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Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby)


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How about 68** numbers?? :lol:

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How about 68** numbers?? :lol:

Anthony - check your e-mail!!

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Don't do those in green do you?

Suppose me medal is in the post :D


Anything you want!

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Guest geoff501
Thank you from me also :D


A virtual medal, Thanks! will look good next to my Disgraceful Conduct Medal.

Patina, unpolished, just as I like them.

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Absolutely outstanding ! :D

I'm lost for words :blink:

Many thanks


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May i add a MASSIVE THANK YOU aswell!!

Absolutely stunning!!

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Thinking further on what Andrew posted re: Cliff's dad in the 1/7th, 9th etc

Here is an update on the 7**** numbers in that I've added dates for the men's transfers


Now what we really need is more dates of transfers to tie down when these numbers were issued

You can find these on Army Form B103 or "Statement of Service", which are found in the Army Pension Records.

So if you come accross these numbers for Notts and Derby men, please see if this information is there ;)



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  • 4 weeks later...

Geoff, thank you. :rolleyes:

You are going to have to attend the next East Midlands meet, just so that we can all fall to the floor in front of you and worship. We might even buy you a drink*.

This is brilliant. Some time soon, when I have a little time, I'm going to have to try to figure out how I / we (the SF mob) can merge all this data into something 'big'. Right now I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed.

(* a small one - we're tight)

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Bother - i was just about to start that !!!! ;)

Well done that man.

I have a number of the headstones, mainly 9th men but a few others as well.

9th men - all in Belgium. Sebourg area, mazingarbe, Loos. Hopefully finish Somme in August. Then just the coastal ones, gallipoli and some oddd cemeteries in France to do.

Treat yourself to half a shandy and I will let you have the money after I have made my first million as an author (be lucky if I break even)


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Guest geoff501
Bother - i was just about to start that !!!! ;)

Well done that man.

I blame Alan Turing.

Treat yourself to half a shandy and I will let you have the money after I have made my first million as an author (be lucky if I break even)

He's right, you are tight. No signed first edition copy?

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I blame Alan Turing.

He's right, you are tight. No signed first edition copy?

For a large price i will sign it in blood :blink: I have to pay for the Rolls Royce my wife ordered.

I want to join Skindles but cannot afford to by everyone a drink :( being a War Pensioner ( violin music begins)

stevem (hard up Chelsea out pensioner, spinster of this parish)

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Guest geoff501
This is brilliant. Some time soon, when I have a little time, I'm going to have to try to figure out how I / we (the SF mob) can merge all this data into something 'big'. Right now I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed.

I've run a check of this data against my previous MIC data. Actually I stopped it at around 2000 record. It seems that about 4% either don't have MIC entries (matching name and number) or have errors. Manually checking the first 10 of the missing entries, four had wrong numbers (this is errors in the MIC indexing, one digit wrong or missing) and 6 I could not find a MIC at all. Tried searching for the numbers to see if it pulled up a badly transcribed name but found none. All were oversea deaths. All were OK in SDGW. If you want a full list of the mismatched records - there'll be around 400-500 :( ....if I run it to the end.

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...If you want a full list of the mismatched records - there'll be around 400-500....

Geoff, do you really need to ask? Have you not already figured that we SF folk are grasping types?

On a serious note though, some of us have discussed how best to deal with all this data that you have so marvellously supplied without, it has to be said, coming up with much of an answer. I've not been a great help as I've been a bit bogged down with work over the last few weeks and I know Mike is the same.

We've now got the massive MIC data-set and the massive CWGC data-set. And some of us have got our own databases too. How do we merge them? What do we do now? :unsure:

Chaps, I feel that this summer's meet should have an agenda that is slightly more detailed than i) curry ii) pub iii) er...

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Chaps, I feel that this summer's meet should have an agenda that is slightly more detailed than i) curry ii) pub iii) er...

I agree. Although not a Forester aficionado (but a regimental numbering saddo), I would like to hear a bit more about the numbering system, how it was used, how you have all went about researching it and also it would be good to tease out from Geoff the technical know-how of extracting this type of data to set up a web site with links.


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Guest geoff501
there'll be around 400-500 :( ....if I run it to the end.

Actually 630. Although quite a number are home deaths, presumably no MIC, which bumped up the total.

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I've run a check of this data against my previous MIC data. Actually I stopped it at around 2000 record. It seems that about 4% either don't have MIC entries (matching name and number) or have errors. Manually checking the first 10 of the missing entries, four had wrong numbers (this is errors in the MIC indexing, one digit wrong or missing) and 6 I could not find a MIC at all. Tried searching for the numbers to see if it pulled up a badly transcribed name but found none. All were oversea deaths. All were OK in SDGW. If you want a full list of the mismatched records - there'll be around 400-500 :( ....if I run it to the end.

Geoff great stuff - many thanks (I'll have to go away more often it this is what awaits my return :) )

Regarding missing MICs - all I can add is that 4% doesn't surpise me. In compiling a list of 6/Foresters I have about 40 men whom I can't find an MIC for, but I know they served in France because they were either wounded (and this is recorded) or arived in specific drafts (that were also recorded)............they must have just be lost over time

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Guest geoff501
Regarding missing MICs - all I can add is that 4% doesn't surpise me. In compiling a list of 6/Foresters I have about 40 men whom I can't find an MIC for, but I know they served in France because they were either wounded (and this is recorded) or arived in specific drafts (that were also recorded)............they must have just be lost over time

I think around 2% are missing and 2% have indexing errors.

More issues, there seem to be quite a few duplicate regiment numbers, index errors? or do these belong to different battalions? - a few examples:

Adams 1561


Peach 1561


Diggle 4952


Giles 4952


I'v also noted several hundred (not sure yet, could be 200 - 400) instances where the name has a different spelling. Checking a random sample of 20 of these against SDGW, 7 are in agreement with MIC and 13 with CWGC.


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Have you considered sharing your info with the Sherwood Foresters Musuem so they can add it to thier data base, the aim of which is to hold the details of as many sherwood foresters as possible. The Museum Data base currently runs in excess of 8000 names and varying details.



Geoff, do you really need to ask? Have you not already figured that we SF folk are grasping types?

On a serious note though, some of us have discussed how best to deal with all this data that you have so marvellously supplied without, it has to be said, coming up with much of an answer. I've not been a great help as I've been a bit bogged down with work over the last few weeks and I know Mike is the same.

We've now got the massive MIC data-set and the massive CWGC data-set. And some of us have got our own databases too. How do we merge them? What do we do now? :unsure:

Chaps, I feel that this summer's meet should have an agenda that is slightly more detailed than i) curry ii) pub iii) er...

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Have you considered sharing your info with the Sherwood Foresters Musuem so they can add it to thier data base, the aim of which is to hold the details of as many sherwood foresters as possible. The Museum Data base currently runs in excess of 8000 names and varying details.


Several of us have (behind the scenes) been discussing ways forward for a little while. 'Our' collective database significantly exceeds that of the museum.

I, for one, have no desire to horde information jealously and I am sure that as part of our action plan, whenever this gets formulated, the museum will play an important role on both a give and take basis. Some of us have already benefitted from and contributed to their existing database.

Our problem for now is to find a way of merging our data and creating coherence.

It's a bit like juggling jelly.

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More issues, there seem to be quite a few duplicate regiment numbers, index errors? or do these belong to different battalions? - a few examples:

Geoff, more than likely they will be the different Battalions of the Territorial Force - 1/5, 1/6. 1/7, 1/8 and then the 2nd and 3rd line Battalions. Potential you could have four sets of numbers running up to about 5600, although quite a few of these men would have left the TF prior to 1914 or not served overseas so there will be gaps.



Andrew - I agree

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