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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

John Condon


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Interesting to see that Waterford City Council are proposing a £100,000 memorial to John Condon and other locals who fell in all wars. Local Worker's Party councillors are against it saying it is "militaristic", "offensive" and "very British" (Timesonline). They also describe Condon as " a misguided child" who died for British Imperialism . Interestingly there seems no mention that John Condon - the headline casualty - may well have been several years older than his 13/14.

Apparently there was a documentary broadcast this week on Irish TV. I wonder if the age debate was mentioned ? John and Sonny Condon describe how they were followed on a recent Ypres pilgrimage by 14 T.V cameras. I suppose you can get used to this sort of celebrity and not wish to give it up.

Fascinating how the Great War continues to produce such a resonance in Ireland with Condon seemingly being used a focal point of a movement to get the memorial.

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so who is the youngest?

they say condon was 18

then there is V.strudwick of the rifle brigade in essex farm aged 15.

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Guest Ian Bowbrick

As soon as I saw the title I thought, here we go again!

Can I use this opportunity to ask, no beg................Aurel, please please please publish your work on this soldier...........


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It's up to Aurel when to publish but I hope he does not let the perfect be the enemy of the good! he has a great deal of convincing information now.

Jewish pre war regular Robert Barmett, Rifle Brigade was 15, buried Riflehouse Cemetery Plugstreet Wood. He died in December 1914 and that's the basis for statement he was pre war.

Bad day with CWGC, cannot find him there, am doing something wrong. The only R Barnett Rifle Brigade I can find died 1916 and is on Thiepval Memorial.

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What a moral conundrum. The problem with bringing forward any research that establishes that John Condon was actually 18 is that it this information could perhaps be used by the Irish Workers Party to torpedo the plans for a well deserved memorial to the Irish War Dead of Waterford. The final vote on this memorial is apparently in December.

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I'm afraid this will be a very brief reply.

Just this : rest assured.

And I do hope the dust remains settled...


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Initials: R

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Rifleman

Regiment: Rifle Brigade

Unit Text: 1st Bn.

Age: 15

Date of Death: 19/12/1914

Service No: 5509

Additional information: Son of Phillip and Esther Barnett, of 95, Belgrade Rd., Stoke Newington, London. One of the youngest battle casualties of the war.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: IV. E. 10.


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I'm afraid this will be a very brief reply.

Just this : rest assured.

And I do hope the dust remains settled...


Publish and be damned!

(who DID say that - I can't for the life of me think at the mo!)

If you need the services of a mediocre printer, give me a shout!



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Publish and be damned!

(who DID say that - I can't for the life of me think at the mo!)

It was the Duke of Wellington's response to a blackmailer, I believe.


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According to the Daily Mirror of 16 September 1916, Pte S Lewis of the East Surreys enlisted at the age of twelve in August 1915 and fought for six weeks on the Somme before his true age was found out.

Can any East Surrey expert verify this?

Charles M

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