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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Frank Winfield Dies


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Frank Winfield, who was born in 1901 and joined the Lincolnshire Regiment in 1915 (how is this possible) died yesterday after a lively and happy old age. He served at the Somme and left the army in 1930.

According to the Lincolnshire Echo there are now 26 British Veterans left - I know this discussion is going on somewhere else - hope I'm not in entirely the wrong place.

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Frank Winfield, who was born in 1901 and joined the Lincolnshire Regiment in 1915 (how is this possible) died yesterday after a lively and happy old age. He served at the Somme and left the army in 1930.

According to the Lincolnshire Echo there are now 26 British Veterans left - I know this discussion is going on somewhere else - hope I'm not in entirely the wrong place.

I am no expert on this but my guess is you could still join the army as a bugler/drummer at 14. This would seem plausable if Frank joined when he was nearly 15 ie. served for a full 12 yrs having reached his 18th birthday and thus demobbed in 1930/1. Although I am unclear how he would have served in a war theatre (Somme) unless he was 18 at some point before 11 Nov 1918. Alternatively he lied about his age to an unscupulous recruiting sergeant or perhaps Frank was physically well developed and looked and looked older than he was.

Can anyone can clear up the issue of boy service in the army in 1914-18?

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Frank Winfield joined the Lincolnshire Regiment as a drummer at 14. He learned to play the clarinet and also served as a stretcher-bearer, picking up wounded on the battlefield. This information comes from the November 9 issue of the Sunday Mirror. It appears that he was honest about his age when he enlisted.

Rest in peace, Frank.

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