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Despatches from German East Africa


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This mission building at Gallepo / Gwanzave (built 1907) was used as a hospital by the 2nd SA Division. The mission is generally referred to as Ufiome in diaries etc. There was also an ASC workshop and transit camp nearby.


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The road built by Smut's army from Gwanzave / Gallepo up the escarpment of the Irangi hills to avoid the fly belt in the plains below. The road rises some 1500 ft.

The view in the vacinity of the overnight camp on the road to Kondoa. This is near Salanga and was notorious for lions attacking the mule and ox trains during the night.



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The dried up river bed on near Kondoa used by approaching columns as a roadway. The German guns could pinpoint their arrival so the river bed provided some cover.


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Glad to see you've been reunited with your flash stick :) .

Keep them coming.....


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This church at Kondoa acted as the field hospital until late May 1916. Tented camps were later erected further away from the town. This church was shelled by the 4.7 Konigsburg Gun located behind South Hill. It is alleged that that the round gable window was formed during the repairs to the wall.


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The area in Kondoa church used as a ward room. One can imagine the beds in place of pews. There are two small annex rooms that were used as the dispensery and ration store.


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The river landing at the Kondoa Church Mission. Wounded were brought by Ox cart along the river bed and into the field hospital here. The landing had a sentry post in the hollow Boabab there

The Boabab used as a sentry post at Sand Landing near Kondoa Church / field hospital. EarlyWalker the contemptible old one takes up an offensive pose.

Kondoa Town

View back to Kondoa from first outpost position along the Handeni road.




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View from first outposts eastwards along DeVenters extended front and towards the German lines.

Entrenchments straddling the Handeni Road between Middle and Battery Hill. EarlyWalker looking offensive.

180 degree Panorama from Observation Hill in the west panning through a north arc towards the east. The 11th Hull Heavy Battery were positioned on Battery Hill.




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A Panorama (looking back northwards along route of advance) from the arid plains adjacent the Tarangiri River showing the main points along the march of the 2nd Division


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Our next group of pictures will be related to Tanga especially the events of November 1914.

But first the village of Mombo in the Pangani valley.


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Thanks Owen, Nice to hear they are appreciated.

Mombo today , photo taken from similar position. Mombo was captured by 1st Division after a firefight with German machine guns on the approaches. 28th Mountain Battery being in action against the MG's.


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Just as a matter of interest, what were you using for reference whilst out in East Africa? I assume you had the OH but what maps and other bits and pieces did you take?


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Hi Steve

Mainly the OH for getting to grips with the many units and events but also selected unit war diaries. I also have a small collection of personal letters and diaries. Maps are mainly those redrawn for the OH but also some I acquired from the NA.


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Maps are mainly those redrawn for the OH but also some I acquired from the NA.

Hi Roop

I've got the OH so have those and have seen the NA ones listed on the catalogue but never got around to checking them out, just how detailed are they?


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Hi Steve

Not tremendously detailed in some respects. Some only show marching times between places, many areas of the country there are no maps available. It could do with a trip to the NA really to sort out what there really is. There is a "OS" series as well but not of all areas.

Sketches in some war diaries are more useful for local detail.


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Beach C looking towards the Hospital where Meinhertzagen walked with a white flag and a letter of apology for HMS Fox shelling it.


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