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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

93rd Army Brigade, Royal Field Artillery

Guest Gareth Thomas

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Guest Gareth Thomas

Can anyone help.. Why under the Royal Field Artillery section of this website, does 90-93 Army Brigades not get mention. I am researching a soldier of this Brigade when he died in 1918, yet i can not find any information about the brigade.



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Being an Army Brigade, I don't think you will find it on Chris' site as it was not an artillery unit used or 'held' at divisional level - but at Army level; thus the title. This meant it was a 'roving' unit which could be sent anywhere it was needed. The only way to research it would be through the war diary at the PRO/NA.

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Gareth: Give me the date in 1918 when your man was killed and I can tell you what division and corps the 93rd Army Brigade, RFA was serving with at the time. Regards. Dick Flory

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This is just one of many areas I will get around to filling in one day. At this rate, I estimate around 2014. Not the time this evening, the year. Hey, I could announce 'order of battle now completed' to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the start of the war!

Now, if you would all kindly stop posting interesting messages I have to read on here, I could actually do some work on my website...

...then again I suppose I could give up the day job.


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