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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Remembering Today

Terry Denham

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Tomorrow the Forum will probably have the least number of visits for any day throughout the year - understandably so.

However, one man will be here all day quietly sitting at the top of each page. He was not fraternising in No Man's Land all those years ago or enjoying his rum ration as he was busy losing his life elsewhere.

If you can spare a minute between the turkey and mince pies tomorrow, please logon just to remember him for a few seconds. If you can't (especially those with small kids!) just spare a thought for him at some point.

Have a great day tomorrow whether you are celebrating Christmas or not.

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Despite chaos from the kids (no doubt!) I'll be logging on as well; I always think of my Uncle Dan at Christmas; he spent the one for 1914 at Plugstreet (my avatar is one of his mates who was there with him at that time), the one for 1915 at Gallipoli, the one for 1916 at Sailly-Saillesel on the Somme, the one for 1917 recovering from being gassed at Bourlon Wood, and the one for 1918 digging spuds in an Agricultural Coy of the Labour Corps.

And a generation later, sixty years ago my Dad was spending his first winter in Italy.

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I'm sure that I'll be logging on once or twice amidst the chaos that grandchildren create.

I'll be remembering them all.


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I will be logging on tommorow, to remember those who have gone before and those who are serving now.

Any how If I don't I know there will be at least three pages of new posts to look at on boxing day !!!!.


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Add my name to the list of those who will be logging on on Christmas day.

Merry Christmas, all.

Cheers from Canada,


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I too will be logging on tomorrow to pay special respects to the man at the top of the page and to toast my great-uncle who lost his life in the German counter- attack of April 1918.

Also to remember all of those past and present who are serving their countries throughout the world..

A merry and safe Christmas to one and all.


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Taking time-out to remember John William Harrison and all those who gave their lives.


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43048 Private

OWEN ROHAN WATERS 7TH (Service) Battalion Norfolk Regiment

who died on Monday 25th December 1916

Aged 25 years

One of the last recorded wounded at Hope Street, Arras was Owen Waters. He was taken to 41 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station) in the village of Wanquetin. The following is from its diary:

12th December: fall of snow this morning. Remaining (patients) 123

14th December: RE (Royal Engineers) started putting up electric light

16th December: Considerable air activity, one of the Armstrong units hit by a ‘time fuse’

19th December: very cold day – snow in the afternoon

23rd December: ‘The Bluebirds’ (30th Div) gave concert in the evening

25th December: Xmas day, concert for patients. Admissions 5 inc. 1 officer and 1 wounded. No 43048 Pte Waters O.R. died, sw arm (shrapnel wound – arm). Remaining (patients) 143

He left behind a young wife and a seven-month old son who will be very honoured to know that we have remembered the father he never knew on this day.

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As the sun shines through the window I have a few moments to reflect before the family come along for dinner. I light 3 candles, 1 to all my relations, 1 to the CSM Albert Brown and 1 to those whos life has been cut short by war.

We must remember


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Remembering 593381 L/Cpl Albert Francis Gains 1/18 Bn London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) K.I.A on Trench Raid on 7th April 1917 commemorated on Menin Gate also remembering his brother A/200268 Rfn Arthur Edward Gains 16 Bn Kings Royal Rifle Corps K.I.A. 12th October 1918 Commemorated on the Vis-En-Artois Memorial, they paid the ultimate sacrifice. Never Forgotten.


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I will be thinking of the men that gave there lives on this special of special days, but also all of the soldiers who paid the ultimate price for the freedom that sadly a lot of people take for granted, and I ask that we all spare a moments thought for all our soldiers serving in far off lands. I will lift a glass and say a quiet thank you.

Best of the Season

Rob. B.

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Remembering 593381 L/Cpl Albert Francis Gains 1/18 Bn London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) K.I.A on Trench Raid on 7th April 1917 commemorated on Menin Gate also remembering his brother A/200268 Rfn Arthur Edward Gains 16 Bn Kings Royal Rifle Corps K.I.A. 12th October 1918 Commemorated on the Vis-En-Artois Memorial, they paid the ultimate sacrifice. Never Forgotten.


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As Christmas Day slips away, I have managed to get online at last.... pause for reflection on the day and what it was like nearly 90 years ago.... a shudder goes up my spine and i feel cold for a moment.

I raise a glass of whiskey...


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