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Help identifying regiment from photograph


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I have a photograph from a postcard my Grandad's niece sent him when he was stationed in Salonica, sometime between October 1915 & January 1919 when he returned to the UK. There is a soldier pictured on the front and I wondered if anybody might help in identifying his regiment. I suspect it is his brother in-law who served in the Grenadier Guards, but can't be certain. Is it allowable to post photos on the forum, or would somebody allow me to email it to them?

Many thanks


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Post the photo and someone should be able to help.

It is always advisable to make any cap or shoulder badges as clear as possible to assist with identification.


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Thanks very much. I will post the photo when I get home and can resize it for forum use. Unfortunately, the man isn't wearing a cap and any badges, lapels etc are not that clear. He is wearing what appears to be a long greatcoat.


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I have attached the photograph from the postcard I mentioned.

As mentioned earlier, the postcard was sent by my Grandad's niece to him in Salonica, some time between Oct 1915 & Jan 1919 when he returned to UK.

The man looks to young to be the niece's father. I wonder whether he is a son, wearing his father's old Grenadier Guard greatcoat, or whether he was serving?

As she sent the card, I wonder also whether the niece might appear in the photo - she was born 1900.



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The Grenadiers did not serve in Salonica, though of course he may have been a former guardsman who was seconded tp another unit, but Ifeel this is unlikely. Have you looked him up on the medal index cards?

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The Grenadiers did not serve in Salonica, though of course he may have been a former guardsman who was seconded tp another unit, but Ifeel this is unlikely. Have you looked him up on the medal index cards?

Sorry if I misled you. It is addressed to my Grandad who was in salonica with the Suffolk's. I am trying to identify the man in the postcard (who definitely isn't my Grandad), and know an In-law served in the Grenadier Guards. I feel the people in the photo would have been known by my grandad, rather than random characters. I have a medal card for an Albert Edward Walford, which could be the In-law. I have attached the reverse of postcard.

Thanks for our help


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