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My congrats to the bold Swizz who hails from God's Country on the publication of her excellent volume.

I've been trying to PM the poor lass back but summat has happened and the system won't let me!!

Suffice to say, aside from her decision to forsake the blue skies of Ulster for the misty grey skies of somewhere in Englandshire (silly woman got married) she is a totally sound indvidual who has helped me out a lot.

The book hasn't reached my direction yet but Waterstones in my home town will shortly be getting the message.

Big round of is called for.

Clap .......


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Thanks everyone (esp Des - I have PMed you!). Having spent more than three years doing the research I must say it's very satisfying to see the end result in print (and exciting to see it for sale in bookshops!) :D


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This book seems to have a thorough, useful and unusual approach. I look forward to reading it. :)


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Well done, hearty congrats to you.

What a slog you must of had, but it is now worth it. Imagine, all those people (myself included) that you will educate with this book.

If you can, sit back, put your feet up and enjoy your congratulations.


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This sounds like an important study with lots of resonances today. Well done Swizz. It must be good, Amazon are only giving a 5% discount!

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A short essay by Swizz and two articles by Prof. Keith Jeffrey (who is, I think, either doing or has just finished a history of MI5!!) can be found at this link. Well worth reading even if I do so so say selfmy!


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Many congrats


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Congrats Swizz, well done.


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Thanks again everyone - its so nice that people from the forum are taking the time to comment on this thread!

A happy Swizz :D

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It's obviously selling well, as you appear to have acquired a second home in Lombardy!

Well done Swizz!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I notice comments about amazon.

For each copy of my book that they sell, I get £3.40. I retail it at £10. They charge £11.99, plus p&p.

No wonder they make money!


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You can get your own back on Amazon by joining their Associates programme!

I can't remember the percentages, but when you make a direct link to an Amazon book from your own website, using the special code they give you, *you* get say 7 percent of the cover price on its sales (it doesn't have to be your own book). And if the buyer then wanders off through the Amazon site and orders a DVD, an Ipod and some children's toys, that you *didn't* link to, you still get a (smaller) commission.

I do this from my own website, and it certainly helps to defray the costs of *my* book (not WWI-related).


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