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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

2nd Bn. Essex Regt


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Just wondering if there was anybody who could tell me what the 2nd Essex were doing on the 13th of May 1915.

I've seen on the main site that they were part of the 4th Division which was taking part in The Battle of Frezenburg on that date, but was really tryinig to find out what the Battalion's role was specifically.

Any help would be much appreciated,


Ski :)

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From Ray Westlake's British Battalions on the Western Front Jan to May 1915

May-June 1915

Held line under bombardment and gas attack 1st - 2nd May. Casualties - 265 killed, wounded or missing. Relieved 9th and to reserve line at La Brique. Moved back to support line next day and on 13th took part in counter-attack at Mouse Trap Farm. John Burrows records in his history of 2nd Essex how 'A' and 'B' Companies moved forward under high explosive shellfire with great dash and determination. charging forward at the double, they were cheered on the 1/5th London Regiment, '... they reached the ridge when heavy machine gun fire swept them, but they never faltered.' Casualties - 180 killed, wounded or missing. Relieved and to Vlamertinghe Chateau 15th.


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Thankyou very much for the fast and detailed response, it's much appreciated.


Ski :)

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