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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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A lot of people may be aware of this, but a really good book for youngish teens is Remembrance by Theresa Breslin. I read it when I was about 13 (which was only a year and a half ago, really!), and it really resparked my interest in the First World War. It got me into reading more adult books about the war and was a real eye opener for me. Another good'un for people that age, and younger, is Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo. Of course, they're both good for grown up folk too (my Mum liked them lots).

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A lot of people may be aware of this, but a really good book for youngish teens is Remembrance by Theresa Breslin. it

I read the book a few years ago and have also reccommended it to others in the Forum, A excellent read. Will have to look out for the Michael Morpurgo book, read one of his but can not rember the title.

I was 13 30+ years ago :rolleyes:



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Have just ordered the hardback copy online,came across one also on an auction site afterwards,only paperback but the price is right.



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