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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Ox & Bucks Light Infantry

Martin Felstead

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My g-uncle is in this pic and I am looking to the Pals for some help with it. The original is rather faded and not very large but as well as the Lo Res scan for the post here I have scanned it at a very high Res and copied and enlarged bits of it which I will post too.

G-Uncle was Pte 17537 Harold Maker, and first went overseas on 1st Oct 1915 in a draft to 5th Bn. So, first question is - was this taken before then or was it taken in France?

There is a Captain and two Subalterns all with sleeve rank badges, one, possible two W.O.s, a Colour Sergeant, one other Sergeant that I can see, and a Corporal and few Lance-Jacks, in all I think 64 chaps all told. Some of the men have a sort of elasticated weather cover over their caps and many more men are sporting assorted flags - Union Flags, and a combination Union, French Tricolour, Belgian and ANOther - draped over their hats...!! They are all wearing leather equipment and stiffened forage caps except the Captain. They also all wear a lanyard on the left shoulder and no shoulder titles that I can see.


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Pic 4) W.O. - CSM possibly? Note the medal ribbons (is that a Boer War QSA?)

Pic 5) Another W.O. and a Colour/Staff Sergeant. The W.O. also has medal ribbons and what is the fancy collar...???



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Pic 10) Flag headress & lucky horseshoe ( I cannot read the placard and believe me I've tried!)

Pic 11) and finally, g-uncle Harold, looking very serious amongst the mirth....



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I nearly forgot this - a postcard (nothing on the back) but in the bottom right hand corner - just out of this pic - "H.Smith, Bovington,Dorset" - Any ideas which unit of Ox & Bucks L.I. this could be?


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