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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1/10 Battalion, The London Regiment

Guest pault

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My Great Grandfather, Thomas Turner served with this unit 1914 to demob 1919. In the same battalion was his eldest son, my great uncle William, who served from 1914 until he was killed in action at gaza in november 1917.

From this site I understand that the battalion first went into action at Suvla during the Gallipoli campaign. remaining on the peninsular until withdrawel in December 1915. The unit was transferred to the egyptian expeditionary force and campaigned in Palestine. I know that the unit was engaged in the third battle of gaza, in which William was killed. but I would be particularly interested, if anyone has any information that could either elaborate or gap fill my understanding of this battalions movements and actions througout the Gallipoli and Palestinian campaigns.

I am aware that the battalions war diary is available at kew, but I have been unable to view this document due to distance and cost.

Hope someone can help


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Hope the following of use to you.

At the outbreak of war 1/10th Londons formed part of 3rd London Brigade, 1st

London Division.

In April 1915 the 1/10th Bn transferred to East Midland Brigade, East Anglian

Division, which in May 1915 became 162nd Brigade, 54th Division. In July 1915

the Division embarked at Plymouth for Mudros, landing at Sulva Bay on 11th

August 1915. The following December the 1/10th Londons left Gallipoli with its

parent Division for Egypt. The Bn arrived in Egypt on 18th December and by 19th

were located at Sidi Bishr, with the remainder of the Division. On 2nd April 1916,

the 54th Division took over No.1 Southern section of the Suez Canal defences.

Here they appeared to have remained until the invasion of Palestine in March 1917.

The Bn participated in the First Battle of Gaza, 26/27th March, followed by the

Second Battle of Gaza, 17/19th April. The Division held the left of the line in front

of Gaza through June and July, coming under the command of XXI Corps in

August. Between 27th October/7th November 1917 the Division participated in the

third battle and eventual capture of Gaza. On 7th November, 162nd Bde occupied

Belah Trench-Turtle Hill. On 19th November, the Division reached Ludd and

took over part of the front line covering Jaffa. The Turks launched an attack on the

line Beit Nabala - Dear Tureif-Wilhelma but were repulsed by 162nd Brigade.

The following December the Division took part in the Battle of Jaffa, 21/22nd

December 1917, where the 161st and 162nd Brigades advanced the line to the

River Auja, north of Mulebbis, the 1/11th Londons (sister battalion of 1/10th)

stormed Bald Hill, which was strongly held by the enemy. The following year on

12th March 1918, the 162nd Bde (including 1/10th Londons) advanced the line

another 4 miles with the 1/10th Londons capturing Mejdel Yaba. On April 9/10th

the Division was in action at Berukin. During the Battles of Megiddo the Division

participated the Battle of Sharon. On the 19th September, the 54th Division

advanced on a front of 3,000 yards, and by 0700 had captured Crown Hill, Kefr

Kasim and Jevis Tepe, strong resistence met the 161st Brigade at Kasim Wood.

At 1105 Oghlu Tepe was stormed by the 1/10th Londons and 1/4th Northamptions.

During this action the 1/10th Londons rushed and captured two 5.9in howitzers on

the high ground overlooking the Wadi Kanah. By 24th September, the Division

concentrated at Hableh area (NE of Jaljulye), where orders were received for the

Division to move to Haifa, and an advance began on 28th via Athlith. The

concentration of the Division was completed on 4th October. On 20th October the

Division was ordered to begin to move to Beirut, by brigade groups at one days

interval. The Division concentrated at Beirut between 31st October and 5th

November 1918, but at noon on 31st October news was received that hostiles had

ceased with Turkey.


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Absolutly fantastic amount of detail, this certainly helps in forming a more complete picture of these mens lives at this time. Thankyou very much indeed.


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