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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Lt Colonel Brigadier General E Eaton


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I've just obtained some items from the National Reserve Force from 1914 awarded to

Lt Colonel Brigadier General E Eaton

I've tried to find out some/any information to him to no avail..anyhelp?



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I think this may be your man:

Lt Col Edmund O Eton CE TD. Consulting Engineer; born May 1862; son of James Allan Eaton, CE. MSE. married 1887, Lilly B Cotton; one son, two daughters. Privately educated; Liverpool College. Articled to JA Eaton CE and engaged on engineering works. Served in the West Kent Yeomanry Cavalry and the Royal Garrison Artillery. Adjutant and CO of the Harrow Battalion, National Reserve, 1914. Commanded 3/10th Bn Middlesex Regt, 1915 (temporary Brigadier General). Acting Inspector of Munitions, Ministry of Munitions Area , Elswick Ordnance Works, Newcastle 1916-17.

Hope this helps.

Terry Reeves

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