918.

Where would I start to look for information on this officer, his regiment, or his family?

I look forward to hearing from someone on this, all the best - Chris

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Welcome to the forum, Chris.

A good place to start would be the officers files at the National Archive (Public Record Office). Assuming his file is there (and most are), it should give some family/address details as they were when he was discharged, and possibly later if you are lucky.

Might give a few clues as to where to go next.

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From the London Gazette, dated 20th September 1918:

2nd Lt. (A./Capt.) Joseph Edmund Stone, R.G.A., Spec. Res.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When some buildings in the battery

position were set on fire by hostile shelling this officer, with two gunners, remained in the position, salving as much of the equipment as possible. There were 2,000 shells, including gas shells, valuable battery stores, and a trench mortar dump, which offered great danger from explosives. He worked for over two hours, and only left off when the whole trench mortar dump blew up.

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Guest Chris Newby

Thanks a lot, Chris, would you happen to know if the Officers Files would be available online, or is it a treck to the big smoke?! All the best- Chris

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No, it's a trek I'm, afraid. The files hold the original papers, and often hold fantastic stuff. Yesteday I looked up an officer of the South Staffords, a brave man who was wounded three times - and then when serving on the staff of an Officer Cadet Battalion went AWOL, did all kinds of naughty things like issuing bouncing cheques, people complained to the War Office, he was arrested, was court martialled and thrown out in 1918. The file was about six inches thick, but this is exception. They usually have say 15 - 60 pages of info.

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