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POW - Manxman in English Scottish Battalion!


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I am trying to find out as much about my Great Grandfather's time in the Army, especially as a POW.He was a Manxman in an English Highland Battalion!

He was Pte Robert Henry KNEEN 359315 1/10 King's Liverpool Regiment (Liverpool Scottish). I have had a copy of his discharge papers and MIC. On Army form B103 there was the following, He was attested 5/3/17 went to France on 3.6.17 (surely this was very quick!) and was posted missing 30/11/17. He was reported POW 11/1/18 in a camp at Dulmen and a further entry 4/3/18 mentions a wound in leg.

I have been lucky enough to inherit his diary, which short on detail, fills in some holes. He says he was wounded and captured 30/11/03. Another entry shows that his family only learnt that he was alive in January 1918. His prisoner of war number was 48081. within the Diary he mentions being attached to both company 2 and 3 (coy.no 610) Englander Kommando V, Batt 69 and also gives his camp as Gefangenenlager Friedrichfeld and mentions being in various parts of Belgium. I intend writing an article on "Bobby" Kneen in the future.

Can anyone tell me please if I can progress researching where the camps were, are there PRO or other records which would be "opened up" by this extra info? are there german rolls that would give prisoner details, or indeed of the units that guarded the camps. What work the POWS did, etc,etc. Are there other places I can look that would give any further details re repatriation?

His discharge papers show that he was given a gratuity of £5, was this a standard amount?

I am a newbie that has been very lucky to have a lot of info. drop in my lap I would be grateful for any pointers to take this forward.

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Further to the above the entries that give details of being missing, captured, wounded all have list references and collectively are marked "extract AFW 3040"

Can I take this reference anywhere?

ps, may I just add the site is first rate

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