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New Book on Naval ops in the Irish Sea


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A new book on the history of the German gunrunning ship the AUD, just published, written by Xander Clayton, details are available at www.AUD-N.ORG Clayton seems to have published this himself. He has experience of both the Irish and the British Navy having been a submariner.

The AUD was a ship of the German Imperial Navy that, disguised as a Norwegian merchant ship, set sail for Ireland loaded with guns and ammunition and bombs for use in the Easter Rising. It was intercepted by the Royal Navy and the crew then hoisted the Riechskriegsmarine flag and scuttled the ship in the mouth of Cork harbour.

Although of primary interest to those engaged in research on Irish history during WW1, it contains a fascinating and detailed look at British Naval operations in the blockade of German Sea traffic across the Baltic the Atlantic and the Irish Sea and an equally interesting look at German U boat activities of the period.

There is also some coverage of the German crew’s experiences as P.O.W. at Donnington House in Derbyshire and the Firth Hill P.O.W. camp in Hampshire, including an escape attempt, all of which was entirely new to me. It comes highly recommenced. There are a couple of reviews on Amazon.

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A new book on the history of the German gunrunning ship the AUD, just published, written by Xander Clayton, details are available at www.AUD-N.ORG Clayton seems to have published this himself. He has experience of both the Irish and the British Navy having been a submariner.

The AUD was a ship of the German Imperial Navy that, disguised as a Norwegian merchant ship, set sail for Ireland loaded with guns and ammunition and bombs for use in the Easter Rising. It was intercepted by the Royal Navy and the crew then hoisted the Riechskriegsmarine flag and scuttled the ship in the mouth of Cork harbour.

Although of primary interest to those engaged in research on Irish history during WW1, it contains a fascinating and detailed look at British Naval operations in the blockade of German Sea traffic across the Baltic the Atlantic and the Irish Sea and an equally interesting look at German U boat activities of the period.

There is also some coverage of the German crew’s experiences as P.O.W. at Donnington House in Derbyshire and the Firth Hill P.O.W. camp in Hampshire, including an escape attempt, all of which was entirely new to me. It comes highly recommenced. There are a couple of reviews on Amazon.

Have had a browse through it in the shops and it looks excellent - seriously thinking of buying this at some stage as its full of photos and charts etc. Mind you a bit steep at €30 ! The birthday isn't too far off so maybe then.

I've read Capitan Karl Spindler's account of his voyage to Ireland The Mystery of the Casement Ship which was very good.

Here's a Link that gives a brief overview of the Aud's brief career as a vessel of war:


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