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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

2nd Lt. Arthur CHITTENDEN 2nd Bn. Manchester Regt.

Sue Light

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2nd Lt. Arthur Chittenden was killed in action on 9/9/14. The battalion war diary says [with apologies for any mis-transcription]:

'Crossed MARNE at SAARCY. Bn. advance guard to Le Limon where they came under very heavy shell fire and were then deflected to attack enemy holding ridge and wood PISSELOUD with the remains of the 2nd Bn. Suffolk Regt. and 1st E. Surrey and 1st D.C.L.I. in support. Enemy’s resistance great and Capt. Foord was wounded Lts. Smith and Chittenden being killed outright and we lost 8 men killed and 37 wounded.

The Bn. bivouacked on hill covering road to BEZU.'

Does anyone have a 'History' and if so, does it enlarge on this action at all?

[i'm hoping so, as half the messages on the forum seem to involve the 'Mancs' :rolleyes: ]

Thanks - Sue [south of the Wash - Royal Sussex country]

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Yes, I have got the photo and biography of him - one of the very few photos I have of the men I'm interested in. When I knew nothing at all about the Great War I would have been more than happy with what I've got on him - now I've increased my knowledge to a tiny fraction of one per cent of what there is to know, I'm getting picky for more! :rolleyes:

Thanks - Sue

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