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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

40th Company, Labour Corps

Chris Noble

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Sorry no locations for 40 Company for this date.

The group they were in had its headquarters at Sheet 28 (G.6.c.2.2) but they do not identify where 40 Company were working.

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Reason for asking Ivor.

Local casualty, previously 33759, Lincs. Reg, buried Ypres Reservoir. Any idea how he ended up in Labour Corps?

Sorry to pick your brains on Boxing Day :D


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Guest Ian Bowbrick


The 40th Coy Labour Corps was formed from the 1st Infantry Labour Coy of the Lincolnshire Regt so your man was an original member of 40th Coy.


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Guest Ian Bowbrick


Some more info about your man:

1. His Labour Corps number would be in the range 23401 - 24000

2. He was probably Medical Category B2

3. In civilian life he probably was a Labourer or at least use to manual work.

4. 1st Inf Lab Coy Lincs Regt/40th Coy came under the command of the OC Depot Durham Light Infantry.

Hope this is useful - who was he?


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Private Durham's Labour Corps number was 23539 which confirms that, as Ian said, he was one of the original members of 40 Company.

Although there is no reference to what happened he is shown as Killed in Action and we know that another member of 40 Company died of wounds on the same day. Experience would suggest that the Company probably came under shell fire either whilst working or marching to or from work.

He would have arrived in France on 13 March 1917 and were employed on repairing the roads and railways and moving ammunition. During August 1917 we know they were employed on repairing the forward roads and frequently came under shellfire.

There is one comment of Ian's that I would query - when he says

In civilian life he probably was a Labourer or at least use to manual work.

Whilst many of the men in the Infantry Labour Companies did have this type of background there were probably as many men in these Companies who had a different background. It was a man's medical category that placed him in a Labour unit not his background.

Hope this helps

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Cheers for all the info guys, that's just what i was looking for.

I'll take this opportunity to wish you both a very prosperous and peaceful New Year.

Regards, Chris.

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