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British school registers and rolls of honor


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Moriarty, do you have any further history on Rory or even a photo?

any info gratefully received




Major Rory Cecil Slacke

Born on 10 October 1880, the son of Sir Owen R. Slacke, CB

Educated at Repton School from April 1896 to April 1899 and at Clare College, Cambridge 1899

Served with the 3rd E. Kent Regiment in Aden from 1903 to 1904 during operations in the Interior

Secretary to Lord Ninian Crichton Stuart

Served as a Major attached to the 2nd West Surrey Regiment in France from November 1914

Mention in Despatches

KIA on 16 May 1915

Sources: Repton School Register 1922; Old Reptonian War Register 1914-1919; The War List of the University of Cambridge 1914-1919.

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Hello, if you could send me a PM (Personal Message email via this Forum) I can send you some stuff.

What's your interest in Rory?


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Thanks for the photo - we have not had one of him up till now.

We (the Eatons Community Association) are researching him as one of the 73 men from the Great War listed on the Eaton Socon War Memorial.

What is your interest in him?

As to his death - according to our local newspaper (St Neots Advertiser 25 Oct 1918), 'He was on his way to join the Egyptian Expeditionary Force as a General Staff Officer, when he was struck down by severe illness on board ship and died in hospital in Gibraltar'




Sorry for the delayed response.

Thank you for providing JE Thornhill's cause of death. That clears up a lot for me.

As for my interest, some years ago I obtained Thornhill's full dress doublet for my collection of Scottish militaria. The label inside clearly identified the owner. The doublet now sits on a mannequin displaying a Seaforth Highlanders officer in pre-1914 full dress review order uniform. For me, the joy of collecting centers on researching and understanding the lives of the men who were the original owners of the artifacts.

I have attached another photo of JE Thornhill in portrait format. Unfortunately, it is of inferior quality being a scan of a photocopy of the original picture. This was obtained from Home HQ of The Highlanders (Seaforth, Gordons, & Camerons) in Inverness.

Thanks again for the additional info.


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anedw: Unfortunately I have nothing on Grove Park / Wrexham Couny School. Regards, Dick Flory

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Sorry for the delayed response.

Thank you for providing JE Thornhill's cause of death. That clears up a lot for me.

As for my interest, some years ago I obtained Thornhill's full dress doublet for my collection of Scottish militaria. The label inside clearly identified the owner. The doublet now sits on a mannequin displaying a Seaforth Highlanders officer in pre-1914 full dress review order uniform. For me, the joy of collecting centers on researching and understanding the lives of the men who were the original owners of the artifacts.

I have attached another photo of JE Thornhill in portrait format. Unfortunately, it is of inferior quality being a scan of a photocopy of the original picture. This was obtained from Home HQ of The Highlanders (Seaforth, Gordons, & Camerons) in Inverness.

Thanks again for the additional info.



Thanks for the photo


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Could you please look up Charles Alvarez Vaughan, at Harrow school probably between 1905-10, then KIA 25/09/15.

Many thanks as always


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2nd Lieut. Charles Alvarez Vaughan Vaughan

Eldest son of J. M. Vaughan of Sylva, Putney Heath, S.W. and great nephew of the famous Head Master of Harrow

Educated at Harrow School from 1905 to 1910 (Gymnasium Champion, 1910; won lightweight boxing); at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester; and Louvain University.

Vaughan was in Columbia on his father's estate when the Great War broke out,

Returned to England and joined a Cavalry regiment.

Transferred to the 7th Bn, Seaforth Highlanders and went to France with it in May 1915

Killed leading the assault of his platoon on the Hohenzollern Redoubt on 25 Sept. 1915 during the Battle of Loos.

Sources: Harrow Memorials of the Great War, Volume III; Harrow School Register, 1885-1925; Harrovian War Supplement, October 1925.


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Much has fallen into place here, especially his Estate/agricultural training and career, which also explains why Colombia. And a photo to boot. Thanks also for those sent separately.

It's great joy to wake up to your great gifts from California. I have an Australian airman heloping me on a diffrent Forum, and never thought I would be conducting this project in several timezones.

O tempora O Mores!

(One of the snippets of Trench Latin my grandfather taught me and the ONLY thing he would talk about)

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Can you work your miracles on Herbert Hyde Hedges de la Cour, Bedford Grammar, estimated 1905-10. A Lt in the Devon Yeomanry (Hussars) who DOW after the war.

Also in your personal field of interest, anything on my two gunners?

Maj HT Tovey, RFA C Bty 88th Bde, no school info, KIA 22/4/18

Lt FA Trenchard, RFA 86th, Oundle, and Trinity hall, Cantab,kia 24/5/15

Thanks always

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Out of interest there are still Vaughan Vaughans serving. There is currently one who is an officer in the Welsh Guards.


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Until this post, I had not noticed Dick's posting as 'Charles Alvarez Vaughan Vaughan', with the Vaughan repeated although this may or may not be a typo (Dick?). It is not unknown - I have a Dawyck Moberley Veitch Veitch amongst my WW1 rugby dead according to CWGC!

If there is a connection with a descendant that would be fascinating.


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Hi Dick

Would you mind looking up Frederick John Allen, Westminster School

Second Lieutenant, Devonshire Regiment, "C" Coy. 9th Battalion

Died age 22 on 27 September 1915

Son of Frederick Herbert and Alice Allen, of 79 Union Road, Clapham, London

Remembered at Lapugnoy Military Cemetery (and at Stockwell War Memorial, London SW9)

Thanks for this invaluable service - much appreciated.


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rugbyremembers wrote:

our miracles on Herbert Hyde Hedges de la Cour, Bedford Grammar, estimated 1905-10. A Lt in the Devon Yeomanry (Hussars) who DOW after the war.

Also in your personal field of interest, anything on my two gunners?

Maj HT Tovey, RFA C Bty 88th Bde, no school info, KIA 22/4/18

Lt FA Trenchard, RFA 86th, Oundle, and Trinity hall, Cantab,kia 24/5/15

Unfortunately I have nothing on Bedford Grammar School. I will check to see what I have on Tovey and Trenchard and get back to you. Regards, Dick Flory

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bathsheba wrote:

Would you mind looking up Frederick John Allen, Westminster School

I cannot find him in the Westminister School Registers. Dick Flory

rugbyremembers wrote:

Until this post, I had not noticed Dick's posting as 'Charles Alvarez Vaughan Vaughan', with the Vaughan repeated although this may or may not be a typo (Dick?).

It was not a typo. Regards, Dick

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Out of interest there are still Vaughan Vaughans serving. There is currently one who is an officer in the Welsh Guards.


Chris, do you know this serving Vaughan Vaughan? Dick's reply says that its is correct, so this may be a relative.

rgds Steve

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thank you for the offer of look ups.

My men are:

Edward Henry BOVILL; Summerfields, Oxford 1895?-1901; Harrow 1901-06; Pembroke College Cambridge 1906-10. 2nd Lt. Queens Westminster Rifles KIA 1/7/16 Gommecourt

John Eric BOVILL; Summerfields 1902?-08; Harrow 08-13; Pembroke 13-14. 2nd Lt. 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers) KIA 23/1/16

Alan George Hilton LIVESEY; New Beacon, Sevonoaks, 1897?-1903; Charterhouse 03-08; Pembroke Cambridge 08-11. 2nd Lt. Loyal North Lancs. KIA 25/9/15 Loos

Also in your RA research, Lt William Baikie WATSON MC 95th Brg RFA, died of wounds 30/9/18. Do you have any info on how he won his MC as I believe it was an incident involving Gnr. C H Edwards KIA 27/9/18 at Demicourt?

Any info would be much appreciated and thank you so much for your time.


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2nd Lieut. Edward Henry BOVILL

Born 1887; elder son of J H Bovill, Esq and Mary Constance Bovill of Buckland, Betchworth, Surrey

Educated at Summer Fields School from 1897 to 1900 (XI, 1900)

At Harrow School from 1901 to 1906

At Pembroke School from 1906 to 1910 (BA degree)

In Business.

Commissioned 2nd Lieut., London Regiment, July, 1915

To France in March 1916

KIA on 1 July 1916. "On the 1st July 1916, he was wounded in the face the moment he got out of our trenches in the early morning, but continued to lead his men the whole day and was one of the last, if not the last, to leave the German trenches, out of which they were forced by sheer weight of numbers. His regiment was cut to pieces, and he was shot dead late in the evening, just as he was getting back to our trenches."

Sources: Summer Fields Register 1864-1960; Harrow School Register, Second Series, Vol. II 1885-1925; Pembroke College Cambridge War List 1914-1918; Harrow Memorials of the Great War, Volume III; Harrovian War Supplement, December 1916.


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Lieut. Alan George Hilton LIVESEY

Born 16 June 1889, the second son of Frank Livesey, Civil Engineer

Educated at Charterhouse School from 1903 to 1908 and at Pembroke College, Cambridge.

Lieut, 1st Bn, Loyal North Lancs Regt

Killed in action at Loos on 25 Sept 1915

Sources: Pembroke College Cambridge War List 1914-1918; Charterhouse Register, 1872 to 1931.

WATSON, 2/Lt William Baikie RFA (SR), LG 19 Nov 1917; citation LG 22 Mar 1918

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He volunteered and went forward during a fierce enemy bombardment to the front line to gain information, communication having failed for the time. He established himself in a commanding position, collecting and forming stragglers into a fire unit ready to meet an enemy attack. He returned, through a heavy barrage, when all danger of the line being driven in had passed, bringing in valuable information.

2nd Lieut. John Eric BOVILL

Born 1894, younger son of J H Bovill, Esq and Mary Constance Bovill of Buckland, Betchworth, Surrey

At Summer Fields School from 1905 to 1907

At Harrow School from 1907 to 1912

RMC Sandhurst

2nd Lieut, 6th Dragoon Guards

Went to France in March 1915

Killed by sniper in the trenches near Vermelles, 23 Jan 1916. "He had just jumped up to have a look over the parapet, when he was immediately shot through the head by a sniper."

A photo of him from the next to the last source is shown below.

Sources: Summer Fields Register 1864-1960; Harrow School Register, Second Series, Vol. II 1885-1925; Pembroke College Cambridge War List 1914-1918; Harrow Memorials of the Great War, Volume III; Harrovian War Supplement, April 1916.


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Very many thanks. Much useful info.


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Its a long shot, but do you have a copy of any roll for Bradford Grammar School? I have been unable to find any evidence of a published one.


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Keith: I have Bradford College but not Bradford Grammar School. Regards, Dick Flory

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Grateful if you can look up Capt Alexander Geary-Smith (aka Alec Geary Smith) at Uppingham from 1903. A possible conflicting record of his father's name/initials with subsequent sources. West Yorks Rgt (PoWO) kia 07/08/15

But now almost certainly one of my rugby players.

many thanks


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Thanks Dick

I will see if the UKNIWM has the details, otherwise I shall approach the school for access sometime next year.


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Alex Geary Smith

Born in April 1888; son of J W Smith, 122 Queen's Gate, SW

Educated at Uppingham School from Jan 1903 to April 1906 (played on XV in 1905)

RMA Sandurst

Served in Great War as Captain, W Yorks Regt

Killed in action

Source: Uppingham School Roll 1824-1931.

Regards, Dick Flory

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