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Bapaume 24th March 1918


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My grandfather was wounded and captured in this operation. From his memoires and the War Diaries I can place his position at Biefvillers just west of Bapaume.

How can I find out which German units were attacking there that day, and what records might they have left.

As a supplementary, grandfather was lying wounded and picked up later in the day/night/next day when a "young German F.O.O with signallers came along". Does this mean Forward Observation Officer and how would he have been recognised as such.


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According to the British Official History, Bapaume was attacked by the 1st Guard Reserve and the 20th Infantry Divisions. Bapaume itself was occupied by the Guard Reserve Regiment No 2, though this is not necessarily directly related to your grandfather's situation.

The path of the 20th Division was Noreuil-Bapaume-Grevillers-Irles-Miraumont. The 1st Guards Reserve Division was probably north of the 20th Division.

The German FOO may have spoken English and identified himself as such. His equipment and the presence of signallers would also have been identifiers.


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I did a quick check of the records have, the 79th IR and 92 IR from the 20th Division advanced too far south to have been involved with Biefvillers, I do not have the records of the third regiment. From looking at the maps that accompany the regimental history it is also possible that Biefvillers was along the route taken by the 195th Division, 6th, 8th and 14th Jäger Regiments. Unfortunately I do not have any of the records for these units.

I will continue to check to see if I can pinpoint the unit that fought in this area on the 24th.


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Thank you both. Yes, I've just looked up the few details I have too (memoires, WD of 41st Bn MGC, 123 Inf Bde, 23rd Bn Mddx & a not very clear map!).

I think he was with bits of the 23rd Middlesex, certainly with their CO when he was killed, seems they had been attacked to N of Biefvillers but were retiring westwards.

I'd be grateful Ralph, to see what else you may come up with - what is reference to relevant (German) official histories ?

Robert thank you - but yes, what would "his equipment and presence of signallers" have comprised / been - what would they have looked like !?

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I am not sure what you meant by "what is reference to relevant (German) official histories ?" but I have two regimental histories from the 20th Division, one of which has a map ahowing the 195th Division being on their right, the approximate area of Biefvillers. The maps unfortunately show the path and dates for the particular unit and do not show surrounding areas.

I have other period German maps and hopefully one will show the path of the 195th Division, then it is a search for the roght regiment. Fortunately I have a friend who might have all 3 regimental histories from the 195th and if so we might be able to pinpoint the unit and see what the history shows. I will keep you advised.


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Ralph, I'm very grateful. I'm an old fashioned historian (even though the 1WW is fairly modern to me !). What I meant was that when you / your friend, finds any details, I would like to know book/author/title/page/etc. Julian

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