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British school registers and rolls of honor


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John: Thank you for the additional information on Major Slee. Regards, Dick Flory

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I have had another look at my notes and can add a little more

His parents were Arthur and Mary (Census 1891 when the family were living at 35 Earls Court Square Kesington)

he was born in London, most likely Kensington the search on 1891 pulls up Kensington as his place of birth but the actual form says London

When he left Hazelwood in the summer of 1898 the register states "destination unknown" which explains the gap between leaving Hazelwood and arriving at Clifton, it's possible he went somewhere else for 18 months or so. I found him at Clifton in the 1901 census which prompted my enquiry to you

I can also add an MID dated 30.4.16

Also I had done a sweep of the gazette which turned up the MID and I also found his commission as a 2nd Lt dated 27.2.15

This would indicate that he went overseas as an officer with the RFA rather than as a Driver.

Is it possible that he went on the Anti Aircraft course in April 1915 and then went overseas with them shortly after? (supposition on my part)

What do you think?

Regards John

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  • 2 weeks later...

John: Thanx for the information on his father and mother's first names and his place of birth.

I am not sure what Slee did between leaving Hazelwood in 1898 and starting at Clifton in 1900. It could be that he was not immediately accepted at Clifton and was doing some type of cramming.

Is your 30.4.16 date for his MID the London Gazette date or the date of the mention?. I suspect that it is the date of the mention and that the actual announcement in the London Gazette was 15 June 1916.

I am not sure how I missed his commission date and I suspect that, as you state, he first went overseas in June 1915 as an officer.

I think he did go to the AA course at Shoeburyness prior to going overseas with the 16th AA Battery in June 1915.

Thanx for you assistance. Dick Flory

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If you have a register for Weymouth College, could you please look up George Edward Davy Foster (1895-1982). I have emailed a local historian but received no response ...

Thank you


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The Book of Records of Weymouth College, 1923 gives the following:

1217 Foster, George Edward Davy

Born on 25 June 1895.

Attended Weymouth College from January 1906 to July 1911 (2nd XI Cricket, 1909-1911; Colours, June 1910

Employed by Eastern Telegraph Service, Gibraltar since 1913.

Regards, Gunner 1

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West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)

is described as an Undergraduate of Queen's College, Oxford.

Could you check if he is on the Queen's College Roll of Honour, please.

Thank you,


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Kath wrote: Second Lieutenant WILLIAM HENRY PENNINGTON, West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) is described as an Undergraduate of Queen's College, Oxford. Could you check if he is on the Queen's College Roll of Honour, please

2nd Lieutenant William Henry Pennington, W Yorks

Born at Sheffield on 10 February 1893, the son of Henry Pennington, Esquire

Was at King Edward VII School, Sheffield for four years and then at Wrekin College, Wellington, Salop.

Came to Queen's College, Oxford in January 1912 and passed Moderations in 1913.

Was in the first contingent of officers who came to Oxford for special training in 1914

Gazetted as a 2nd Lieutenant, 14th (Service) Battalion, The West Yorkshire Regiment on 3 February 1915

Died suddenly of pneumonia at Penzance on 2 March 1915.

The photo is from the source listed below.

Source: Collegium Reginae Oxoniense, Liber Vitae Reginensium, Qui Pro Patria Mortem Obierunt, 1914-1919.

Regards, Dick Flory


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I wonder if you can help with this man

He is Arthur James Murison and he went to Repton in 1911 according to what I have. After that I am running up against 2 Arthur Murisons one with the RFA as a gunner and one with the Manchester Regiment as a 2nd Lt. The latter being an officer seems likely for an ex public school boy but I could be wrong and hopefully, if you have the register, you can clear it up. he survived the war

Thanks as always John

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John: Arthur James Murison

Born 13 July 1897, the son of the late WCN Murison, The Homestead, Shanklin

Educated at Repton School from 1911-1915

Served from August 1915 to July 1916 as a 2nd Lieutenant with the 3/6th Manchester Regiment (TF)

After the war lived at Baker's Farm House, Afton Road, Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Sources: Repton School Register, 1922; Old Reptonian War Register, 1914-1919.

Regards, Dick Flory

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Brilliant, Dick.

I'll pass the information on to Dean1 who's researching Sheffield men.

Thank you very much.


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Many thanks. Looks like he was cashiered then according to the Gazette. I'll be doing some more digging

Best Regards John

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Hello Dick

I dont know whether there is such a thing as a Roll of Honour or Memorial book for Rossall School for the 297 Rossallians killed in the Great War?

If so, I have a former Rossallian who appears in the Rossall Register and would be most grateful for a look up:

Percy Francis Gethin, born 25 July 1874

Entrance Rossall 3rd term 1889, Hain, M 1891

Holywell, Sligo

He was an artist and joined up as private in the 28th Londons Artists Rifles, number 2976. From 1915 he was a 2nd Lieutenant in the 3rd Battalion Devonshires, attached to the 8th Battalion. KIA 28 June 1916 aged 42, buried in Devonshire Cemetery.

Any information would be most welcome. Thanks


PS he was also a student at the Royal College of Art, he taught at Plymouth School of Art and at Liverpool City School of Art. I dont know whether Art Schools had Rolls of Honour or Memorial volumes?

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Moriarty: All I have is the registers for Rossall School that give the same information that you listed. I am not aware that there is a memorial volume for that school.

Regards, Dick Flory

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The Book of Records of Weymouth College, 1923 gives the following

Many thanks Dick - as always I am very grateful for your generosity. Every little bit helps, as you know so well !!


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I have over 400 British school, college and university registers and rolls of honor and will be happy to do lookups as long as you can give me the school your man attended - I do not have the time nor inclination to accept requests to look for a particular name when the school is not known unless they are Great War Royal Artillery officers (I have a database indexing all of those officers who are listed in the school registers). Please give me the man's name, school attended and general time frame when making your request and indicate what type of information you are looking for.

Regards. Dick Flory

Hello Dick

Looking for a photo of an Eton boy KIA at Loos his name is Lionel Frederick Southwell SOTHEBY



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Re: L F S Sotheby: Unfortunately neither Etonians Who Fought in the Great War nor the Eton College Chronicle contain photos and there is no photo of him accompanying his obituary in DeRuvigny's Roll of Honour. Regards, Dick Flory

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Re: L F S Sotheby: Unfortunately neither Etonians Who Fought in the Great War nor the Eton College Chronicle contain photos and there is no photo of him accompanying his obituary in DeRuvigny's Roll of Honour. Regards, Dick Flory

Thanks for the help, I will look a bit further



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If you have a register for Latymer Upper School, King Street, Hammersmith or Clarks College, Shoot Up Hill, Cricklewood, could you please look up Louis Francis Eggleton (1896-1989). I have emailed Clarks College but received no response.


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Andrew: Sorry, I have nothing on Latymer Upper School, King Street, Hammersmith or Clarks College, Shoot Up Hill, Cricklewood. Regards, Dick Flory

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Andrew: Sorry, I have nothing on Latymer Upper School, King Street, Hammersmith or Clarks College, Shoot Up Hill, Cricklewood. Regards, Dick Flory

Thanks anyway Dick...


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Can I put on record my thanks to Dick for a number of helpful replies, here and by PM. What a helpful member!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dick,

could you have a check on Lieut. Graham Johns for me, Orbit, photo etc ?

He was educated at Loretto Junior School, Cheltenham College, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

He was with the 1st Scots Guards when he was killed on 27/9/18.



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Dear Dick,

Do you have anything on Liverpool University?


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Dean wrote:

could you have a check on Lieut. Graham Johns for me, Orbit, photo etc ?

Lieut. Graham Johns, Scots Guards

Born on 21 October 1897; the son of Cosmo Johns, Esq., CE of Burngrove, Pittsmoor Road, Sheffield

Educated at Loretto School from Sept. 1910 t o April 1912; at Cheltenham College from May 1912 to December 1915 (Gym VIII; Football XV);

2nd Lieut., Scots Guards (once wounded)

KIA near Cambrai, France on 28 Sept 1918

He is not listed in The War List of the University of Cambridge so it very likely he was admitted there but never attended, especially as he did not leave Cheltenham College until December 1915.

Unfortunately there is no photo.

Sources: The Loretto Register 1825 to 1948; Cheltenham College Register 1841-1927.

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