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British school registers and rolls of honor


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Jonathan: There is no 'Percy Gerald Lambert' in either the Dulwich College War Record 1914-1919 or the Dulwich College Register 1619-1926.

Regards, Dick Flory

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Capt. Esmond William Milne, RGA

Captain, Royal Garrison Artiilery

KIA at Ypres, Aug 12, 1917

Born in Aberdeen

Manager of Electric Light and Power Works, Tres Arroyos, Argentina

Left January 29, 1915

If you would like a high resolution photo, please PM me with your email address.

Regards, Dick Flory

Thank you very much!You provided information that I did not have and I truly appreciate your help.


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Kevin wrote:

Kevin: The only book I have for King Edward's School, Birmingham is the Service Record of King Edward's School, Birmingham, 1914-1919. Lt Wastell is not listed in that volume probably because he did not have overseas service. Regards, Dick Flory


There is an even simpler reason he is not mentioned. King Edwards School Birmingham and King Edwards Grammar School Five Ways are different Schools!


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Hi Dick,

would you mind having a look for these lads?

Hutchinson. B. MC

Nock. F.J.

Both were at the Cenral Technical School for Boys in Sheffield.

and also,

Mallinson. F. who attanded the Collegiate Teacher Training School, Sheffield.



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  • 1 month later...


Please will you check the records for Repton to see what they may have for 2/Lt. George Francis Hermitage Day who was killed in action 10th September 1916 with the RFA ?

Thank you


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2nd Lieut. George Francis Hermitage Day, RFA

Born on 23 October 1895, the son of Rev. E. H. Day, D.D., F.S.A., Newton House, Belmont Road, Hereford

Educated at Repton School from September 1909-July 1913 where he was a member of the Shooting VIII in 1912 and 1913

2nd Lieutenant, RFA SR on July 1915

Went to Egypt in 1915 and to France in 1916 with 125th Brigade, RFA.

Killed in action on the Somme, 10 September 1916 while attached to 24th Siege Battery, RGA (his death is variously listed as 9, 10 or 11 September 1916).

Sources: Old Reptonian War Register, 1914-1919; Repton School Register 1922; Memoirs of 24th Siege Battery, RGA, 1914-1918.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Dick

I wonder if you are able to help with Maj Octavius Edward Fane RGA - he started the war as a Captain in 123rd Heavy Battery, but later took command of 128 Heavy - or - Siege Battery, with which he was killed in 1918. His MIC states Heavy - but the CWGC states Siege?

The former seems the most likely, not least because of his experience in 123rd.

If you could clarify which that would be a great help - and also if you know the relevant Battery's service.

Many thanks


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I am researching R V Knight, who attended Wells Cathedral School and went on to Bedford College. Would you possibly have any information on these schools? He was in the Royal Naval Air Service and died in 1917.



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Alan wrote:

I wonder if you are able to help with Maj Octavius Edward Fane RGA - he started the war as a Captain in 123rd Heavy Battery, but later took command of 128 Heavy - or - Siege Battery, with which he was killed in 1918. His MIC states Heavy - but the CWGC states Siege?

Alan: My information indicates that he died of wounds on 19 September 1918 while commanding 128 Heavy Battery, RGA. 128 Heavy Battery went out to France in March 1916 and joined 9th Heavy Artillery Group (HAG) on 31 Mar 16. It transferred to 10 HAG on 3 Apr 16; to 11 HAG on 13 Apr 16; to 12 HAG on 5 Jun 16; back to 10 HAG on 6 Jun 16; returned to 12 HAG on 21 Sep 16; to 60 HAG on 4 Oct 16; and to 9 HAG on 24 May 17. It was posted to Second Army Artillery School on 1 Dec 17. On 14 Jan 18 it joined 9 Brigade, RGA and remained with it until the end of the war. Regards, Dick

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Orson: Unfortunately I do not have anything on Wells Cathedral School or Bedford College. Regards, Dick Flory

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Dear Dick

Many thanks indeed for your swift reply - I guess the CWGC has been entered incorrectly at some stage - I will send them a copy of the MIC and possibly some War Diary info to see if they will correct their Register.

best wishes


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Thank you for your reply.

I believe you have access to records from Eton College. Do you have information on an H R C Tudway? He was a lieutenant in the 2nd Grenadier Guards.



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Hi Dick,

If your kind offer is still open, I would be very grateful if you would be willing to look up Arthur Gould Remington Hickes, who I believe was at Wadham College Oxford between 1907 and 1910.

Any help would be most welcome.

Many thanks


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Orson wrote:

Do you have information on an H R C Tudway? He was a lieutenant in the 2nd Grenadier Guards.

Lieutenant Hervey Robert Charles Tudway, 2nd Battalion, Grenadier Guards

Born on 23 September 1888 ldest Son of Charles Clement Tudway, JP, DL, of Milton Lodge, Wells, Somerset and his wife Alice Constance, daughter of the late Sir Frederick Hervey Bathurst, third Baronet.

Educated at Evelyns and at Eton from 1900 to 1907 (King's 2nd German Prize, 1906; won School Fives with G R L Anderson, 1907; Keeper of the Fives, 1907).

2nd Lieutenant, Grenadier Guards, 1 February 1910

Lieutenant, 2nd Bn, Grenadier Guards, 29 September 1911

In the summer of 1914 he was appointed as ADC to Viscount Buxton, Governor General of South Africa. As he arrived in South Africa he found out war had broken out in Europe and resigned his appointment and returned to England to join his regiment.

Joined his battalion at Ypres on 2 November 1914

On 18 November 1914 at a hospital at Boulogne he died of wounds received in action at Klein Zillebeck, Ypres on 9 November 1914.

Eton School Register, Part VII, 1899-1909; Bond of Sacrifice, Volume 1; DeRuvigney's Roll of Honour, Volume 1, Part 1.

Photo of Lieutenant Tudway below.

Regards, Dick Flory


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Paul Stephens wrote:

I would be very grateful if you would be willing to look up Arthur Gould Remington Hickes, who I believe was at Wadham College Oxford between 1907 and 1910.

From Oxford University Roll of Service:

1907 Hickes, A G R, B. A.. Inns of Court OTC (Invalided)

From The Inns of Court O. T. C. in the Great War:

HICKES, Arthur Gould Remington

Joined No. 6 Company, Inns of Court Officer Training Corps as a Private on 15 June 1916 (Regimental Number 9587).

Discharged as medically unfit on 18 August 1916

His address at the time was 4 Milestone Road, Upper Norwood.

Regards, Dick Flory

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having trawled through my notes on Anglesey casualties' educational establishments, I'd greatly appreciate your assistance with some of them (in small doses).

Before I have a go with my first casualty, however, a general question: can I take it that none of your sources relate to schools on Anglesey itself, i.e. the County/Grammar Schools in Beaumaris, Holyhead, Llangefni, Amlwch, Menai Bridge (or maybe even Friars School, Bangor on the other side of the Menai Straits)? Also if you have a University of Wales Roll of Service, which edition is it (there were various dated ones I've seen in the past)?

Secondly, two men are described as "former public schoolboys" and served as ORs in UPS units, but I'll assume that's no great help to you if the school is unknown?

Any information at all contained in your school registers concerning the casualties below would be welcome, as even if I know some of it already it serves to validate (or challenge) previous facts.

An artilleryman for you, to begin with:

EDWARDS, Frank Glencairn de Burgh. Educated St.John's College, Leatherhead, Surrey. Formerly Ryl. Anglesey RE and then Cardigan RGA Militias, to Regular Army RFA ?1907, transf. to RHA 1914 and kia France 12 Oct 1914 as a Lieutenant with "I" Bty. RHA near Hazebrouck. Aged 29/30 at death. I have some other info on this officer, but would like to see what the School may come up with.



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Lieutenant Frank Glencairn De Burgh Edwards, RHA

Born on 9 June 85

Educated at RMA Woolwich, 1906-1907

2nd Lieut, RHA (from militia) on 25 May 07

Served with 43rd (Howitzer) Battery, RFA at Woolwich from 1907 to 1913

Lieut, RHA, 25 May 10

Posted to I Battery, RHA from 1913 to 1914

KIA, 12 Oct 14 while serving with I Bty, RHA, the following extract from the war diary of "I" Battery, RHA for October 11-12 describes the events on the day he was killed but unfortunately does not mention him by name"

On the night of 11 Oct 14, I Battery "came to Merville, on the northern outskirts of which some German cavalry were still disputing the advance. On October the 12th the enemy was encountered in increasing strength, and presently, as the Troop reached Vieux Berquin, a sharp outburst of fire was heard, and beyond, about two miles away, the villages of Merris and Strazeele came into view, standing on a rise in the ground, perhaps a hundred feet above the level of the plain. "I" came into action in front of the Vieux Berquin cemetery, and fire was opened at seven hundred yards range, for the country was flat, and, except for the rising ground at Merris, which marked the limit of the plain, little greater distance could be seen. Then in a few minutes some German guns were heard, and, coming from three directions, shells began to fall near the Troop. The observing post was shelled, and the church tower of Berquin; and soon, the position having been discovered by aeroplane, a heavy bombardment descended on the guns. The German fire was not only close, but also extraordinarily regular; the shells seemed to fall one after the other in the same few yards of ground, and the Troop had renewed experience of the remarkable accuracy of the German guns. At length, however, the rifle fire in front died down, the 1st Cavalry Brigade succeeded in dislodging the Germans, and, following up their retreat, took Merris qand the rising ground beyond. It was then late and the fighting ceased for the night, though the Germans continued to shell the troop so persistently that the guns had to run back and limbered up under cover. The left section suffered heavy casualties."

A photo of Edwards from the second listed source is attached below.

Sources: DeRuvigney's Roll of Honour, Volume 1; The Bond of Sacrifice, Volume 1; War Diary of "I" Battery, RHA, 1914; List of Officers of the Royal Regiment of Artillery from June 1862 to June 1914; various Army Lists.


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LST wrote: "Before I have a go with my first casualty, however, a general question: can I take it that none of your sources relate to schools on Anglesey itself, i.e. the County/Grammar Schools in Beaumaris, Holyhead, Llangefni, Amlwch, Menai Bridge (or maybe even Friars School, Bangor on the other side of the Menai Straits)?"

Also if you have a University of Wales Roll of Service, which edition is it (there were various dated ones I've seen in the past)?

Secondly, two men are described as "former public schoolboys" and served as ORs in UPS units, but I'll assume that's no great help to you if the school is unknown?

[send the name along and I will see if I can find them]

LST: Send along the names you have all at one time and I will see what I can come up with. It is easier to look through all the 500+ registers and rolls of honour that I have at one time, rather than going through them many times.

Regards, Dick Flory

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thank you very much indeed for the detailled War Diary extract and likeness of Frank G De B Edwards. I will take it that St.John's Leatherhead wasn't available.

Edwards had connections with Llangefni on Anglesey, hence my interest. Being an artilleryman, would it be of any use to you to have the other information I hold on this officer (eg, family details, commemorations)?

As there are about 20 other (non-Welsh university) names, many with multiple public & prep school / university links , would you prefer me to PM you with this list, rather than take up what might be a lot of thread space?

Your assistance is appreciated



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Go ahead and place the list here because someone else might be interested in information on one or more of the people and you might get information from someone else. Regards, Dick Flory

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Right: here we go, & thanks for the generous offer!

BURTON, Alfred. Ex- Charterhouse & RMC Sandhurst. Commissioned 1914, kia 11 Jan 1916 as Lieut., 1st Queens Regt., aged 21

BURTON, Richard. Brother of the above, so may have gone to the same school. DoW 24 June 1915 as Lieut., 1st Notts & Derbys, aged 20/21

DAVIES, Arthur Charles. Ex-St.John's College, Cambridge (MA). kia 10 Aug 1915 as Capt., 1/6th RWelsh Fus, aged 38

GRIFFITH(S), Iorwerth. Ex- Technical School, Bootle, Lancs. and University College N.Wales. kia 5 July 1916 as 2nd Lieut., 7th East Lancs. Regt., aged about 20

HAHN, Walter Frederick. Ex- Chorister, King's College Cambridge (School). DoW 13 Aug 1915 as L/Cpl 1/6th Manchester Regt., aged 33

HEYWOOD, William Slade. "Ex-Public School boy", born & resident Manchester. Previously Private PS-8517, 28th (UPS) Royal Fusiliers, kia as L/Cpl with 9th Ryl. Fus. 3 Oct 1916, aged 31

JONES, Harold Madoc. Ex-Christ College, Brecon and University College Aberystwyth (1894). kia 31 July 1917 as Lieut or Tempy. Capt., 17th RWelsh Fus., aged 38

JONES, Morys Wynne [or WYNNE-JONES, Morys]. Ex-?(University - but not a Welsh one), (BA). Commissioned June 1912 RE (SR), kia 29.10.14 as Lieut., 54th or ?36th Field Coy., RE, aged 27

MANNING, Robert Charles. Ex-Trinity College Dublin (BA, BAI). Enlisted Canadian Forces 1914, later commissioned ?1915 RE and DoW 6 Sept 1918 as Major, 170th Tunnelling Coy. RE, aged 29. DSO, MC, Legion d'Honneur.

MILLS, Charles Gordon. Ex-Charterhouse and Clare College, Cambridge. Commissioned 1914, kia 26 Jan 1915 as 2nd Lieut., Coldstream Guards, aged 21

NEAVE, Arundell. Ex-Evelyn's Uxbridge and Eton. Previously R.Anglesey RE Militia, to Regular Army 1898. DoW 21 Feb 1915 as Major, 16th Lancers, aged 39. Legion d'Honneur.

NICHOLS-JONES, Thomas Cyril. Ex-(Public School, unknown), resident Llangefni, Anglesey. Enlisted 16th (Public Schools) Middlesex Regt. Commissioned RWelsh Fus., overseas Dec 1915. kia 31 July 1917 as Lieut., 14th RWelsh Fus., aged 30

PRITCHARD, Thomas Lewis. Ex-Friars School, Bangor, Caernarfonshire; Trent College, Nottingham; and Trinity College, Dublin. Commissioned 4th Vol. Battn. RWelsh Fus. c1899; later to 3rd (SR) Battn.; attached 2nd Battn. Aug 1914. Wounded 27 Oct 1914 and DoW as Capt. 9 Nov 1914, aged 33

RUSSELL, John Fox [or FOX-RUSSELL, John]. Ex-Holyhead School; Magdalen College Oxford; St.Bees, Cumberland; Middlesex Hospital University of London (1909). Doctor. Commissioned 6th RWelsh Fus. 1913; transferred to RAMC 1916. kia as Captain (Medical Ofr) attached 1/6th RWelsh Fus. 6 Nov 1917, aged 24. VICTORIA CROSS, MC

RUSSELL, Henry Thornbury Fox [or FOX-RUSSELL, Henry Thornbury]. Brother of the above, so may have gone to the same schools. Commissioned ?1914, 6th RWelsh Fus. To RFC ?1916/17 Transfd. to RAF Apl 1918. Accidentally k as Capt., UK 18 Nov 1918, aged 21. MC

SOTHEBY, Lionel Frederick Southwell. Ex-Langley School, Norfolk; Eton. Commissioned ? 4th Argyll & Sutherland Hldrs (SR) 1914; attached 1st Black Watch. kia as 2nd Lieut. attached 2nd Black Watch 25 Sept 1915, aged ?20

TREVOR, Frederick Pelham. Ex- Marlborough College; Pembroke College, Cambridge. kia 8 May 1915 as 2nd Lieut., 3rd attached 2nd Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Infy., aged 35

VENMORE, James Frederick. Ex-Liverpool College; Mill Hill School, London; Liverpool University. Enlisted 1914, commissioned Dec. 1914 RWelsh Fus. kia 11 July 1916 as Lieut., 14th RWelsh Fus., aged 28. MC

WALKER, Godfrey Alan. Ex-Epsom College; London Hospital Medical School (MB 1912). Commisioned RN 1914. kia 14 Nov. 1916 as Surgeon RN, 1st Field Ambulance, 63rd Royal Naval Division, aged 28. Brother of below.

WALKER, Henry Gerald. Ex-Dullar and Fettes. Enlisted 1914, commissioned. kia 1 July 1916 as 2nd Lieut., 2nd King's Own Yorkshire Lt. Inf., aged 25. Brother of above.

...And there it is. I have excluded those whose academic background only refers to the Welsh University Colleges. Good hunting.


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