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Stolen War Memorial


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Hi all

It seems that they may have got the chap that caused all this angst!



I wonder what stiff penalty he may face.... <_<

He should have his face plastered on every billboard and newspaper in the country..

what a scummy piece of humanity he must be..



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I wonder what stiff penalty he may face.... <_<

He should have his face plastered on every billboard and newspaper in the country..

what a scummy piece of humanity he must be..



completely agree, lowest form of life and scum of humanity :angry:

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completely agree, lowest form of life and scum of humanity :angry:


Personally, I rather rate lower those who assault, rape or murder others or break into people's houses. Not exactly up there with your Fred Wests and Harold Shipmans.


(PS: not quite sure what would be achieved by plastering a man's face (presumably if he's convicted) on billboards in my area or publishing his photo in the Stockport newspapers. I mean, apart from anything else, unless he travelled here, he'd never know it'd been done, would he. And all us Stopfordians would be thinking - who the 'eck's that bloke in the paper and what the 'eck has Middlesborough got to do with owt - are they playing County next week? )

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The PC soft judicial system we have now will probably find it was not his " fault " and ask him to behave in future.

A touch of the " birch " would ensure his memory does not fail.

Good news that the memorial was recovered.

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Go easy on him. He's a victim of our society. Thefts like these have been going on forever and until a few years ago the scrappie wouldn't have turned him in.


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He's a victim of our society.

Possibly - but we do know whoever did this is a thief.

Just like the last person to be birched in England. Of course, he grew up to become one of the Great Train Robbers.


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Thefts like these have been going on forever and until a few years ago the scrappie wouldn't have turned him in.

Presumably the scrap merchant was offered the plaque and turned the thief away, rather than bought it and then thought better of it when the balloon went up.

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Guest geoff501
Come on, how can the culprit in this be the victim

Perhaps he's a victim of Afghanistan's finest. Fifty pound a day habit.

There's another war Tommy Atkins has to deal with.

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Personally, I rather rate lower those who assault, rape or murder others or break into people's houses. Not exactly up there with your Fred Wests and Harold Shipmans.


(PS: not quite sure what would be achieved by plastering a man's face (presumably if he's convicted) on billboards in my area or publishing his photo in the Stockport newspapers. I mean, apart from anything else, unless he travelled here, he'd never know it'd been done, would he. And all us Stopfordians would be thinking - who the 'eck's that bloke in the paper and what the 'eck has Middlesborough got to do with owt - are they playing County next week? )


I have to agree with your comments that there are more serious crimes commited.

As for your P.S the more crime is brought to the forefront of society the better chance we have of tackling it, we live in an media age and if there is a chance communities are aware these persons are known offenders and that they will be watched the better chance we have of reducing crimes. Lets face it no one including the people of Stockport want a known thief walking down their street looking for opportunities ;)

If offenders know their actions could lead to being publicly shamed they may hesitate in commiting crimes.


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Perhaps he's a victim of Afghanistan's finest. Fifty pound a day habit.

There's another war Tommy Atkins has to deal with.


am inclined to agree, several wars are now having to be fought by Tommy Atkins unfortunately most on home soil.


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In My Opinion, This Scum should be Publicly Flogged & Placed in the The Stocks! :angry::angry:

I wonder what His Ancestors where Doing in the Great War? (I bet He does'nt Know either!)

Yet another shemefull example of a Lack of Education (& Moral Fibre!) :(

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I agree with naming and shaming especially in the culprits home area and surrounds, many years ago I was visiting Scunthorpe and was amazed to see in local bars a mugs gallery displayed of known yobos who were barred from all the particular brewerys premises.

Why cant there be a local barring order placed on culprits from entering the grounds of churches, locations of memorials etc... with an autonmatic 1,000 pound fine if they are found breaking the order or 6 months inside. Alternatively 6 months in bright Day-Glo Orange worksuits doiung community service such as cleaning up dog poo and litter.

Connaught Stranger. :D

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Of course our initial instinct is birching/hanging/sending to the colonies as a convict, etc. How dare such scum steal a war memorial for temporary personal gain!

But let us think a bit deeper. Yes, there needs to be some deterring punsihment, but what about re-education? It would prove interesting to make the culprit write down, explain and have published his logic in stealing the metal and selling it for scrap, and how he evaluated that against the upset it causes the community, to those who have relatives listed and who gave their lives for his freedom. Of the sense of despair that any surviving servicemen who have pals listed on the memorial might feel about the crime. No he probably did not bother to make that equation at all. But perhaps he should now?

In short, he has been brainwashed by his peers into not caring less about all the above. How about he is now brainwashed into being a better member of society?

The problem we see here is the outward manifestation of our society as a whole, and the declining standards it appears to accept. To have any real chance at preventing this crime we need to educate

and raise people in a world that cares more. That is where the problem lies.


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In short, he has been brainwashed by his peers into not caring less about all the above. How about he is now brainwashed into being a better member of society?


Generally agree Ian. However I remember a certain prominent politician of the 70's to 90's tell us "there is no such thing as society...".

I reckon you can count the accelerated decline from the acceptance of attitudes like that.

Chris C

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If offenders know their actions could lead to being publicly shamed they may hesitate in commiting crimes.

Of course, the names of many offenders are already published in local newspapers as part of court reports - and, of course, the more lurid the case, the more likelihood of coverage.

By co-incidence, today's Observer carries a report that the name and photograph of a young man from Middlesborough is now plastered across the backs of local buses because he was given an anti-social behaviour order. What a wonderful example of "naming & shaming" (not). Because everyone now knows his face, he is out of work and finds it impossible to get a job. Just the sort of thing to integrate him back into society? We'd do well to have less of these stupid knee jerk ideas.


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The PC soft judicial system we have now will probably find it was not his " fault " and ask him to behave in future.

A touch of the " birch " would ensure his memory does not fail.

Good news that the memorial was recovered.

Another fiver off of Mrs. R...its like taking sweets from children :)

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You and Mrs R still doing that one?

And with 8 to spare, IIRC. :lol:



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What a wonderful example of "naming & shaming" (not). Because everyone now knows his face, he is out of work and finds it impossible to get a job. Just the sort of thing to integrate him back into society? We'd do well to have less of these stupid knee jerk ideas.


Must disagree John, This is just what needs to happen. Sweep it under the carpet and in a week its forgotten. Make an example (as has been done ) an just maybe it might make others heading in the same direction stop and think ? Its harsh I know but not half as harsh as it needs to be. "MO"

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Of course there will always be a segment of society looking to make excuses for low-life criminals,

I always liked the "If you cant do the time, dont do the crime." Slogan.

While in this case it was a piece of metal off a wall, (a victim-less crime) the same person and others of his ilk are just as capable of entering somebodys home and stealing items.

Ironicaly, the law offers more protection and rights to the criminal than there victims :blink:

But then again nobody seems to care at all about the victims of crime.

Connaught Stranger. :D

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Ironicaly, the law offers more protection and rights to the criminal than there victims :blink:

But then again nobody seems to care at all about the victims of crime.

What absolute tosh.

And what an insult to those working within the UK's criminal justice system

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the law offers more protection and rights to the criminal than theivictims

What absolute tosh.

Try telling that to some of the victims, I feel sure they will disagree.

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Going back to the memorial theft please be vigilant for your local memorials. Im sure that most if not all people on this website do just that-but if you know local scrap dealers maybe best to let them know whta might happen. Hats off to the dealer that handed it the Middlesborough one in.

I suspect that some of the figures may be being snapped up by American buyers as with the spate of PO box thefts a few years ago. 'Ornamental British street furniture' is in big demand and figures that may have been created by high profile sculptors may be more than of scrap value to certain lower forms of pond life.

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