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The Forgotten Battle series

Mick D

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There appears to be a series of books by M. Gavagahan covering-

1- Loos

2- Le Cateau

3- The Somme (vol 1)

Anybody own one ? Are there any more?

Mick D

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I have sevaral of them, but Loos is the one I know best. There are occasional inaccuracies (aren't there always), but the information is generally accurate. Essentially there is a description of the battlefield and you are taken through the sectors and the units serving there. Arguably the information is available eslewhere, but it makes a good job of bringing it all together in a truly pocket sized book (something like 4" by 3"). It is interesting to see information on things like the first aid and medical units. I seem to recall they were about £6 and if you are interested in the battlefield, order of battle and dispositions it is a useful guide.

Hope this helps.

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What other locations were covered ?

Are there maps/photographs in them?

Mick D

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Yes, you will find maps & photos. The maps tend to relate to the actions and disposition of units - you will need to take some more conventional maps with you.

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Book 1: Neuve Chapelle, Aubers Ridge, Festubert 1915

Book 2: Loos

Book 3: Mons/Le Cateau

Book 4: Arras

They are described as an Illustrated Pocket Guide

Maps, contemporary and modern day b&w photos

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According to my copy of Somme 1916 (Part One ) of the Forgotten Battles series by Michael Gavaghan he intends to do at least 9 books.

Book 6 Somme 1916 (part 2)

Book 7 First & Second Ypres

Book 8 Retreat to the Marne & Advance to the Aisne

Book 9 Battle of Arras.

Does anybody know of an email address for the publishers, I have books 1 to 5 which I find brilliant and wish to add the rest to my collection.


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I had an address for the author, I've written twice with no reply, guess it's no longer the correct one!

Mick D

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I have book 2, Loos. Very small format. Glossy paper. Lots of pictures and maps. Subtitled An Illustrated Pocket Guide. and I guess that about sums it up.

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  • 10 months later...

I am now the proud owner of all of this series of books, and look forward to future additions to them, as and when they are published.

Mick D

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I had an address for the author, I've written twice with no reply, guess it's no longer the correct one!

Mick D

I met him on 1st July 2006 in Mill Road Cemetery at about 1130 when I was 'getting away' from it all whilst the big ceremony was gonig on at the Thiepval Memorial. He had a bit of a chat and in a moment of weakness bought the 'first' of his Somme guidebooks and it was ok.....he did used to live in Preston but due to 'women' problems was moving if I recall correctly to Wigan way...... he pays for them to be printed himself and so what address is inside his books?

His 1915 books are probably better than the Somme ones.....

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Rather than simply pass on his address, I'll e-mail him first to make sure its OK.


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  • 1 month later...
Rather than simply pass on his address, I'll e-mail him first to make sure its OK.


I met Michael Gavaghan on the Somme on Tuesday, it was his 38 First of July. He's a tall guy who runs around in a Northern Soul top. His email address is: michaelsomme1@blueyonder.co.uk He was doing book 2 of the Somme battle and he has finished the Retreat of 1914. A nice bloke. Seller y

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