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I am at present researching Pte Maurice Tuddenham of the Irish Guards, who i'm led to believe was KIA with the 2nd Bn on 30/9/15. Problem being that he's not coming up for me on the CWGC. Would any Pal be so kind to look him up on Soldiers Died so that I can confirm he was a casualty.


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Maurice Tudenham

Pte 6898

2nd Btn Irish Guards

Born-Kilkenny,Co Kilkenny

Enlisted-Deptford Essex

KIA 30/9/15

France & Flanders

One "D" instead of two in his name

Regards Doug

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Just to add there was 39 other men of the 2nd Btn KIA on that date.

Regards Doug

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Just for further confirmation Maurice Tudenham's, name appears in Appendix 'C' page 211 of 'The Irish Guards in the Great War - The Second Battalion' by Rudyard Kipling as follows:- Tudenham, Maurice,6898, Pte., k. in a. 30.9.15

Lt. John Kipling, the author's son, was also in the 2nd Battalion and was kia 3 days before on the 27.9.15. The following is recorded on page 28:-

They (2nd Battalion) were taken out of the line "wet, dirty, and exhausted" on the night of the 30th September when, after a heavy day's shelling, the Norfolks relieved them........ They had been under continuous strain since the 25th of the month, and from the 27th to the 30th in a punishing action which had cost them as far as could be made out, 324 casualties, including 101 missing.........

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