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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

SDGW lookup please


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I read that the SDGW CD had the facility to look up how many people from a particular battalion etc. were killed on a certain day. Does it also show the circumstances that they died in? I wondered how many men died with my Grandfather on 27th April 1918 in Belgium (specific area unknown) and whether the circumstances are down on the CD. Anyway I am a novice with this, so if I am wrong feel free to let me know!! He was William Fred West No:15627 Royal Engineers 20th Army Troops Company. We haven't been able to ascertain where or in what action he was killed. He does have records at Kew, but our relative couldn't find these details.

Thanks again

Kind Regards


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Thanks for that. It is so sad. With 5 of them being together, we can only imagine what happened.

Thanks again.

Kind Regards


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