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Krieg dem Kriege - book

Keith Longmore

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I stumbled on the 1924 anti-war book Krieg dem Kriege (War on War), by Ernst Friedrich, 1924, the other day. A truly horrific book: but I can remember some people who had received injuries in the GReat War such as those shown, when I was a child. Indeed, one of my mother's neighbours had been in the Great War, had a large chunk of skull gouged out by shrapnel, and was taken prisoner by the GErmans. They took him to hospital, and operated on him, putting in a silver plate to replace the lost bone. He lived to his eighties, so they must have done a decent job! And he wouldn't hear a word against them.

Has anyone out there looked at this book by Friedrich? You need a strong stomach, but I think it is an interesting publication, and was still being reprinted in 2005.

I am pleased that I got a copy and read it through; what does anyone else think?



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I stumbled on the 1924 anti-war book Krieg dem Kriege (War on War), by Ernst Friedrich, 1924, the other day. A truly horrific book: but I can remember some people who had received injuries in the GReat War such as those shown, when I was a child. Indeed, one of my mother's neighbours had been in the Great War, had a large chunk of skull gouged out by shrapnel, and was taken prisoner by the GErmans. They took him to hospital, and operated on him, putting in a silver plate to replace the lost bone. He lived to his eighties, so they must have done a decent job! And he wouldn't hear a word against them.

Has anyone out there looked at this book by Friedrich? You need a strong stomach, but I think it is an interesting publication, and was still being reprinted in 2005.

I am pleased that I got a copy and read it through; what does anyone else think?




I've just joined the forum, and noticed your post, as I've ordered this book only in the last couple of days. I'll happily add my comments. I've also just got hold of "Covenants with Death", a similar English book from 1934, which I'm just about to look at. If you like, I'll post comments on that as well.

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There's another German WW1 photobook along similar lines, Der Weltkrieg in Seiner Rauhen Wirklichkeit (The world war in its brutal/stark reality), which is well worth investing in.

You can find some of the images in it here:


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There's another German WW1 photobook along similar lines, Der Weltkrieg in Seiner Rauhen Wirklichkeit (The world war in its brutal/stark reality), which is well worth investing in.

You can find some of the images in it here:


Several of these photos also appear in "Covenants with Death".

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I've just joined the forum, and noticed your post, as I've ordered this book only in the last couple of days. I'll happily add my comments. I've also just got hold of "Covenants with Death", a similar English book from 1934, which I'm just about to look at. If you like, I'll post comments on that as well.

Hi Trevor. It is always interesting to hear a new opinion on a book. I would especially welcome your comments as I have not read either of these.

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Hi Trevor. It is always interesting to hear a new opinion on a book. I would especially welcome your comments as I have not read either of these.


I don't think I can express it any better than in the site mentioned above. Sadly, I think the book has lost its power to shock, now that we have become desensitised to mass slaughter. Also, many of the photos have already been published in mainstream works. Care must be observed to remember that this was published in 1934, as a timely [if ignored] warning, and that it was released to a society where censorship, particularly self-censorship, of the media was the norm. It is certainly less stomach-churning than I believe Krieg dem Kriege will prove to be when it arrives.

You will find a brief description of both Krieg Dem Kriege and Covenants with Death

On this link http://www.greatwardifferent.com/Great_War...e/Kriege_00.htm



Thanks for this, Chris.

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for those of you that are interested there is also a short film called "Forgotten Men". A film made in the early 30's in which ex soldiers from both sides expressed the hardships suffered. It also has some rather shocking footage of shell shock victims.

I have the book "Covenants with death" it had an original wax seal in the back with the most shocking pictures in.

I agree entirely with Trevor, with the aid of the Internet pictures like these have sadly become common place and can be found easily on an INTERNET search.

The book was meant to forewarn the horrors of another war, sadly it didn't work and neither did the second war.

What horrors would need to be put in a book now to warn our future generations?

"For young Willie McBride it all happened again, and again and again and again and again"

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for those of you that are interested there is also a short film called "Forgotten Men". A film made in the early 30's in which ex soldiers from both sides expressed the hardships suffered. It also has some rather shocking footage of shell shock victims.

I have the book "Covenants with death" it had an original wax seal in the back with the most shocking pictures in.

I agree entirely with Trevor, with the aid of the Internet pictures like these have sadly become common place and can be found easily on an INTERNET search.

The book was meant to forewarn the horrors of another war, sadly it didn't work and neither did the second war.

What horrors would need to be put in a book now to warn our future generations?

"For young Willie McBride it all happened again, and again and again and again and again"

I've had a look for this film, but as yet haven't found it. Do you know of a specialist dealer who may have it?

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I bought my copy from WH Smiths years ago.

It was made by Canal Images International 1999.

I have seen it advertised on Amazon but there are no copies available at the moment, i also cant find it on an internet search either.

pm me and we will sort something out.



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I received my copy of Krieg dem Kriege today, from Germany. A 2004 republication.

Again, I can't add any more to it than the review alluded to above, but I can say that it still retains its power to sicken.

It amply demonstrates the macabre absurdities that human beings perpetrate one upon another.


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