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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Scots Fusiliers

Guest oscar

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New to all of this and finding it confusing to follow where specific battalions were at a specific time. I am trying to work out where two relatives would have died. They were both Royal Scots Fusiliers (1st Battalion) one died in January 1915 (would this have been during winter operations) and the other died in May 1917 (would this have been at Arras).

Hope someone can help.

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1st Gordon Highlanders were in the 3rd Division with the 1st RSF and their War Diary is online. From this it would appear the Division was in the area Thilloy, Monchy le Prieux, Duisans, Noyellette, Ambrines from the start to the end of the month. It also mentions shortfall of British artillery killing 1 Officer and 6 ORs.

May be worth a look.



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Oscar sorry to hijack your thread

Malcolm have you got the web address for the diary,im researching a man who also served with the 1st Btn RSF "B" Coy who died of wounds 25/4/17 received at the second battle of the Scarpe.

Any additional information would be gratefully received.

Regards Doug

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I don't know if you have info from SDGW ?

Numbers of KIA and DOW 1/RSF in Jan 1915

1 Jan : 2 KIA, 1 DOW, 1 Died

2 Jan : 4 KIA, 1 Died

3 Jan : 1 KIA, 1 DOW

10 Jan : 2 KIA

12 Jan : 2 KIA, 1 DOW

13 Jan : 1 DOW

15 Jan : 1 Died

18 Jan : 1 KIA, 1 Died

19 Jan : 2 KIA

20 Jan : 2 KIA, 1 DOW

22 Jan : 1 DOW

23 Jan : 1 KIA, 1 Died

25 Jan : 1 KIA

27 Jan : 1 KIA

28 Jan : 1 KIA

30 Jan : 1 DOW

Comparatively low numbers as you see, no military actions

One of them must be your relative. If you want me to check or confirm...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you everyone who has replied, sorry it has taken me so long to post a reply, I was waiting for e-mail confirmation that someone had replied to me (it never came). Just came back on the off chance.

Thanks Malcolm I will visit the website and see what I can find out there.

Aurel, I have no info from SDGW, the only information I have on these 2 relatives is from the CWGC.

Private John Burgoyne died 2 January 1915.

Private Adam Burgoyne died 4 May 1917.

I apologise once again for my ignorance but does DOW stand for died of wounds.

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Yes, DOW stands for Died of Wounds.

In my reply I wrote that apparently, as the numbers of KIAs and DOWs were comparatively low in January 1915, there probably had been no serious military operation. Such low numbers can be accounted for by shelling.

However, it happens that the day that John Burgoyne died, was the day with the highest number of (fatal) casualties in that month (4 KIA + 1 Died). So maybe "something" happened that day.

I do not possess J. Buchan, The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, London 1925. (Nor do I possess the War diaries). However, I know that they have Buchan, History of the RSF in the Documentation Centre in Ypres. If you want me to I can find out if something is written about that period, but not until next Wednesday.

(Personally I don't think much mention will be made, but checking will only take a minute. I happen to have a photocopy of the period April - June 1915, and it is only 1 page.)

But maybe another Forum member has this source at home ?


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