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Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby)


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For all the aficionados of the Notts and Derby Regimental numbering system - and I know you're out there B)

Here is the answer (hopefully) to the 7***** numbering system.

A few of us have long suspected that this numbering system was used to transfer men into the SFs from other Battns - well here is answer


Whilst there are certainly blocks of men who transfered in from other regiments (and also from the Notts and Derby TF), not all of them did. But they were assigned to Battns in blocks - quite intersting I think (at the risk of being an anorak ;) )

More info and a better image by e-mail if interested

I will endevour to complete the talbe on the next visit to NA. There are 3 medal rolls of 70000 numbers - I only got around to looking at 1 and half :(

Oh one last thing, there may be the odd error in there because time was pressing (i.e Billy Bloggs came from 1/5th), but they will be few and far between.



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Excellent stuff Mike. You've earned the pea green anorak you so covet.

Later in the sequence I can add:

70331 - 70387 from Leicestershire Reg't

70582 - 70709 (a very incomplete set , possibly up to at least 70824, but...) seem to be from 2nd line TF's

73000 - 73010 from Essex Reg't

73011 - 73032 from S. Staffs Reg't

73034 - 73055 from Northamptonshire Reg't

73056 - 73168 from S. Staffs (mostly 7th) to 11th SF on 21/07/1916 [info supplied by Greenwoodman]

73170 - 73233 to 11th SF on 21/07/1916 [info supplied by Greenwoodman], from Lincs, S. Staffs, Beds, Norfolk, Middlesex largely

73036 - 74200 from RWF

76107 - 76124 from Royal Engineers it seems

The 63*** series also seems full of transfers from other Reg'ts.

AND, your comment "More info and a better image by e-mail if interested". That would be me please!

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This mirrors the Lincs use of the 40000s range, which started in Sept 1916. Each draft numbered alphabetically.


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Excellent, extremely interesting

Have you managed to get to 71792? ;)


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Private Ellis is :)


Sorry Anthony but I didn't make it that far (but next visit in a couple months B) )

I was a real sad scientist and alloted time for specific tasks and when the clock struck I moved onto the next task, only way to get things done really :blink:

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Just to add to Andrew's earlier e-mail.

73034 to 73055 all transferred from 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment to (at least initially) the 11th Battalion Sherwood Foresters.

Not sure of the exact date of the transfer but it was certainly before 1 October 1916, which was the earliest date of death for any of these men.



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73034 to 73055 all transferred from 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment to (at least initially) the 11th Battalion Sherwood Foresters.

Mark, that's really useful - many thanks


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Hi Mike,

Thanks for the MIC.

Pte Ellis died whilst serving with the 11th.

I have a 73049 Pte W G Stanton who transferred from the Northants to the 11th. He fits nicely into Sparkys number range

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Related topic to this posting could anyone tell me which Battalion of SF would a soldier with the number 3460 been attached. The soldier I am looking at was Charles Ostick who died whilst with the 2/5th Hampshires but was formely with Notts and Derbys with the number given



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Unless your chap enlisted before about 1894, the number 3460 will be for a territorial soldier.

He is not 1/7th or 2/7th.

So could be 1/5th, 2/5th, 1/6th, 2/6th, 1/8th or 2/8th.

Mike Briggs will be able to rule in or out the 6th's battalions.

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I'm lost for words.

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Guest geoff501

Short anwer: I really am an anorak.

Long answer: to get as complete a list as possible of the Worcestershire Regiment men.


Short answer: I'm an anorak

Long answer: download everything, strip out the useful data, form into a delimited database, create a filter to pull out all the records of interest, sort on surname using an index or it'll take forever, generate html file, ftp to website. All done with a couple of computer languages, avoiding microsoft as much as possible.

A small modification to my system code created the N&D 7xxx stuff, sorted on number. You will note some of the numbers are not 7xxx, this is a glitch, the first N&D number allocated to the man apears in the third column, which is not always the 7xxx number. But the sorting is correct. Also some duplicated records are included. I'm guessing these are SWBs. There may also be transcription errors. Only way is to weed out manually.

I'm lost for words.


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Long answer: download everything, strip out the useful data, form into a delimited database, create a filter to pull out all the records of interest, sort on surname using an index or it'll take forever, generate html file, ftp to website. All done with a couple of computer languages, avoiding microsoft as much as possible.

A small modification to my system code created the N&D 7xxx stuff, sorted on number. You will note some of the numbers are not 7xxx, this is a glitch, the first N&D number allocated to the man apears in the third column, which is not always the 7xxx number. But the sorting is correct. Also some duplicated records are included. I'm guessing these are SWBs. There may also be transcription errors. Only way is to weed out manually.


I have no idea what you just said. :o

But do I care? This is brilliantly useful - and the 63*** series as well! How many more do you have, 'cos I can't see links from your home page?

Brilliant - very many thanks! :D

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7th Bn Sherwoods no 261. What on earth is that!?! :blink:

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Everything. :)

Actually, that's not a joke. As with most regiments, the logic of numbering goes a bit haywire after the introduction of conscription, and in the case of the SF this begins around about the 35*** mark.

You've helped us massively with the 7**** and 63*** series though.

Of course, if you were offering......the 9**** series would be my next desire. :ph34r:

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Unless your chap enlisted before about 1894, the number 3460 will be for a territorial soldier.

He is not 1/7th or 2/7th.

So could be 1/5th, 2/5th, 1/6th, 2/6th, 1/8th or 2/8th.

Mike Briggs will be able to rule in or out the 6th's battalions.

Yes, i second that, as my Gt Uncle was a Terry..his Reg no is 3628 (2nd London Reg Royal Fusilier)

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Because it is deserved, for services above and beyond the call of duty (and possibly sanity), may I say


to Geoff!! :)

You know why!

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