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British school registers and rolls of honor


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LST: Below find my first response to your list. A few more will follow in succeeding replies. I'll get the rest done in the next week or so. Regards, Dick

Lieutenant Richard Burton, Sherwood Foresters

Born on Yacht Bronwen off Conway on 19 Nov 94, the second (twin brother of Alfred Burton) son of James Hartley and Mrs. May Matilda Fanny Burton (formerly Prescott) of Fryars, Beaumaris, Anglesey.

Educated at Charterhouse from 1909 to 1911 and RMC, Sandhurst

Commissioned in the Sherwood Foresters, 1 Oct 14

Went to France in Dec 14 and served with the 1st Bn, Sherwood Foresters

Promoted Temp. Lieutenant, 23 Apr 15

He was wounded at Neuve Chapell on Mar 15 and was invalided home until 16 Apr 15

Rejoined the 2nd Bn on 21 Jun 15

Died of wounds on 24 Jun 15 after being shot in the head by sniper the previous day.

Sources: The Bond of Sacrifice, Vol. 2; Charterhouse Register, 1872-1931; DeRuvigney’s Roll of Honour.

The photo below of Lieutenant Burton is from the first-named source.


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Lieutenant Morys Wynne-Jones, RE

Born on 13 May 87, the son of the Rev J W Wynne-Jones, Vicar of Carnarvon and Hon. Jessie F Wynne-Jones, daughter of Lord Aberdare.

Educated at Fonthill, Charterhouse (1901 to 1905) and Trinity College, Cambridge (BA, 1905)

Member of the Institure of Civil Engineers

On the staff of Mexican Eagle Oil Co. at Tampico and later Engineer , Cardiff Railway

Joined the Special Reserve, RE as a 2nd Lieut. in June 1912

Promoted Lieutenant, RE in Sept 14

KIA near Zandvoorde on 29 Oct 14

Sources: The Bond of Sacrifice, Vol. 1; Charterhouse Register, 1872-1931; The War List of the University of Cambridge, 1914-1919.


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2nd Lieutenant Charles Gordon Mills, Coldstream Guards

Born at Wimbledon on 12 Mar 85, the son of Charles Anthony and Maud Mills of The Manor, Moulsford, Berkshire

Educated at Charterhouse School and Clare College, Cambridge (served in OTC, 1912)

Commissioned into the Special Reserve of Coldstream Guards in Aug 14 and attached to the 4th (Reserve) Battalion

Later posted to the 1st Bn, Coldstream Guards and Mentioned in Despatches

On 10 Jan 15 he married Madge, daughter of H. Slowburn of Wimbledon

Killed instantly at LaBassee on 25 Jan 15 while in command of the 1st Company, 1st Bn, Coldstream Guards.

Sources: The Bond of Sacrifice, Vol. 2; Charterhouse Register, 1872-1931; The War List of the University of Cambridge, 1914-1919.


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Captain Thomas Lewis Pritchard

Born at Penmachno, Carnavonshire, on 1 Oct 81, the second son of Rev. Thomas Prichard, Vicar of Amlwch, Anglesey

Educated at Friar’s School, Bangor and Trent College

Joined the 4th Bn, RWF in Aug 00 and served for some time as Instructor of Musketry

Transferred to the 1st Bn, RWF and served with in South Africa taking part in operations in Transvaal and Orange River State from 1901-1902

Lieut in the Army, Oct 00

Lieut, 3 Bn, RWF, Feb 01

Joined the Reserve of Officers in 1907 and employed by the Board of Agriculture

In Aug 08 he married Dorothy, daughter of Leopold McKenna and niece of Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer. They had two children: Cicely Gwladys born May 09 and Leopold Owen, born Jul 12.

Rejoined the 2nd Bn, RWF on 5 Aug 14 and went at once to France

Promoted Captain, Sept 14

Wounded on 27 Oct 14 and died of his wounds in the hospital at Boulogne on 9 Nov 14.

Buried in Boulogne Cemetery.

Source: The Bond of Sacrifice, Vol. 1.

Maj Arundell Neave, 16th Lancers

Born in London on 2 Jul 75 the son of Sir Arundell Neave, Bartonet of Dagnam Park, Romford, Essex, and Hon. Lady Neave of Llysdulas Amlwch, Anglesey

Educated at Evelyn’s School and Eton

Commissioned in to the Royal Anglesey Royal Engineers Militia

Joined the 16th Lancers in 11 May 98 and served with them in India

Promoted Lieutenant, 17 Oct 99

Served in South African War, taking part in the relief of Kimberley and the actions at Paardeberg and Popular Grove (QSA with three clasps and KSA with two clasps.

Promoted Captain, 1 Apr 03

Promoted Major, 19 Dec 14

Died of wounds received in action on 21 Feb 15 while leading his squadron to attack the enemy trenches at Ypres.

Buried at Ypres Cemetery.

Mentioned in French’s dispatch of 8 Oct 14 (London Gazette, 19 Oct 14)

Awarded the French Legion of Honor “for gallantry during operations between 21st and 30th August, 1914 (London Gazette of 3 Nov 14).

Sources: The Bond of Sacrifice, Vol. 2; DeRuvigny’s Roll of Honour, Vol. 1.


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those were excellent - and the photos fleshed out some of the men who till now have just been names on my lists.

Some minor revelations there (Burton twins born on a yacht off Conway!!), and tragedies - Charles Mills being killed only a fortnight after his wedding.

For these alone my sincere thanks, and I will look forward to see if any of the others turn up in your source books.


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LST: A few more:

Lieutenant Alfred Burton, Queen’s Regiment

Born on the Yacht Bronwen, off Conway on 19 Nov 94 (actually a triplet – brother of Richard Burton and has a living sister), the fourth son of Alderman James Hartley Burton of Fryars, Beaumaris, by his wife May Matilda Fanny, daughter of John Prescott of Dalton, Lancashire.

Educated at Charterhouse from 1909-11 and Royal Military College, Sandhurst

2nd Lieut, Queen’s Regiment, 15 Aug 14

Lieut, 31 Jan 15

Joined the 1st Bn, Queen’s Regiment on the Aisne on 8 Sep 15

On 24 Oct 15 invalided home due to injuries from an accident

Returned to France on 24 Dec 15

Killed in action on 11 Jan 15 (shot in head by a sniper while on duty in the trenches.

Buried in Cambrian Cemetery.

Source: DeRuvigney’s Roll of Honour, Vol. 1; Charterhouse School Register, 1827-1931


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Lieutenant Thomas Cyril Nicholls-Jones, R Welch Fusiliers

Born at Pentraeth, Anglesey on 16 Apr 87, the son on Thomas Nicholls-Jones, agent to the Rt. Hon. Lord Boston and his wife, Anna Sculthorpe, daughter of the Rev. Evan Lewis.

Educated at the Grammar School, Oswestry; Rossall from 1901 t0 1904; and Harper Adams Agricultural College, Newport.

Was Land Agent to Lord Boston prior to the war

Enlisted in the Public Schools Bn, Middlesex Regiment in Oct 1914

Commissioned into the 14th Bn, R Welch Fusiliers on 9 Jan 15

Went to France in Nov 1915

Lieutenant, 1916

Killed in action at Pilkem on 31 July 17

Source: DeRuvigney’s Roll of Honour, Vol 2; A History of Oswestry School; The Rossall School Register, 1844-1923.


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2nd Lieutenant Lionel Frederick Southwell Sotheby, A & S Highlanders

Born at Burnham, co. Bucks on 16 Aug 95, the elder son of William Edward Southwell Sotheby of Menaifron, Dwyran and his wife, Margaret, daughter of William Williams of Parciau, Anglesey; grandson of Admiral Sir Edward Sotheby, KCB

Educated at Langley and at Eton (

After leaving Eton he went to Berlin to study the language and a returned on a few days before the start of the war.

2nd Lieut, A & S Highlanders, 15 Aug 14

Went to France on 1 Jan 15 and attached to the 1st Bn, the Black Watch and served during the Battle of Neuve Chapelle and the attack on Aubers Ridge.

In July 1915 he transferred to the 2nd Bn, Black Watch

Killed in action at Aubers Ridge during the battle of Loos, 25 Sep 15 (was initially wounded and continued to lead his men until a grenade struck and killed him.

Mentioned in despatches in London Gazette of 1 Jan 16

Source: DeRuvigney’s Roll of Honour, Vol. 1; List of Etonians Who Fought in the Great War, 1914-1919; Eton School Register, Part VIII, 1909-1919.

Surgeon Lieutenant Godfrey Alan Walker

Born at Mirfield, York on 3 Feb 88, the son of Dr John Henry Walker of Highgarth, Mirfield and his wife, Emily, the daughter of Godfrey Sykes of Huddersfield.

Educated at Epsom College from 1901 to 1906 (Prefect and 2nd XV) and London Hospital Medical College (MRCS, LRCP, 1912; MB, 1914)

Before the war he was House Surgeon, Royal Hospital, Sheffield and Nottingham

Volunteered as Naval Surgeon in August 1914 and posted to HMS Nelson

Served for a year at Cromarty

Attached to the Royal Naval Division at Blandford in August 1915

Served at Gallipoli from Sept 1915 and one of the last to leave Helles

Went to France in May 1916

Killed by a bursting shell while attending the wounded at Beaumont Hamel on 14 Nov 16

Source: DeRuvigney’s Roll of Honour, Vol. 1; Epsom College Register 1855-1924; Epsom College Register 1855-1954.

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thanks again for taking the time and trouble to locate these men - especially Nicholls-Jones, for whom no School was recorded (situation now rectified).

How did you track him down?


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Nicholls-Jones schools were listed in his obituary in DeRuvigney's Roll of Honour. Regards, Dick Flory

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Hello there,

You have been suggested to me as someone who might be able to help find some information about an old Manchester Grammar School pupil - James C. Broome.

He enlisted in September 1914 aged 20. Do you have anything on him at all?

By the way, seeing Pritchard born in Penmachno a few previous posts was very interesting. My roots are firmly placed there and I'm always on the look for folk from there!

Many thanks,


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Dick could you look up the following for me with regard to which school if possible?

Lt. the hon William Reginald Wyndham KIA 1914 Ypres

Lt-Col Gordon Chesney Wilson KIA 1914 Ypres

Lt. Henry Bligh Forsesque Parnell - Lord Congleton KIA Ypres 1914

Lt. John Henry Gordon Lee-Steere - KIA Ypres 1914

Capt Richard Long Dawson KIA Ypres 1914

Many thanks

Jerry Murland

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Whoops! sorry Dick - just read the original post - don't know the school these guys attended although at a quess it will be either Eton, Harrow or Charterhouse.


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I believe Lt Henry Hewat was at Haileybury - in OTC, but possibly as a schoolmaster rather than pupil. Do you have any indication of his first RFA postings, afyter he was commissioned c Nov 1914. I now know he was in L AA Bty in 1918 but I think trained with an RFA Bde in 1915 at least

any help welcome



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Trebrys wrote: You have been suggested to me as someone who might be able to help find some information about an old Manchester Grammar School pupil - James C. Broome.

Unfortunately not much about him in the Biographical Register of Old Mancunians 1888-1951:

Broome, James Couse Born on 10 July 1894. At Manchester Grammar School from 1908 to 1910.

Regards, Dick Flory

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Battiscome wrote: I believe Lt Henry Hewat was at Haileybury

Captain Henry Hewat, RFA

Born on 9 January 1892, the son of J. G. Hewat, Esq., Savill Lodge, Surbiton

Educated at Haileybury College from 1906 to 1910 (Prefect)

Served at Captain, RFA from 1915 to 1918 in France

Assistant Master, Wrekin College, Wellington, Salop

In 1946 his address was: Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire

Died 26 August 1957

Sources: Haileybury Register, 1931; Haileybury Register1862-1961.

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Captain Richard Long Dawson

Born on 23 June 1879, the only son of Hon. Richard M W Dawson of Holne Park, Ashburton, Devonshire and a grandson of the first Earl of Dartrey.

Educated at Eton from January 1893 to April 1895

Gazetted as a 2nd Lieutenant, Coldstream Guards, 1898

Lieutenant, 1899

Served during the South African War, 1900-1902. Operations in Orange Free State in 1900 including the actions at the Vet and Zand Rivers; operations in Transvaal in May and June 1900, including the actions at Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill; operations in the Orange Free State between 1900 and 1902 (QSA with four clasps; KSA with two clasps).

Captain, 1907

Transferred to the Reserve of Officers in 1911

Mobilized as a Captain, 3rd Bn, Coldstream Guards in August 1914

KIA at Zillebeke on 20 November 1914

Photo from the first named source.

Sources: The Bond of Sacrifice, Volume 1; DeRuvigny’s Roll of Honour; Etonians Who Fought in the Great War 1914-1919; Eton College Register, 1893-1899




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Dick could you look up the following for me with regard to which school if possible?

Lt. the hon William Reginald Wyndham KIA 1914 Ypres

Lt-Col Gordon Chesney Wilson KIA 1914 Ypres

Lt. Henry Bligh Forsesque Parnell - Lord Congleton KIA Ypres 1914

Lt. John Henry Gordon Lee-Steere - KIA Ypres 1914

Capt Richard Long Dawson KIA Ypres 1914

Many thanks

Jerry Murland

Gordon Chesney Wilson was at Eton and Christ Church Oxford - from Ancestry - Oxford Men, 1880-1892

This database is a list of Oxford alumni who attended the school between 1880 and 1892. This list was compiled from the Matriculation Register, the College Records of the Heads of Houses, and official University publications. Aside from the names of the alumni, other information provided in this list includes birthdays, schools, honors, and degrees.

Can't find info on William Reginald Wyndham's education in The Times etc - will see if any of the others throw anything up in a search to make it easier for Dick



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Lieutenant John Henry Gordon Lee-Steere

Born on 14 June 1895, the son of H. C. Lee Steere of Jayes Park, Ockley, Surrey

Educated at Eton from 1908 to 1912

Gentleman Cadet, RMC, Sandhurst

Commissioned in the Grenadier Guards in February 1914

Promoted Lieutenant, 15 November 1915

KIA near Klein Zillebecke on 17 November 1914

Photo from the first listed source.

Sources: The Bond of Sacrifice, Volume 1; Etonians Who Fought in the Great War 1914-1919; Eton College Register, Part VII, 1899-1909.


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Lieutenant Henry Bligh Fortesque Parnell (Lord Congleton)

Born at Annerville, Clonmel on 6 September 1890, the eldest son of Major General Lord Congleton, CB and his wife Elizabeth Peter, daughter of Dugald Dove of Nutshill, co. Renfrew

Educated at Eton from 1904 to 1909 and New College, Oxford (second class Honours for History; BA, 1912)

Master of the New College and Magdalen Beagles

Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant, Grenadier Guards, 1911

Lieutenant, 22 March 1913

Joined the

Mentioned in Despatches in London Gazette of 17 February 1915

Killed in action at Klein Zillebeke near Ypres on 10 November 1914

His photo is from the first-named source.

Sources: The Bond of Sacrifice, Volume 1; DeRuvigny’s Roll of Honour; Etonians Who Fought in the Great War 1914-1919; Eton School Register, Part VII, 1899-1909; Oxford University Roll of Service.


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Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon Chesney Wilson

Born on 3 August 1865, the eldest son of Sir Samuel Wilson, MP

Educated at Eton and at Christ Church, Oxford University

Joined the Royal Horse Guards from the militia in May 1887

Lieutenant, December 1888

In 1891 he married Lady Sarah Isabella Augusta, sixth daughter of the seventh Duke of Marlborough

Captain, November 1894

During the South African War he was ADC to Major General Baden Powell from August 1899 to July 1900. Present at the Defence of Mafeking (QSA with three clasps and Mentioned in Despatches in the London Gazettes of 8 February 1901 and 10 September 1901.

Major, January 1903

Lieutenant Colonel, October 1911

His photo is from the first-listed source.

Sources: The Bond of Sacrifice, Volume 1; Etonians Who Fought in the Great War 1914-1919; Oxford University Roll of Service.


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Lieutenant the Hon. William Reginald Wyndham

Born on 16 March 1876, the second son of Baron Leconfield., of Petworth, Sussex

Educated at Eton from September 1889 to December 1893

Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant, 17th Lancers in March 1896

Lieutenant, May 1897

Served during the South African War 1899-1900 (QSA with three clasps)

Captain, July 1901

Left the army in 1903 due to a riding accident and took up farming in East Africa and later the Rocky Mountains

Returned home and became well known in Ireland as a race horse owner

Elected as a member of the Jockey Club in 1912

In August 1914 gazetted as a Captain in the Lincolnshire Yeomanry and was later attached to the 1st Life Guards

KIA on 6 November 1914

His photo is from the first-listed source.

Sources: The Bond of Sacrifice, Volume 1; Etonians Who Fought in the Great War 1914-1919; Eton School Register, 1893-1899.


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Lieut. James Frederick Venmore, MC, R Welch Regt.

Born on 9 Jun 88, the son of James Venmore, JP, 200 Scotland Road, Liverpool and Parkside, Anfield Road, Liverpool

Educated at Mill Hill School from 1904 to 1906 and Liverpool University.

Before the war he was an architect

Enlisted as a Pte in the Liverpool Regt. on 11 Jan 15

Commissioned as a 2nd Lieut, 14th Bn, RWF

Served in France

Gazetted with the Military Cross with the following citation: "On the night of January 30th, 1916, Lieut. Venmore was on duty as patrol officer in front of the British trenches in France, when a sentry in the firing trench reported that three men in the advanced listening post had been wounded. Two of these men were just able to crawl back to the British lines over barbed wire, but the third man was too seriously wounded to follow, being shot through both legs. Lieut. Venmore volunteered to go to his assistance and took with him a non-commissioned officer (Corporal William Williams, a Carnarvon man), who is also awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. The went out under heavy fire over the parapet, and after great difficulty successfully brought the man over the wire and two ditches. This brave action was succeeded by a further gallant act on the following morning, when a message was received that a man had his arm blown off at another listening post, practically unapproachable by daylight. Lieut. Venmore again under took to go to his aid, once more taking with him Corporal Williams. They crawled across the open ground in the face of heavy machine gun fire. The sufferer was reached, his wounds attended to, and he was subsequently brought to safety. Both the officer and his companion were most highly congratulated by the brigade and divisional officers."

Killed in action at Mametz Wood, Somme on 10 July 1916.

His photo is from the first-listed source.

Sources: Book of Remembrance and War Record of Mill Hill School; The Register of Mill Hill School, London, 1807-1926: The University of Liverpool Roll of Service.


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Captain Henry Thornbury Fox-Russell, MC

Educated at St. Bee's from 1909 to 1910

Joined the 6th Bn, RWF in Sept 1914 but was too young for active service so was transferred to the 2/6th Bn when the 6th Bn went to Gallipoli

Eventually joined the 6th Bn and landed at Sulva Bay and was there until the evacuation

Then went to Egypt and came whom to England to join the RAF

After flight training he was appointed as an Assistant Instructor at Thetford and then went to France with is squadron as a flight commander.

He had his tail shot off his plane at Bourlon Wood and crashed to earth with a severe shaking. Twenty minutes later another plane of his squadron was shot down and he went out and extracted the pilot from his aircraft. The pilot had both legs broken so he carried him to the safety of the British trenches. Awarded the Military Cross for this act.

When he returned from France he was appointed as an Instructor at Hootom

Accidentally killed in an aeroplane accident at Hooton on 18 Nov 18

His photo is from the first-listed source.

Sources: St. Bees School Roll of Honour and Record of Service 1914-1919; Oxford University Roll of Service.


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Capt. John Fox-Russell, VC, MC, RAMC

The son of Dr. and Mrs. W. Fox-Russell of Holyhead

Passed the examination as a Chorister at Magdalen College, Oxford and was educated there before coming to St. Bee's School from 1908 to 1910. While at the school he was a member of the Cadet Corps.

When only 16 years old he joined the Middlesex Hospital and the London University OTC.

In 1914 he was commissioned in the RWF and was with them in camp in August 1914

After obtaining his medical degrees he joined the RAMC and was attached to a battery of Royal Field Artillery.

He later joined the RWF and went out to Egypt where he won the Military Cross during the First Battle of Gaza.

He was awarded the Victoria Cross "for most conspicuous bravery displayed in action. Until he was killed, he repeatedly went out to attend the wounded under murderous fire from snipers and machine guns, and in many cases, when no other means were at hand, carried them in himself, although almost exhausted. He showed the greatest possible degree of valour." (London Gazette, 11 Jan 18).

Killed in action in Palestine on 6 Nov 17.

His photo is from the first-listed source.

Sources: St. Bees School Roll of Honour and Record of Service 1914-1919; University of London O. T. C. Roll of War Service, 1914-1919.


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