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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

R Eeles, East Yorks Regt.


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Hi Forum

After hiding in the background for a while now I've finally decided to take the plunge and ask my first question.

The Roll of Honour in the parish church at Temple Guiting in Gloucestershire for the Great War has inscribed upon it the name of my Great Grand Uncle (I think that's correct) 'R EELES East Yorks Wounded'.

I know a Casualty Roll exists for the South African War 1899-1902 listing all those wounded, missing and taken prisoner as well as the more obvious Killed in Action etc. but does a similar Roll exist for the Great War wounded, and if so where would I go to consult a copy?

Any advice would be much appreciated.



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Hello Steve, welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately there is no single listing of Great War wounded. There isn't even a complete listing for any regiment or unit, that I know of. There are some superb efforts being made to fill the gap: for example I know of tremendous work that was done on the Gloucestershire Regiment. There are many people working at unit level on this kind of thing, and of course many people working on their home town, village, war memorial, etc.

Do you know which Battalion of the East Yorks your relative served in? It would be useful to know, as someone out there might have some info.

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Hi Chris

Unfortunately that is all the information I have to go on at present, no battalion reference, no service number etc.

I couldn't even find him in the medal rolls at the NA although it was only a cursory check as I was more interested at the time in his brother's (my great grandfather) service details and record which I was lucky enough to find.

I thought a casualty roll was going to be a very long shot, especially with the huge numbers involved but it was worth asking.


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  • 1 month later...
Do you know which Battalion of the East Yorks your relative served in? It would be useful to know, as someone out there might have some info.

I have today received a bit more information on Pte. Robert Eeles from a relative, he was awarded a pair and they are inscribed around the edge with "42319 Pte. R. Eeles Yorks. Regt."

Can anybody identify which battalion he was with from his service number as a second check of the MIC has still failed to find him.



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I have today received a bit more information on Pte. Robert Eeles from a relative, he was awarded a pair and they are inscribed around the edge with "42319 Pte. R. Eeles Yorks. Regt."


Are you sure he was in the East Yorkshire Regiment? The medal inscription (unless you've been given incomplete info. or it's a typo) indicates that he was in the Yorkshire Regiment (Alexandra, Princess of Wales' Own), otherwise known as the Green Howards.


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Are you sure he was in the East Yorkshire Regiment? The medal inscription (unless you've been given incomplete info. or it's a typo) indicates that he was in the Yorkshire Regiment (Alexandra, Princess of Wales' Own), otherwise known as the Green Howards.

I was hoping the medal inscriptions were going to help but now I've got a new dilemma as you can see, I've got two conflicting references for this man and no MIC (well none that I've managed to find so far after two attempts) so was hoping that somebody would recognise the service number as belonging to a particular regiment.

At the moment I have no reason to doubt either of the references but obviously one is incorrect.

Any help greatly received.



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so was hoping that somebody would recognise the service number as belonging to a particular regiment.

Hi Steve.

If your man was post 1920, this would be easy. Unfortunately there was no "regimental number block" system as such during WW1 (in fact there are,I think ,three more soldiers with the number 42319 on SDGW, none of whom are in either regiment. I travelled a few numbers either side, but none are the East Yorks or Green Howards. The nearest was in the KOYLI and there's a real variety of units).

To add confusion, this service number would probably have been encountered in both the East Yorks and the Howards.


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Looks like another trip to the NA is called for and a third search through the MIC's, are there any MIC's filed out of alphabetical order?. If this fails again then I suppose a long winded way of finding him would be to trawl through the medal rolls for the two regiments concerned, time consuming I expect but I can't think of any other way as his service papers didn't survive.

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