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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Remembrance and Rededication


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The 13th November is the anniversary of the Battle of the Ancre in 1916.

The following is from Douglas Jerrold's history 'The Royal Naval Division'

"....the whole division won in this battle not only a reputation, but a confidence in its own fighting capacity which contributed much to its future efficiency. Such confidence was not bred of a vicarious success.....................................

Yet if there had been a triumph there had also been a tragedy. In the month of November the Division had lost a hundred officers and more than 1600 men killed, and a hundred and sixty officers and 2,377 men wounded. Almost the whole of their casualties were in the twelve infantry battalions and the machine-gun companies, and more than three-quarters of these were in the two Naval Brigades, whose allotted task in the Battle of the Ancre had inevitably exacted higher casualties than those suffered by the four Army battalions. In the face of such losses, congratulatory messages had an empty ring. Those to whom they should have been addressed were beyond reach of the benisons of distinguished generals.

For all, during many months, and for many, always, the valley of the Ancre remained in the background of their thoughts. Here, and on the now deserted shores of Gallipoli, had fallen the flower of the Naval Division. And the valley of the Ancre was the more symbolic resting-place. Over Gallipoli, at any rate in the spring sunshine, there lingered some feint illusion of romance; over the valley of the Ancre hung, like a pall, the unutterable ruin, the pitiful desolation, of modern war."

Today, the anniversary will be celebrated at 11.00 am. by the rededication of the Royal Naval Division Memorial and its return to its original site at Horse Guards Parade, London. Thanks are due to the Committee to Reinstate the memorial and congratulations to all the Royal Naval Division family:

Naval - Howe, Anson, Hood, Nelson, Drake, Collingwood, Benbow, Hawke

Royal Marines - Chatham, Deal, Portsmouth, Plymouth and the later 1st and 2nd RMLI

Army - 7th Royal Fusiliers, 4th Bedfords, 1st HAC, 10th Royal Dublin Fusiliers,

1/28th Londons (Artists Rifles), 2nd Royal Irish Rifles, 1/4th Kings Shropshire Light Infantry, 14th Worcesters (Pioneers)

RA - 4th Field Brigade RFA

RE - 247th, 248th, 249th Field Companies

Royal Army Medical Corps

with apologies for absence

Michael D.R.


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As an ex pongo I had the opportunity to attend the ceremony at Whitehall and then nibbles with the mayor at Mansion House afterwards, can I just say how well planned and executed the day was from start to finish, the speeches by notable persons like the Duke of Kent and Churchills Grandson were on the ball and remained focused on the fact that the day was about the men of the 63rd RND and not the function organisers or distinguished guests. Afterwards I retired to a local pub with a sizable number of RNVR folks who formed the guard of honour and now wish to visit Becourt, Passchendaele & Gavrelle to understand more of thier heritage. A cracking day and great to see Luytens fountain back home.

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Thanks for your comments on Thursday's events

I'm glad that the Pals were represented

Did you by any chance take any pictures which you can share with us?

Best regards

Michael D.R.

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