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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Famous Titanic Photo: newsvendor Ned Parfett kia 1918


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1 hour ago, Carrie King said:

Dear Dom,

Wow, I am thrilled you have replied! Thank you so much.

I have always had a vested interest in The Titanic as my grandmother had a ticket to travel on Her to the United States.... what happened, I was asked by the Titanic Exhibitors, to write a book about: so I have.

I so wanted to use the iconic photo of your Uncle Ned selling the Evening News on the cover but search as I  may (over the course of four years), I have only read it is in 'The Public Domain'. 

My Publishers want to know if that is the case, can it be used....(It should be) .... -_-

So when I read your story I was thrilled and felt l had struck gold as I felt you would be the Expert on the matter! (I realise ownership does not mean owning the copyright but I just want to do the correct thing).

Once again, I must say I feel I know your Uncle Ned because I have seen his photograph so many, many times!

All  the best and thank you again for replying, Dom,


Why not commission an artist to copy the photo, or something very similar to it so that there’s less possibility of a conflict Carrie?   Lots of artists specialise in book covers and music album covers, etc.  I enclose an example of an artwork copying an iconic photograph taken during WW1.  It’s by Paul John Ballard.


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Thank you Dom,

Thanks to you, I have now contacted Getty Images. They do not have the copyright but they have the power to charge to grant a licence for others to use the photo of your Great Uncle Ned.

So negotiations are beginning!

Thank you so much again for sharing your Family's sad but inspiring story!

All  the best in all you do,







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