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British school registers and rolls of honor


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Simon wrote:

I’d be very grateful for anything you have on Edward Corse-Scott:

Edward Corse-Scott

son of Major J. Corse-Scott

Educated at Wellington College from 1895 to 1899

Engineer in Mexico

Served as Lieutenant with Royal Engineers 1914-1918

Wellington College Register, 1859-1948

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Bob wrote:

Have you anything on Nowell OXLAND. 1890-1915 Durham School?

Lieutenant Nowell Oxland, 6th Bn, Border Regiment

Born 1890, the son of Rev. W. Oxland, RN, Vicar of Alston, Cumberland

Entered Durham School as a King's Scholar in September 1903 (Monitor and Head of School from 1908-1910; rowed in 3rd Crew in 1908 and 2nd Crew in 1909; played in the XV from 1907-1909)

Left in 1909 for Worcester College, Oxford University where he was reading history when the war broke out.

While at Oxford he played football for Rosslyn Park, Richmond, Middlesex and Cumberland

Gazetted as a 2nd Lieut, 6th Bn, Border Regiment in 1914 and went to the Dardanelles with that unit in June 1915

Took part in the landing at Sulva Bay on 7 August 1915 and was killed in an attack there two days later.

He showed promise of becoming a poet and prose writer of distinction. Some verses of his entitled "Outward Bound" appeared in The Times in August 1915 and much of his work was collected and published as Poems and Stories in 1917.

There is a photo of him in the first listed source. If you would like a copy PM me with your email address.

Sources: The War Record of Old Dunelmians 1914-1919; Durham School Register, Third Edition to -1939; Oxford University Roll of Service.

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I apologize if I am sometimes late in replying to requests in this topic, but for some reasons I am not being notified when new requests are added. Regards. Dick Flory

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Very many thanks for the information on Oxland it is very kind of you and 'good stuff.' I have e-mailed you re the picture,

Kind Regards,


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Many thanks for the info on Corse-Scott. I am very grateful.

best regards


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Annie: Here is what I have on 2nd Lieut. Joseph Mallalieu:

Enlisted in the 3rd Battalion, Artists Rifles as Private (Regimental Number 6158) between 13 and 28 December 1915

Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, 7th Bn, West Riding Regiment on 5 September 1916

Wounded on 24 May 1917 while serving while serving with 6 Bn, West Riding Regiment

Died of Wounds on 6 November 1917

Source: Artists Rifles Regimental Roll of Honour and War Record 1914-1919.

Thanks very much Dick !!

Annie :)

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I am still researching 122nd HB and found this information on the Mill Hill site regarding John Trenchard ,which I guess you have already.

Wolverton, Enfield, Middlesex. Born 5th March, 1897. 96, M.H. 9, 1911 to7, 1915, School House. School O.T.C. (Sergeant). Cricket XI. VI. Monitor. Commissioned 8th September, 1915, R.G.A., 122nd Heavy Battery. Lieut. Served in France and Flanders. Died of wounds, 3rd October, 1917, near Ypres. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Trenchard. From his Commanding Officer:--- "He was a young officer who had more good influence over the battery officers and men than any other.. At the time of his death from a German shell he was in temporary command.

I wondered if you had anything else on him, in particular the date he joined 122nd HB - he is not listed as being with them before Jul 1916. I have the Mill Hill photo and the CWGC detail.

Many thanks


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Can you provide anything on this one, please?

2Lt. Arthur P Webb. K S L I kia 8 April 1917. Buried Tilloy British Cem.

He was from London. An ex-pupil of Sedbergh school, left a volume of his poetry

to the school. It is not known whether some, or any of it is war related.

Kind Regards


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Hi Dick !

Is there any way you could find this man for me please .... all I have is this !!

At the Battle of Pieter's Hill Major Thomas Lamb took a fragment of shrapnel in his face and lost an eye

LG 27-9-1901 The Prince of Wales' Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment)

To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonels

Major T. Lamb

I can't find anything else on him ... I'd appreciate anything you could find !

Thanking you in advance

Annie :)

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Alan: I do not have anything more on John Trenchard other than what is in the Mill Hill School write-up. Dick Flory

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Bob Pike wrote Can you provide anything on this one, please? 2Lt. Arthur P Webb.

Bob: The only additional information I have is:

Born on 18 Mar 85, the son of Dr. H. P. Webb, Clapham, SW

Educated at Sedbergh School from 1899 to December 1902

Regards. Dick Flory

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Many thanks. I'm particularly interested in the suggestion he was a poet and Sedbergh (possibly) possess a book of his poems,

Kind Regards,


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thank you for checking up on John Trenchard - I will let you know if I unearth anything more on him.

when you have time could I ask if you could let me have details on the following, dates they were in 122nd HB are in brackets:

Capt C R Gillett [11 Oct 14 - 23 Jul 15 - some of his dress uniform is in the National Army Musuem]

2/Lieut Gurney [11 Oct 14 until at least mid -1916 and possibly much longer]

2/Lieut A M{or N?} Henderson [19 Feb 15 - badly wounded on 8 May 15]

2 Lieut Ellerker [19 Feb 15 - until at least mid-1916]

Lieut Pearson [25 may 15 - until at least mid-1916]

Maj Johnson [killed 27 Jul 18]

I welcome anything you have on them, but particularly their schools if known!

Many thanks


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Hi Dick,

this is my first use a s a member so please forgive any errors I might make.

I hope that I can offer something to you rather than take from you, as I understand that the research of my school's ROH has not been done before. I teach history at Southend High School for Boys formally called Southend Day Technical School (Essex), which opened in 1895 unusually for the higher school technical education of both boys and girls. (The split between boys and girls happened in 1914). I can access school entry records with parents names addresses, date of birth, occupation upon leaving the school and qualifications but his is not that easy as the books are large and cumbersome and not always written in a logical order. Having said that I have been able to help a number of people already when all they knew was that grandad was called John Smith and he went to the Tech! My brother and I have researched all the 107 on the roll to a basic level so can offer that quite easily.

So what I am basically saying is pass any enquiries about Southend boys on to me and I will see what I can do.

Regards Lesley

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Alan Jones wrote:

when you have time could I ask if you could let me have details on the following, dates they were in 122nd HB are in brackets:

Alan: I think I have already emailed this to you, but just in case, here goes.

2nd Lieutenant William Thomas Ellerker, RGA

Educated at the University of Dublin in 1914

Commissioned as 2nd Lieut, RGA in Feb 1915

Went to Flanders in Feb 1915 and wounded in France in March 1916

Lieut, 1916

Captain, 1917

Source: University of Dublin, Trinity College, War List, February 1922.

Captain Charles Richard Gillett, DSO, RGA

Born on 24 August 80, son of the Rev. H H Gillett and Evelyn Mary Geraldine, sister of 3rd Baron Lyveden.

Gentleman Cadet, Royal Military College, Woolwich

Commissioned as 2nd Lieut., RGA on 6 Jan 00

Lieut, RGA on 3 Apr 01

In 1906 he married Gwynne Eveline Dykes, daughter of Robert Keate and they had two sons

Captain, RGA on 7 Dec 10

Adjutant from 22 Jan 12 to 1 Apr 12

Staff Captain, Southern Command from 2 Apr 12 to 4 Aug 14

Brigade Major, Southern Command from 5 Aug 14 to 16 Sep 14

Served in France and Belgium from 8 Mar 15 to 11 Nov 18

Once wounded

Captain 122 Heavy Battery, RGA from 11 Oct 14 to 23 Jul 15

Major, RGA on 27 Jul 15

Staff Captain, RA, France from 24 Jul 15 to 13 Mar 16

Distinguished Service Order in London Gazette of 1 Jan 1917

Mentioned in Despatches in the London Gazette: 1 Jan 16; 4 Jan 17, 11 Dec 17; and 20 May 18.

French Croix de Guerre, London Gazette, 9 December 1916

DAQMG, France from 14 Mar 16 to 22 Dec 16

DAAG, France from 23 Dec 16 to 27 Aug 17

Bvt. Lt-Col. on 3 Jun 18

Deputy Asst. Director of Artillery, France from 28 Aug 17 to 27 Mar 19

Chief Instructor in Artillery, Royal Military Academy from 3 Sep 19 to 29 Aug 23

Colonel, RGA on 1 Mar 24, effective 3 Jun 22

Assistant Director of Artillery, War Office from 1 Mar 24 to 14 Nov 28

Chief Instructor, Coast Artillery School from 15 Nov 28 to 14 Nov 32

Went on half-pay on 20 Feb 37

Retired as a Colonel on 24 Aug 37

Sources: The RMA Magazine, October 1923; various Army Lists.

2nd Lieutenant Lionel Gurney, OBE, RGA

Born on 9 Mar 84, the son of H. Gurney, Esq., of Stour House, Dovercourt, Essex

Educated at Haileybury College from 1908 to 1911

Gentleman Cadet, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich in 1912 to 1913

Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant, RGA on 18 July 13

Lieutenant, RGA on 9 Jun 15

Mentioned in Despatches, London Gazette 15 June 16

Once wounded

Adjutant, 9 Mar 16 to 23 July 16

Acting Captain, 26 Aug 16 to 27 Feb 17 and 11 May 17 to 17 Jul 17

Captain, 18 July 17

Acting Major from 18 Jul 17 to 4 May 18; 6 Nov 18 to 23 Nov 18 and 2 Feb 18 to 9 Apr 19

Instructor in Gunnery, 5 Jun 19 to 8 Sept 19

Chevalier, Belgian Order of the Crown, London Gazette 8 March 1920

Adjutant, Territorial Force from 27 Mar 23 to 26 Mar 26

Major, 6 Jul 32

Colonel, 1 Jun 39

Temp. Brigadier, 13 Mar 42

Twice mentioned in despatches during World War II

Retired as Hon. Brigadier on 15 Jan 46

OBE, London Gazette of 29 March 1945

Died on 18 Sept 1971

Sources: Haileybury Register, various dates; Army Lists.

2nd Lieutenant Alexander Mitchell Henderson, RGA

Son of Rev. J. Henderson, MA, Acting Chaplain, Portsmouth

Served with 122nd Heavy Battery, RGA

Source: Sons of the Manse, Church of Scotland, Muster Roll, 1915I.

Major Rayner Harvey Johnson, MC, RGA

Born at Surbiton on 5 Jan 97, the son of Alexander William and Caroline Johnson of Ditton Hill, Surrey

Educated at Oundle School from May 1911 to Summer of 1914

Gentleman Cadet at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich

Commissioned as 2nd Lieut, RGA on 22 April 15

Went to France and Flanders in June 1915 and posted to 112th Heavy Battery

On 1 Aug 15 he transferred to 111th Heavy Battery; posted as Observation Officer on 27 February 16

Acting Captain on 7 Dec 16

Lieutenant, RGA on 1 July 17

Awarded the Military Cross in the London Gazette of 1 January 1918

Promoted to Acting Major on 29 January 1918 and posted as Officer Commanding, 122nd Heavy Battery in June 1918

Killed in action on 27 September 1918 during the battle of Cambrai while making a forward reconnaissance.

Source: Oundle Memorials of the Great War MCMXIV-MCMXIX.

Lieut. Pearson: There are four possibilities and I can not tell which one is your man.

Regards, Dick Flory

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lelly (Lesley): Very generous of you I will refer Southend questions to you. Is your school the same one as Southend-on Sea Technical School (please excuse the question as I live in California and am not overly sure whether there is more than one Southend). If so, do you have any information on Lieutenant Douglas Louis Holme, RFA? I have appended below the information that I have found on him:

Lieutenant Douglas Louis Holme, Royal Field Artillery

1914-1915 Star (61216 Cpl., R.F.A.)

British War Medal (Lieut.)

WW1 Victory Medal (Lieut.)

Born on 21 November 1896, the son of H. C. Holme of 27 Westborough Road, Westcliffe on Sea

Educated at Southend on Sea Technical School where he served with the cadet corps

Before joining the Army he lived at 27 Westborough Road, Westcliffe on Sea and was a Provisions Broker

Attested to the 18th (County of London) Battalion, the London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) as a Rifleman (Regimental Number 2420) on 2 September 1914.

Transferred to the Public Schools Battalion on 14 November 1914

On 5 January 1915 he “forfeited all service on conviction of fraudulent enlistment into the 26th Divisional Ammunition Column, R. F. A. Trial dispensed with and ordered to serve on his present attestation

Attested to the 26th Divisional Ammunition Column at Glasgow as a Gunner (Regimental Number 61216) on 5 January 1915 and assigned to No. 6 Section, 26th Divisional Ammunition Column

Promoted to Bombardier on 23 March 1915

Appointed as Temporary Corporal on 6 May 1915

Appointed as Acting Sergeant on 1 August 1915

Embarked for France with the 26th Divisional Ammunition Column at Southampton on 21 September 1915 and served there until 28 January 1916

Embarked at Marseilles on 19 December 1915 and disembarked at Salonica on 19 December 1915

Admitted to the 5th Canadian General Hospital with enteric on 18 February 1915 and later transferred to the Military Hospital at Tigne, Malta

Invalided to England on the H. S. Carisbrooke Castle on 29 March 1916

Posted to No. 3 Section as an Acting Corporal on 9 October 1915

On 4 April 1916 he was posted to 5 B Reserve Brigade and reverted to Bombardier on the same day

Transferred to the Antiaircraft Artillery Depot at Shoeburyness on 8 July 1916 and appointed an Acting Corporal on 12 July 1916

Posted to the 87th Antiaircraft Section on 15 February 1917

Embarked at Soton with the 87th Antiaircraft Section on 27 September 1916 and landed Havre on 28 September 1916

Transferred to “S” Antiaircraft Battery, 5th Army on 15 February 1917

Sent to England to attend the Royal Artillery Cadet School on 24 March 1917

Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery, Special Reserve, on 14 October 1917

Went to France and posted to the 281st Brigade, R. F. A.

Attended the Mined Dug-out Course from 15 January 1918 to 3 February 1918

Posted to 109th Battery, 281st Brigade, R. F. A. on 5 April 1918

Attached to 56th Trench Mortar Battery from 4 May 1918 to 4 July 1918 and permanently posted to that unit on 4 July 1918

Attached to 280th Brigade, R. F. A. from 4 to 15 November 1918

Admitted to 20th General Hospital with influenza on 13 November 1918.

Returned to unit on 20 December 1918

Attached to 56th Divisional Ammunition Column on 6 February 1919

Promoted to Lieutenant, R. F. A., S. R. on 14 April 1919

On 18 April 1919 he was posted to No. 1 Section, 56th Divisional Ammunition Column

Embarked from Antwerp to the United Kingdom with cadre on 31 May 1919

Gazetted out of the service as a Lieutenant on 6 June 1919

On 4 November 1920 he relinquished his commission in the Special Reserve and retained the rank of Lieutenant.

He later became a barrister.

Source: PRO Officers’ Papers (WO374/34286)

Regards. Dick Flory

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yes, you did very kindly send this by email and thank you again for being so helpful. I am still looking for my info on Pearson to help narrow the choice!

nothing to do with the 122nd but do you happen to have anything on H J A Thicknesse RFA by any chance? I am afraid I know no more.

many thanks


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And, if I may, going back to Pearson I have:

Temp/Lt C Pearson joining 122nd Heavy Battery on the 25 May 1915 - if that helps

He is not recorded as leaving the Battery before mid-1916, but ............

If you can help that would be excellent, thanks


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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Dick !

Is there any way you could find this man for me please .... all I have is this !!

At the Battle of Pieter's Hill Major Thomas Lamb took a fragment of shrapnel in his face and lost an eye

LG 27-9-1901 The Prince of Wales' Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment)

To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonels

Major T. Lamb

I can't find anything else on him ... I'd appreciate anything you could find !

Thanking you in advance

Annie :)

I wondered if you've had time to have a look for my soldier yet Dick ?

I know you're busy .... just thought I'd ask !! :rolleyes:

Annie :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have over 400 British school, college and university registers and rolls of honor and will be happy to do lookups as long as you can give me the school your man attended - I do not have the time nor inclination to accept requests to look for a particular name when the school is not known unless they are Great War Royal Artillery officers (I have a database indexing all of those officers who are listed in the school registers). Please give me the man's name, school attended and general time frame when making your request and indicate what type of information you are looking for.

Regards. Dick Flory

Could you please check to see if Edmund Morton Mansel-Pleydell (died 12/3/1915 aged 28) is shown in the records for Sherborne School, and also his brother Henry Grove Morton Mansel-Pleydell (died 1916 aged 21). Both were in the Dorsetshires. Anything you have on either would be appreciated.

Many thanks

Richard G

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Further to my query on Pearson I have got from the War Diary of 14th HB: Lieut Cecil Pearson (Temporary) Joined the Bty Oct 2 1916 as a Lt from 122 HB and promoted Captain on the same day, Major December 12, 1916 (when he assumed command of the Bty) - awarded MC January 1918 for continuous good service in Battery between October 1916 and May 3 1917 when he was wounded and left the Bty. He was wounded during the night of the 3 May 17, during a big attack along the front - the Bty was in a position behind Wancourt Cemetery.

I hope that all helps!


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Alan Jones wrote:

do you happen to have anything on H J A Thicknesse RFA by any chance? I am afraid I know no more

Lieut. Henry John Anthony Thicknesse, RFA

Born 31 Dec 1899

Educated at Brighton College from Lent 1914 to Summer 1917

Gentleman Cadet, RMA, Woolwich, 1917 to 1918

Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant, RFA on 20 September 1918

Serving in India since 1919

Promoted to Lieutenant, RFA on 20 March 1920

Captain, RA on 20 September 1931

Adjutant, from 1 February 1931 to 28 February 1934

Major, RA on 1 August 1938

From 1 September 1938 through sometime in 1940 he was General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade, in the Department of the Chief of the Imperial General Staff.

Lieut. Colonel and Officer Commanding, 126th Field Regiment, RA, North Africa and Italy

Killed in Action in Holland on 23 October 1944.

There is a photo of him in the The Royal Artillery Commemoration Book, 1939-1945

Sources: Brighton College Register, 1847 to 1922; Brighton College War Record 1914 to 1919; The Royal Artillery Commemoration Book, 1939-1945; Various Army Lists.

Regards. Dick Flory

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