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Info Request King's Liverpool 4th Bn.


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Looking for help to determine what action the 4th Bn., The King's (Liverpool Regiment) may have taken part in that caused the wounding of 2nd Lt. Thomas Guy Pocock on March 20, 1915 and his subsequent death on April 3, 1915. Any and all help is appreciated. If it helps he is burried at the St. Sever Cemetary, RouenSeine-Maritime, France. You guys are the best!



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I'm not sure that I can be much help here - my reply may raise more questions than it answers, but here goes:-

From Ray Westlake's 'British Battalions on the Western Front - January to June 1915'

"The 4th (Extra Reserve) Battalion, King's (Liverpool Regiment) landed at Le Havre on 6th March 1915 and next day moved by train to Lillers. To Robecq, 9th, and joined the Sirhind Brigade, Lahore Division. Moved forward to La Tombe Willot on the 10th and then in the evening to Vieille Chapelle.

They moved to Calonne in reserve on the 10th April, then back to Vieille Chapelle on the 23rd.Next day they marched via Estaires, Neuf-Berguin, Vieux Berguin, Outtersteen and Meteren to Berthen. Moved to Ouderdom on the 25th and then on 26th via Vlamertinghe and Ypres to reserve positions south-east of St. Jean. The Battalion came under shellfire for the first time on the way up. 2/Lieut. F.S. Lydden (Indian Army attached) was mortally wounded, one other officer wounded and 10 others killed or wounded."

Checking SDITGW for men of the 4th Bn. killed in 1915 I see that it gives the following:

1 man DOW on 5th Feb 1915

1 man KIA on 12th Feb 1915

1 man KIA on 1st March 1915

8 man KIA on 10th March 1915

1 man DOW on 11th March 1915

2 men KIA on 12th March 1915

1 man DOW on 14th

2 DOW & 3 KIA on 15th

1 DOW on 16th

1 DOW & 1 KIA on 17th

1 DOW & 2 KIA on 18th

1 DOW on 23rd

Pocock is the only officer listed as killed in that period in 4th Battalion.

It is strange to see such a discrepancy between SDITGW and Westlake's book, but it appears as though the Battalion were in action from February 1915 and from the casualties on 10th-15th March they might well have been involved in the Battle of Neuve Chapelle.

Although Westlake's book is based upon the accounts in the Battalion War Diary, it might be worth checking that in the first instance.



+++ Researching the 9th Bn., King's (Liverpool Regiment) and the men of Ormskirk, Lancashire and surrounding villages who served in the Great War +++

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First of all I am intrigued by your interest in Pocock - was he a relative?

I have discovered the following which I think answers your questions.

On 11 March, 1915, at about 8pm, 4 King’s (Liverpool) Regt left Vieille Chapelle and made their way to Richebourg St Vaaste where they billeted at about midnight. The Battalion was shelled heavily by the Germans the following day which resulted in the following casualties: 2nd Lt Carleton Lumley St Clair Clery (Unattached List Indian Army attd 4 KLR) killed, 2nd Lt Thomas Guy Pocock wounded, 2 other ranks were killed (Sgt Thomas James Wilson and Cpl William Henry Hobbs) and 13 Other ranks were wounded. Clery, Wilson and Hobbs are all buried in Vieille Chapelle New Military Cemetery. At 10.30am on 12th the Battalion marched to Neuve Chapelle and occupied reserve trenches – they were under fire all day.


Joe Devereux

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Ken & Joe,

Thanks so much for your help. I knew someone out there would have the answer. To answer your question Joe, I purchased Lt. Pococks personal service bible which was presented to him by his aunts before leaving for France. One other tidbit I came across was that his father (Captain Thomas Guy Pocock) was murdered by Chinese pirates when in command of the steamer SS NAMOA on Dec. 12, 1890. Thomas Pocock was only one year old at that time, he was born in Hong Kong.

Thanks again to you both for all your help.


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