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British school registers and rolls of honor


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Wondered what info you had on the following -

Richard Paterson Agar of Malven College and Caius College Cambridge.

Also George N Alison also of Malvern.

Kenneth Wyndham Arbuthnot of Bath College



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Stuart wrote:

Wondered what info you had on the following:

Richard Paterson Agar

Born in 1896, the adopted son of R. Agar, Edgecombe Hall, Wimbledon Park, SW

Educated at Malvern College from Third Term 1909 to First Term 1915 (School Prefect; House XI Football; Cadet Officer)

RMC, Sandhurst

Commissioned in Seaforth Highlanders in 1916

KIA on 14 Oct 1916

He evidently never matriculated at Caius College as he is not listed in The War List of the University of Cambridge 1914-1919.

Sources: The Malvern College Register 1865-1924; The War List of the University of Cambridge 1914-1919.

George Newdegate Alison

He is not listed in the Malvern Registers. There is a biography and photo of him in DeRuvigney's Roll of Honour. If you do not have access to it let me know and I will send it to you.

Kenneth Wyndham Arbuthnot

Born on 23 Jul 73, the sixth son of William Reierson Arbuthnot and his wife Mary Helen, daughter of Philip Anstruther, late Colonial Secretary of Ceylon

Educated privately and at Bath College and RMA, Sandhurst

2nd Lieut, Seaforth Highlanders, 19 Jul 93

Served with the Sudan Expedition in 1893

Present at the Battle of Khartoum (King's Medal with clasp and Egyptian Medal)

Lieut, 3 Jul 95

Served with Chitral Relief Force in 1895 (medal with clasp)

Capt, 29 Apr 00

Served with the Mounted Infantry during the South African War: operations in Cape Colony (Feb 01); the Orange Free State (Feb-Mar 01) and Transvaal (Mar 1901 to 31 May 02 (Mentioned in Despatches, LG 29 Jul 02)(Queen's medal with 5 clasps).

Brevet Major, 22 Aug 02

Adjutant, 4th Volunteer Bn, Seaforth Hldrs from 10 Aug 07 to 31 Mar 08 and of the Territorial Bn from 1 Apr 08 to 9 Jun 09

Major, 10 Jun 09

From 12 Oct 11 to 9 Aug 14 was Brigade Major, Gordon Infantry Brigade

Went to France in Nov 1914 and KIA during the second Battle of Ypres on 25 April 1915

Source: DeRuvigney's Roll of Honour which contains a photo of him.

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Firstly, thanks to Chris Day for the information on the Bovill brothers (post #1259 above).

I would be most grateful if someone could do a lookup on the Marlborough College Register please for Guy Greville Napier (born 26 Jan 1884) who was there in 1901. He was Lieutenant in the 35th Sikhs and was killed at Loos on 25 Sep 1915. He was also a successful cricketer.

(Coincidentally, Guy Napier's wife was living with the Bovill family (niece) until the time of her marriage in July 1915.)

Thanks in advance


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Captain Guy Greville Napier

Born 26 Jan 1884, the sond of T B Napier, LL.D, 25 Hendon Lane, Finchley

Educated at Marlborough College from Jan 1898 to 1901 (XI 1899-1901) and at Pembroke College, Cambridge (BA, 1903; Univ. XI, 1904-07)

Commissioned, Unattached List, 1907

Indian Army, 1908

Captain, 35th Sikhs, 1915

DOW in France, 25 Sep 1915

Sources: Marlborough College Register, 1843-1933; Pembroke College War List 1914-1918.

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Guest madeleinelma

I wondered if you have any information about the Blue Coat School in Warrington, Cheshire. I am looking for information on George Baxter Smallwood, 2nd Bn., King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment); Second Lieutenant. Died 2nd November 1918, age 30. He is listed as being resident at the school, age 12, in the 1901 census and his obituary says he also taught there.

There are several other branches of the school and the Warrington one seems to have been closed for a long time. I have been unable to find any information about the school or its pupils or staff. Anything you have would be very welcome.

Thank you in advance.


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Madeleine: I have nothing on Blue Coat School in Warrington, Cheshire. Sorry that I could not be more helpful. Regards, Dick Flory

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Hi, do you have access to the records of Queen Mary's Grammar School in Walsall? If so, could you please look up Harold Parry (one of the war poets) and W. B. Griffin, Griffin being rather an enigma as on the CWGC records he is in a Canadian regiment and of Canadian nationality, yet he is on the schools honours board. If you don't have the records of QMGS, and I wouldn't be suprised I believe Parry won a scholarship to Oxford.

April 21 2008

Looking through this forum I cam across this enquiry and saw W. B. Griffin; he is something of an enigma on our family tree as well. William Baldwin Griffin DOB 27/2/1883 in Walsall, son of William Griffin and Anne Baldwin. William Griffin snr was one of the two proprietors of the Walsall Observer (brother John Griffin the other one) and the J & W Griffin printing press. I have attached his attestation paper at Valcartier Quebec taken from the Ancestry website; interesting point is his date of birth which is definitely not 1886. Passenger lists have him arriving in Canada during WW1, not entirely sure about the Canadian nationality, we think he came back to Walsall.

As for Queen Mary's Grammar School Walsall the archivist is John Vallance at: jvcscouts@hotmail.com who has been helpful with other enquries (William Baldwin Griffin's cousin, Dr Ernest Harrison Griffin was also at the school and served with the RAMC and was a POW in Karlsruhe.

Hope some of this is helpful



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Further to my post this morning, no return to Walsall.

In memory of



who died on June 9, 1916

Military Service:Service Number: 18111 Force: Army Unit: Canadian Infantry (Central Ontario Regiment) Division: 3rd Bn. Additional Information:Date of Birth: February 27, 1886

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Hi Dick,

Could you look up the following officer. He is listed in De Ruvigney's Roll of Honour and I have a copy of that page.

Second Lieutenant Kenneth James Campbell

1/9th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Killed in action 10th May 1915

He was educated at Rottingdean, Marlborough and Magdalen College Oxford University.

Many thanks, David.

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Marlborough College Register 1843-1943:

Campbell, Kenneth James Cotton, son of R. S. Campbell, Achvashie, Rosneath, Dumbartons. Born Jan 4, 1891; Mids. 1909. Prefect.; Demy, Magd. College, Oxford; BA. Great War: 9th A. & S.H., 2nd Lieut.. 1914. Killed in action at Ypres, May 11, 1915.

I have nothing for Rottingdean and the Magdalen College Registers only list living old boys.

Regards, Dick Flory

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I would be grateful for information on the following, if you have anything:

SPROAT, JAMES McCOSH, 2nd Lieut, King's Liverpool Regt, MC [Rugby School]

VAN GRUISEN, WILFRED, Lieut, Royal Fusiliers, MC, [Rugby School?]

BROCK, ERIC GEORGE, Captain, King's Liverpool Regt, MC, [st John's College, Cambridge]

Many thanks


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Daggers wrote:

I would be grateful for information on the following, if you have anything:

SPROAT, JAMES McCOSH, 2nd Lieut, King's Liverpool Regt, MC [Rugby School]

VAN GRUISEN, WILFRED, Lieut, Royal Fusiliers, MC [Rugby School]

BROCK, ERIC GEORGE, Captain, King's Liverpool Regt, MC, [st John's College, Cambridge]

SPROAT, JAMES McCOSH, 2nd Lieut, King's Liverpool Regt, MC

Born on 21 Aug 1895, the second son of Thomas Sproat, Solicitor, Liverpool and Mary Caroline Sproat (daughter of Captain Edward Hicks, RN

Educated at Rugby School from 1909 to 1913 and as a medical student at Liverpool University

Enlisted in the Liverpool Regiment in Aug 1914

Commissioned in Sept 1914

Went to France with the 17th (Service) Bn, Liverpool Regiment in November 1915

Commissioned into Regular Army in March 1916

Killed in action by shell fire in an attack on Trones Wood the night of 11 July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme

Gazetted for the Military Cross in the London Gazette of 25 Aug 1916 'For conspicuous gallantry on patrol. Previous to our assault he entered the enemy lines on three separate nights with a small party and brought back most useful information.'

His oldest brother, Lieut. Gerald Maitland Sproat of the Manchester Regiment, of Winchester and Magdalen College, Oxford was killed in action before Montauban on 1 July 1916.`

A photo of Sproat from the first listed source is on the left below.

Sources: Memorials to Rugbeians, Vol. III; Rugby School War Register; Rugby School Register Annotated 1892-1921; University of Liverpool Roll of Service August, 1914 to November 1918.

VAN GRUISEN, WILFRED, Lieut, Royal Fusiliers, MC

Born on 19 Sept 1897, the second son of Albert Henry Van Gruisen of Oxton, Cheshire and Liverpool and his wife, Florence Angela Van Guisen.

Educated at Rugby School from 1911 to 1914 and at RMC, Sandhurst

Commissioned in April 1915

Went to France in October 1915

Promoted Lieutenant in March 1916

Severely wounded by high explosive shell, receiving 32 wounds near Guillemont on 16 Aug 1916. Invalided to England and died of his wounds at Liverpool on 1 Nov 1916, aged 19.

Gazetted for the Military Cross in the London Gazette of 26 Sept 1916 for conspicuous gallantry on 10 Aug 1916 with the following citation: 'When about eighteen of his men had been buried by shell fire he at once went to their rescue. His fine example encouraged his men, and all except three of the buried men were rescued alive. He was under heavy shell fire the whole time. Later he helped to dig out some other men. Though only 18 1/2 years old, he displayed the greatest coolness and courage.'

A photo of Van Gruisen from the first listed source is on the right below.

Sources: Memorials to Rugbeians, Vol. IV; Rugby School War Register; Rugby School Register Annotated 1892-1921.

BROCK, ERIC GEORGE, Captain, King's Liverpool Regt, MC

Born 19 Mar 1893, the son of George Albert Brock, Congregational Minister of 26 Marine Crescent, Waterloo, Lancashire and his wife Minnie Constance Winzar Brock.

Educated at Merchant Taylors' School, Crosby and at St. John's College, Cambridge Univ. from 1911 to 1914 (BA, Mathematics, 1914).

Military Cross 1916

Killed in action on 31 July 1917

Sources: Register of Twentieth-Century Johnians, Volume I, 1900-1949; The War List of the University of Cambridge 1914-1919.

A photo of Sproat on the left and a photo of Van Gruisen on the right:



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I'm back with a new project, one that hopefully won't trouble you too much!

Would you be kind enough to see if there an entry for Noel Burgess Michell who went to Malvern and on to Trinity Cambridge

Also Osmond Bartle Wordsworth who was at Winchester College also went to Trinity Cambridge, if there's a picture of him in the Winchester Roll that would be even better as I don't have one of him.

Mant thanks John

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I wondered if you have any information about the Blue Coat School in Warrington, Cheshire. I am looking for information on George Baxter Smallwood, 2nd Bn., King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment); Second Lieutenant. Died 2nd November 1918, age 30. He is listed as being resident at the school, age 12, in the 1901 census and his obituary says he also taught there.

There are several other branches of the school and the Warrington one seems to have been closed for a long time. I have been unable to find any information about the school or its pupils or staff. Anything you have would be very welcome.

Thank you in advance.


Hi Madeleine

There is a very good local history library in Warrington which should have plenty of information on Bluecoat School. The school has been closed for a long time and was on Church Street at the junction, which is now a roundabout I think, with Mersey Street. The twin spired frontage is still there and was for many years Stan Evans's camping shop. There are photos of the school/pupils in the library/museum and the librarian is a chap called Peter Rogerson and he is extremely knowledgeable about all things Warrington.


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Guest madeleinelma
Hi Madeleine

There is a very good local history library in Warrington which should have plenty of information on Bluecoat School. The school has been closed for a long time and was on Church Street at the junction, which is now a roundabout I think, with Mersey Street. The twin spired frontage is still there and was for many years Stan Evans's camping shop. There are photos of the school/pupils in the library/museum and the librarian is a chap called Peter Rogerson and he is extremely knowledgeable about all things Warrington.


Dear Peridot,

Thank you so much for this helpful information - and just in the nick of time as I will be going to Warrington next week to find George Smallwood's grave, home (in Mersey Street), school and war memorial. I will definitely visit the library and find Peter Rogerson.


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Guest Death Or Glory Boy
I have over 400 British school, college and university registers and rolls of honor and will be happy to do lookups as long as you can give me the school your man attended - I do not have the time nor inclination to accept requests to look for a particular name when the school is not known unless they are Great War Royal Artillery officers (I have a database indexing all of those officers who are listed in the school registers). Please give me the man's name, school attended and general time frame when making your request and indicate what type of information you are looking for.

Regards. Dick Flory

Hi Dick,

I am wondering if you have the registers for southwalk school, Old Basford, Nottingham? Trying to see if W E Flory, Thomas S Flory & Horace E Flory or any other Flory 1890-1904.


Matt Flory

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Matt: I do not have any registers for Southwalk School. Interesting to see another 'Flory', the name is not too common.

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I'm researching the 11th Bn South Lancs. I believe there are two officers of the Bn in Rugby RoH. They are:

2/Lt Eric Osborne Champion (one of 3 brothers)

Lt G H Walker

I would very much appreciate photo and biog for each if possible.


Dave Risley

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Another request, please.

A/Capt. John Stanley Edwards MC, Lancashire Hussars, serving with 18th Bn, Liverpool Regt. dow 24 April 1918.

He may have a link with Fettes School, as a Gazette entry gives a commission to someone of this name in connection with the school's OTC in 1914.

If you have any details, I should be grateful.


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Dave R wrote:

I'm researching the 11th Bn South Lancs. I believe there are two officers of the Bn in Rugby RoH. They are:

2/Lt Eric Osborne Champion (one of 3 brothers)

Lt G H Walker

2nd Lieutenant E O Champion

Born on 4 April 1896, the youngest son of Francis Coverley Champion, Blackheath and his wife, Amy Charles.

Educated at Rugby School from 1910 to Dec 1914 (Head of House, XI, VI (Capt).

2nd Lieut, 11 Bn, S Lancs in Dec 1914

Went to France in Oct 1915 and took part in the Battle of the Somme in July and Oct 1916

Invalided to England for three months with heart trouble

Returned to France in April 1917

Killed by an HE shell while returning with a working party preliminary to the Third Battle of Ypres near Menin on 11 June 1917, at the age of 21.

Sources: Memorials of Rugbeians Who Fell In the Great War, volume V; Rugby School Register, Annotated 1892-1921.

Lieut. George Henderson Walker

Born on 14 January 1895, the second son of William Henderson Walker, Chartered Accountant, Liverpool and his wife, Agnes Dalrymple.

Educated at Rugby School from 1908 to 1911

Then spent 12 months at Berlin and nine months at Paris

In January 1914 he joined his father's business as an articled pupil.

Joined the 1st Public Schools Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers in Sept 1914

Commissioned in 11 Bn, South Lancs Regt. in February 1915

Promoted to Lieut. in June 1915

Went to France in Oct 1915

Transferred to the RFC as an Observer in June 1916 and later qualified as a pilot.

On 28 July 1917 he was leading a flight of four planes over the German lines near Polygon Wood and was last seen following a German plane to the ground.

Presumed dead in February 1918

Sources: Memorials of Rugbeians Who Fell In the Great War, volume V; Rugby School Register, Annotated 1892-1921.

Lieut. G H Walker



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Daggers wrote:

A/Capt. John Stanley Edwards MC, Lancashire Hussars

A/Capt. John Stanley Edwards MC, Lancashire Hussars

Educated at Monkton Combe School from 1894 to 1899 (Senior Prefect; 1st XV, 97-98; 1st XI, Sports Champion; Editor, Monktonian) and at Pembroke College, Cambridge from 1899 to 1902 (BA 21st Wrangler, 1902; MA).

Math Asst. Master at Fettus College from 1902 to 1946 (Housemaster at School House from 1910-1925 and at Gencourse House from 1925)

2nd Lieut.m Fettes College OTC on 19 Nov 1918

Died at Edinburgh on 6 July 1957

Sources: Monkton Combe School Register 1868-1964; The Fettes College Register 1870-1932; The Times, 9 July 1957; Pembroke College, Cambridge War List 1914-1918.

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