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out of my life - von hindenburg


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Anyone read this book , any comments , reviews please . Regards Ian

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Anyone read this book , any comments , reviews please . Regards Ian

I have a 1934 edition which has some unusual pictures of him. One as a very dashing 2nd Lieutenant. I have never sat down to read it, I use it for reference. If you are interested in Hindenburg or the German High Command I reckon it is well nigh indispensable. My edition being prewar is printed in Fraktur, I don't know if there are newer editions in a typeface which would be easier on the eye.

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I never knew such a book existed. I have been looking for a book from a Great War commander for a while now...I was going to read about Haig as a starting point but this seems interesting. I'm going book shopping this morning, so I will have a wee look for it.

Lynz :lol:

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Hi Lynz, you may be interested in " The Warlords" by John Lee, ( Hindenburg & Ludendorff) or " The Great War Generals On The Western Front", Robin Neillands. I had some slight doubts about the second one's conclusions but it is a very good description of the war from the point of view of the Allied High Command.

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I never knew such a book existed. I have been looking for a book from a Great War commander for a while now

Not that you will find a copy but you could do worse than read Farrar-Hockleys book about Hubert Gough. Whilst it paints too good a picture of Gough, this book more than any changed the way I felt about commanders of the Great War. Neillands book is good but goes over the top too much IMO, yet still worth a read as it was simplistic in reading and thus explained much, even if I felt he was too pro commanders. Also 'From Private to Field Marshall' by Sir William Robertson is also a very good book.

As for Haig there is too many to choose from, from Terraines book to Winters and all in between. I have read both the 'Douglas Haig: 'The Preparatory Prologue' 1861-1914' and The Haig Diaries: The Diaries of Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig: War Diaries and Letters - 1914-1918. Both of these give his experiences in his own words, though on some occassions they become heavy. I found the prepartory years particularly interesting as they showd his early thoughts etc.



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Hi Lynz, you may be interested in " The Warlords" by John Lee, ( Hindenburg & Ludendorff) or " The Great War Generals On The Western Front", Robin Neillands. I had some slight doubts about the second one's conclusions but it is a very good description of the war from the point of view of the Allied High Command.

Thanks Tom...I have taken a note of them and I will tell you all what I have purchased.

Lynz :lol:

Thanks to you too Arm...I am sure I will get something that catches my eye!

Lynz :lol:

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