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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Charles White Royal Engineers?


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Attached is an image of my great grandfather after demob in 1919.

I am led to believe he was in the Royal Engineers but as a complete novice to this can somebody please tell me what the rank is. I don't think the image is clear enough to definitely identify the regiment but all comments greatly appreciated.


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The three stripes on each arm signify he was a Sergeant (at least ). Just above the stripes on his right arm you can see what is probably a crown; their is something on the left arm as well but I can't make it out so easily.

Anyway the crown suggests he was a Staff Sergeant. It's the highest non-commissioned officer (NCO) rank before you reach Warrant Officer (WO).


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Steve, he is not in a regiment; he is in a Corps - the Corps of Royal Engineers. RE was organised into Companies. You can not tell which Company of the Royal Engineers that he served with, from the photo. To determine that will require some detective work. Have you looked at "Grandad's War" on the Long, Long Trail? (Link on top left of this page).

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