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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Padre's who served;

Guest Adrian44

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Can anyone help please, with any information on where, the details, or records are kept, on Pardre's who served overseas, during the Great War. I am interested in all denominations, especially if they survived the War. thanks, adrian44.

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73 entries about chaplains at National Archives of Australia


searched by Chaplains & 1910-1920

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Hi Adrian44

If my memory is correct I am sure there are a couple recorded in South Shropsire's Absent Voters Lists 1918. Let me know if you want this info. and I look them up. Plus 6th K.S.L.I.'s Pardre was killed in 1917, in fact another one may also have been killed with another K.S.L.I. Battalion.


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Close on 3500 chaplains served in all theatres during the war, these were of all denominations.

179 were killed or died during the conflict.

Do a "Google" search for Royal Army Chaplains Dept, there is some interesting items and contact details.


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For Church of England clergy, try looking up an inter-war copy of "Crockford's Clerical Directory". This is like a "who's who" for the CoE and provides useful information about the careers of its clergy, including service during the war.

I have access to a copy if there is anyone you'd like looking up.



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In which case Jim, can I briefly hijack this thread and ask you to look up Norman McLeod Wright MC for me? He was Chaplain to 9th Northumberland Fusiliers, and later, 58th Division and then Bangour War Hospital.

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I had thought that there was a listing at the PRO / NA for chaplains. I can't find it, have'nt looked it up yet, BECAUSE I'd also like to hijack this thread with certain people I'm trying to find:

Padre Thomas (123rd Inf Bde, 41 Div is all I know)

Padre Dunn (ditto, but I do know he was Capt attd 20th DLI

Padre Colley RC, possibly attd 33 DIv

Padre Clayton, yes Tubby, I was lucky enough to have met him once or twice when I was a boy, but there are now reasons why I'd be interested in where/with whom he served.

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The magazine 'Trajecta'

- (1997, nr 3, pages 263 - 288) comprises (in Dutch) an article about clergyman enlisted in the Belgian army during WW1

- (1998, nr 1, pages 43 - 69) comprises (in Dutch) an article about clergyman enlisted in the Belgian army in the period 1921-1926

Both articles are written by Guido Cooman.

I hope that the Belgian Army Museum in Brussels http://www.klm-mra.be/ can give a more clear answer.

I also hope that as well the University of Leuven as the University of Nijmegen can give more details about your question. :huh:

Gilbert Deraedt

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Padre Dunn      (ditto, but I do know he was Capt attd 20th DLI

Would that be Rev. C.S. Dunn, wounded, who left his curacy at St Michael's, Headingley, to go to the front. No further information.

If so I have a newsprint picture of him somehwere.

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Close on 3500 chaplains served in all theatres during the war, these were of all denominations.

179 were killed or died during the conflict.

Do a "Google" search for Royal Army Chaplains Dept, there is some interesting items and contact details.


There was one nicknamed "Woodbine Willy", who was also a poet.

Anything more about him would be of interest, as he is said to have conducted the funeral of one of my maternal grandfather's cousins.

Here is more on "Woodbine Willy" -


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The Museum of Army Chaplaincy

Armed Forces Chaplaincy Centre

Amport House



SP11 8BG

The Curator, David Blake, was very helpful in finding some information about Thetford Grammar School Old Boy Eric O.Read who served as a Chaplain 4th Class attached to the 5th Battalion of the Dorsetshire Regt.

And if I might also hijack this thread! If anyone has any knowledge of ERIC O. READ I am still trying to piece together his story. At present all I know is that he was killed when a heavy shell hit the aid post he was working in 3/10/18. Also killed were four stretcher-bearers (who were they?), and Capt. Cooper RAMC died of wounds that evening. READ rests in Chapel Corner Cemetery at Sauchy-Lestree, Pas de Calais.

READ was interviewed for service on 11/12/17 at The Vicarage, Alfreton, Derbyshire in the Southwell diocese.

I have also used CWGC and the History of the Dorsetshire Regt. I did try to contact Southwell diocese, by email, but with no luck.



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Quite a few books published on the subject over the years these are some that I have acquired over the years by/about Chaplains that may still be available in libraries – don’t often see them for sale these days:

With Our Fighting Men (1915) by William Sellers

The Best of Good Fellows (1995) diaries of Rev Charles Edmund Doudney (1871-1915)

Clayton of Toc H (1971) by Tresham Lever

Tubby Clayton (1953) by Melville Harcourt

Tales of Talbot House in Pop. & Ypres (1928) by P.B.Clayton

Tales of Talbot House (1919) P.B. Clayton

Another interesting little volume by a Church of Scotland minister who acted as a Chaplain to Haig:

Douglas Haig as I knew Him (1966) by G.S.Duncan

Best wishes

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You will find a transcription of the diary of Robert Peris Williams, a Congregational Minister from North Wales online at:


Go into WW1 and then into Diaries.

Williams was attached to hospitals and camps in France from 1915 to 1917.


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Apologies to those I offered "look-ups" to from Crockford's Clerical Directory. Work has been a little mad this week and I have been unable to get to the library where the book is. However, I should be able to get there tomorrow and let you have whatever I find soon afterwards.

The offer to look C of E clergy is still open, so please let me have any names.



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In 'The Great Push', Patrick McGill devotes one chapter to the R.C Chaplain, Father Lane-Fox, who was with the London Irish at Loos.

And in 'Fields of Death', Slowe and Woods give a chapter over to the Reverend Canon Scott who was with the 16th Canadian Battalion at the Battle of Amiens in August 1918.

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Are you wanting Army Chaplains only or do you wish to include the RN?

I have the book 'The Sea Chaplains - A history of the Chaplains of the Royal Navy' by Gordon Taylor. This contains a list of serving RN/RNVR chaplains.

Happy to scan and forward to you if required.


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Sorry but I could find no reference to Norman McLeod Wright MC. The directory was for 1938. I suppose he could have died before then.

There were 215 C of E vicars named Thomas, so without more information, it is impossible to tie him down but I do have some better news. Although there were 23 Dunns, only one mentioned service in the Great War. He was Charles Sebastian Dunn, whose entry is given below:

"Charles Sebastian Dunn K.C. [King's College] Cam. [Cambridge] B.A. [bachelor of Arts] (3rd Class Trip.) [Tripos] 1895, M.A. [Master of Arts] 1899. d [deacon] 1897, p [priest] 1898 Rip. [Ripon] C. [curacy] of Wortley 1897-99; St. Luke's, Beeston Hill, Leeds 1899-1908. St. Micheal's AA [All Angels] Headingley, 1908-1916; T.C.F. [Temporary Chaplain to the Forces] 1916-1920; V. [vicar] of St. Andrew's, Huddersfield, 1920-26 (P [patron], V. of Almondbury and T. Brooke Esq.; Gross and Net Inc. 413l and Ho. [house]; Pop. [population] 2764). Armitage Bridge Vicarage, Huddersfield (Tel. Honley 162)."

Apologies for the abbreviations!

Hope this helps.



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At the risk of repeating myself, Thank you one and all for such a wealth and depth of information, after sifting through all of it, I may not have time to trouble the forum again. adrian44 :rolleyes:

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  • 4 months later...

One for your files:The Reverend Peter Lee~Warner Chaplain to the Forces 3rd Class,MiD,Formerly an Anglican Pastor in the Sudan pre War.[circa 1908]post & during WW2 Rector of Walpole St Peters Anglican Church Nr.Kings Lynn Norfolk,British War Medal Victory Medal,MiD emblem.

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