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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Garrison Artillery

Guest Chris Newby

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Guest Chris Newby

Further to my enquiry of 11/11, thanks for the response and particularly the extract from the Gazette and the suggestion that I visit the Officers papers at the Public Records Office - I will do this..

Given that Captain Stone was in the Royal Garrison Artillery, is there any means by which I can trace which Battalion or Company he was in, and then where the 'action' leading to his MC, took place?

Look forward to any help, all the best - Chris

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Off the top of my head start with his officer file and find out which Artillery Brigade he served with at the time. You can then look for the war diary of the Brigade if it is available or if not, possibly the Divisional Diary. Other options for which Brigade would be the MIC. I am no expert so others may be able to improve on this suggestion.

The PRO/NA has a great on-line document index system called PROCAT. Try searching on that for the WO no. for his service file. Any problems, just shout.

Good luck.

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I agree, Sigs

The problem with Captain Stone is that he is shown, in the gazette, as being on the Special Reserve of the RGA. So you'll need to go to Kew to see his records first, before you can follow the trail.....

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Guest Chris Newby

Thanks loads to both of you, I'm totally green on all this and don't have a military background (just a future - my daughter's considering the RAF!). Hence I struggle a bit with 'MIC' and 'WO No', would you enlighten me please? Are the Officer Files to be found at Kew? Where are the War Diaries kept? If Captain Stone was in the Special Reserve, what exactly does this mean? Was it the equivalent of today's Terratorial Army?

Thanks again for all your help, all the best - Chris

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Lunchtime over for me so I will be quick. MIC = medal index card. WO = War Office. His sevrice papers will be indexed under a WO no. as opposed to say, an ADM no. (Admiralty).

Officer files and war diaries are both at Kew. Have a look at PROCAT and see if you can find yr way around it.

If RT doesnt explain Special Reserve in teh meantime I think I can give a full definition later.

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I cant put my hand on my big Genealogist book that would give me a full definition of the Special Reserve but fortunately (he says having a quick look on another session) you can find it on the mother site to this forum:


... who needs "guide" books when we have this great outlet!!?

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The RA Museum (Firepower) at Woolwich Arsenal may also have some info. I'm not sure if they will research for you but they have an archive which you can visit for a modest sum


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At the Public Records Office at Kew there is a register of the MC under reference wo 389 no.s 9-24. This is a series of micro fims in the main reading room. The films have a "card" for each officer who won the MC showing his name, regiment, the date of the London Gazette entry announcing the award and the date the medal wasa ctually presented. The cards are arrnaged alphabetically so it should be quite easy to find your man. With the surname " Stone" it should be about file 20ish.

For the artillery Special Reserve you will usually find that the MC card shows the battery number that they were attached to when they won the award.

The staff at the PRO are very helpful and I am sure f you explain what you are looking for they will point you in the right direction.

Happy hunting.


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