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I have a reference to a prisoner of war camp that held 17,000 Germans in Conches in 1918. Might this be Conches-sur-Gondoire in the Seine/Marne area??

Googling also found a Conches in Normandy, but this doesn't fit with my man.

Are there any other Conches in France? Closer to Switzerland?

Peter (lacking a French atlas . . .)

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Peter. There are only two Conches in the Michelin 1:200,000 Map.

I think this POW camp must have been at Conches in the Seine et Marne Department.I think you can discount the location of the same name in Normandy.

Conches sur Gondoire would seem to be the ideal location for the receipt of German POWs at this stage of the war .It was well behind the Marne front line and safe enough from any possible liberation from a German thrust. The POW numbers may reflect the success of the French advance on their front from July 1918 when a total of 44,000 Germans "fell into the French bag".

Incidentally ,the place is very close to Disneyland Paris.


Frank East

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Thanks, Frank, appreciate the input. More grist for my mill.


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