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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Harp and Crown

Ciaran Byrne

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I've just completed a history of the 5th Royal Irish Lancers covering the period 1902 - 1922. It details their service during World War One as well as their service in India and eventual disbandment and amalgamation with the 16th Lancers.

If anyone is interested, you can buy in direct from the publisher here:

Click Here to Purchase Book

Apologies if this is breaking any forum rules, please zap this post if it is and accept my apologies.

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After all the hard work you have put in, I am delighted to see this labour of love come to fruition. Nice job by a long term forum member.


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Thanks Des. Its taken three years to get this off the ground and finally now its out. What a relief!

I have also started another project on medals and awards to the Cavalry during World War One. Hopefully this won't take as long! :D

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Thanks Des. Its taken three years to get this off the ground and finally now its out. What a relief!

I have also started another project on medals and awards to the Cavalry during World War One. Hopefully this won't take as long! :D

Is this book available in hardcover?


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Sorry, at this time its only available in softcover.

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Well done Ciaran. I would be most interested to read the finished article.



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Well done Ciaran. I would be most interested to read the finished article.



Nice one.

I gave both your and Des a mention for the proofreading too.

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Mate, it was no trouble - I only hope that I wasn't too much of a pain!

Roxy ;)

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No not at all. It was much appreciated.

I also gave the forum a mention in the book too. Not that it needed any publicity! I think the world and his wife have heard of this great forum.

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  • 8 months later...

Just shows what you can unearth when you play with the serach engine...

I missed this the first time round and having read a draft copy of this book and found it of great interest, well researched and worth a read.



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