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C. W.G.C. Registration

Cliff. Hobson

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Pte Thomas Bostock Fox. 15459 8th Lincolns K.I.A. 26th Sptember 1915, listed on the C.W.G.C. site as Pte Thomas Bostock. He enlisted 1914 8th Bn. Lincs. was discharged due to illness, enlisted again same Battalion, 8th Lincs, presumably under the name of Thomas Bostock.

Question, does the C.W.G.C. accept the correction of names.

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The simple answer is - Yes.

If the correction is due to clerical or scanning error, the process is simple. However, this may well not be the case in your example.

If your 'correction' is one of historical fact (as seems to be the case here), you will need to provide solid documentary evidence of the fact. CWGC will not consider any change which disagrees with the original information supplied by the authorities unless your case is overwhelming.

In this case, if you can prove your contention, then it would probably lead to a duplicate entry for an 'Alias' name - the full entry being under 'Fox' with a cross reference under 'Bostok'.

Contact CWGC on casualty.enq@cwgc.org and put your case.

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Terry Denham will, no doubt, be able to give you a definitive answer, but the short answer is "Yes - if you can prove it".

One of the guys I'm researching is listed by CWGC as Minchall, but the local war memorial lists him as Minshall. I wrote to CWGC, enclosing as supporting evidence, a newspaper clipping which printed a letter from the , also signing himself as Minshall. Minshall had also included his service number and unit details in the letter, which concurred with the CWGC information.

Not good enough, said CWGC - birth certificate needed and some other evidence to prove he is same bloke. Well nigh impossible, unfortunately.

Hope you have better luck than me.


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