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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Birdsong by Sebastian Faulkes

steve fuller

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I finished reading Birdsong last night and thought it was an excellent, thought-provoking read.


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I am more the type to read books on factual accounts on the Great War.

I purchased Birdsong by curiosity.. saw the cover with the soldier on it, gave a quick look at the back and seeing there was GW invovled and the clearance price bought it.

I found it a book that was very powerful at times. Written well enough that as a scene in a scary movie, one cringed thinking of the images being drawn out.

Its not a GW book, but a book set in the Great War. And as said previously in this thread, is a good book that can to the uneducated on the subject, help show the horror of the GW.

Frankly, I loved the book.

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first time i read it, i have to say i enjoyed it, but re reading it a number of years later it made my toes curl with embarrasment (the war scenes) 1 july 1916 and slaughter, no getting away from lions led by donkeys, as for scenes with padre on his knees watching the attack ribbing of his rosery (think ive got that about right) , i mean how bad?

tunnelers in 1916 rather good, but where the hell were they meant to be tunneling in november 1918,? gives the impression that it was static from start to finish, and a for the British/german embrasing as the war ends, oh god.

i parts though good, and if it gets people interested in the subject (and i have to say when i lived on the somme several years ago and did tours, this seemed the starting point for a considerable amout of people), then i think it does has a purpose


i actually took some of the tv company around the somme when William Haig had this on the big read, intersting day, picking locations

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just a quick note, had a female friend who said the great war was boring etc etc , she read this on the recommendation of another friend and has completely changed her mind in fact now states we should do more to remember them. also read it myself excelent book, some great feeeling

Rich M :blink::ph34r:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not bad at all, unless you want an all out, death or glory war book, in which case dont buy it!

Yep, I would agree with this comment.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I thought it well written and (from the small amount of Somme based research I have done), found it pretty accurate regarding place names, etc.

I suppose we should all remember that it is a work of fiction and that the main aim of the author (I suppose) is to entertain and to some smaller level educate.

Some have said that the first 100 pages were hard to get through and I understand what you mean, however, I think the character of Stephen Wraysford is all the more powerful for those pages that detail his background and his passion. Obviously, during the war we see these emotions diminish.

A thoughtful and well presented book and definitely better than watching eastenders !!!


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  • 2 years later...
  • Admin

Son is reading this for A Level English Lit, and was asking us last night about Wraysford; his teacher reckons that Wraysford is bisexual. We all agreed that as far as we can recollect there isn't any reference to this- reckon she is mixing him up wiith Prior in Regeneration.


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The book was introduced to me by a client of my mother (runs a bookshop ... very convenient, as you might guess... )

I liked it, but I'l not going to advertise it as "the ultimate". Some of the descriptions are not a 100% accurate, but hey, it's a novel ... It's certainly a way of enjoying some very nice reading.

Some of you made the link with "regeneration". Although I did not like those books, honestly. But there I'm honestly biased: as it tells partially the story of Sassoon and I already had decided that I absolutely despised him as an officer!!


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I read Birdsong some years ago before my interest in world war one was ignited. It is the only book where I have had a physical reaction to reading a passage in a book. Without giving too much away when a bomb exploded I experience a very strange physical reaction to it which was very weird. It is a book I dont think I will read again soon because I know I probably wouldnt have the same reaction to it


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  • 2 months later...

I read it on a recommendation, I shall not be reading any other recommendations from that source. If you like romantic flim flam you will enjoy it, but as far as being historically correct, it leaves a lot to be desired.

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Herself & I both took the opposite view, Kim. Enjoyed the book and started to watch the TV programme. Gave up after 20 minutes as not being at all gripped, entertained or whatever.

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As with much on TV nowadays, I find that the programmes are being carried by their art directors. This programme looks simply splendid on HD TV. The french house interiors are great as are the costumes. The actual content is becoming secondary.

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