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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


Guest demelza

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Ive been trying to trace any information about my grandfather.

I know he served in India at some point and thats the only definate I have.

My mother and I think that he was a deserter as he cut off contact with his family, changed his name and constantly moved around the country. My mother, (his daughter) was never told anything about his time in the army so cant help.

Does anybody know of how id go about looking for him? Are any records held anywhere of deserters?

Any help or advice would be fantastic and desperately needed.


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Hi Demelza

What was his name/Regt/number ? His medal index card and entry in the medal rolls will indicate whether he deserted. I've got a deserter in my village and his entry reads 'forfeits - deserted'. In case you didn't know, the documents I refer to are at the PRO in London. One of the Pals may look him up for you


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Thanks for that. I dont know his number or even what regiment he was in.

My motheres maiden name was Barton, and it wasnt until about 10 years ago that she found out that actually wasnt his name at all. He was very secretive and nothing was ever said to anyone about any time in the army. We only found out about his real name and that he was in the war when a cousin started doing a family tree.

The only definates i have is name, date of birth and where born and lived proior to the army, would this be able to help me?


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Hi Demelza

If you post you grandfathers names, both real and alias including all first names (because of the large number of men in the medal rolls, your can get several men with the same name, so it helps to put all know Christian names), in the going to the PRO section (I think thats the right section) were you can ask for help and some kind Pal going to the PRO may look up the info, like Micheal mentions above.


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