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Military Trader's 2007 "Readers' Choice" Nominees an


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A Military Trader panel nominated the following books for the coveted “Readers’ Choice” award. The books were all published between September 2006 and September 2007. The nominations were based on criteria that included overall presentation, accuracy, and the furthering of the militaria collecting hobby.

The 2007 nominees are:

Luftwaffe Gravity Knife: A History and Analysis of the Flyer’s & Paratrooper’s Utility Knife by Mack A. Pattarozi (Schiffer Publishing)

Waffenrock: Parade Uniforms of the German Army by Curley and Stewart (R. James Bender Publishing)

Headgear of Hitler’s Germany Vol. 4 by Saris, Cook, Spronk & Smith (R. James Bender Publishing)

Uniforms of the NSDAP, Uniforms, Headgear & Insignia of the Nazi Party by Jeff Clark (Schiffer Publishing)

Smith & Wesson American Model in U.S. and Foreign Service by Charles W. Pate (Mowbray Publishing)

A Collector’s Guide to the German Gew. 88 ‘Commission’ Rifle by Paul S. Scarlata (Mowbray Publishing)

U.S. Naval Amphibious Forces by Jeff Warner (Schiffer Publishing)

U.S. Military Carbines form the Civil War and the Indian Campaigns to he Spanish-American War and he Philippine Insurrection by John D. McAulay (Mowbray Publishing)

USMC Uniforms & Equipment, 1941-45 by Alberti and Pradier (Histoire & Collections)

Torpedo Los! The Fascinating World of U-Boat Collectibles by Gordon Williamson (R. James Bender Publishing)

U.S. Military Flintlock Muskets and their Bayonets: The Later Years, 1816 through the Civil War by Peter A. Schmidt (Mowbray Publishing)

Uniforms of the German Soldier: An Illustrated History from 1870 to the First World War, by Alejandro M. de Quesada (Greenhill Books)

To cast your vote for the 2007 Military Trader Readers' Choice award, go to:


(Brief reviews of each book are available there, as well)

Vote for the one book you think embodies these characteristics. The Readers’ Choice award will be announced at the Show of Shows in Louisville, Kentucky, on Friday, February 22, 2008 and in Military Trader.

Your vote counts!

John A-G

Editor, Military Trader


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I notice my 'the worlds smelliest cheeses' isn't among them either & that had a large input from ww1 sources :ph34r:

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Jagjetta, good day,

You have clearly missed a superb book called Interesting mudflats in Cornwall and their effect on Hitler's downfall.

Unfortunately is has nothing to do with WW I either.

Pity. ;)

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seems milatary traders advertising here can this be right ????????


Wow...what a vicious group. If you don't want to have input, don't bother going to the voting page. Don't worry Tafski, the amount of people that go to vote based on a posting doesn't drive ANY revenue to Military Trader. If you don't want to give recognition to scholars who do more than surf internet forums, that's your choice.

As for "books missed," apparently folks don't understand what a slate of nominees constitutes. Books were considered by a nominating committee, and a slate was submitted. The titles on the ballot are what the committee selected. Again, if you don't like the slate, simply don't vote.

And finally, a comment to Themonstar who said, "Out of the 12 books you have posted. 1 has something to do with WW1. This is a WW1 site can you remove the rest," I suggest you take a second look...maybe even READ the reviews. However, glancing at the list myself, I can see the following nominees that have direct WWI correlation:

Smith & Wesson American Model in U.S. and Foreign Service by Charles W. Pate (Mowbray Publishing)

A Collector’s Guide to the German Gew. 88 ‘Commission’ Rifle by Paul S. Scarlata (Mowbray Publishing)

Uniforms of the German Soldier: An Illustrated History from 1870 to the First World War, by Alejandro M. de Quesada (Greenhill Books)

Torpedo Los! The Fascinating World of U-Boat Collectibles by Gordon Williamson (R. James Bender Publishing)

A true scholar of the Great War might even want to consider these as suitable titles for their library:

Waffenrock: Parade Uniforms of the German Army by Curley and Stewart (R. James Bender Publishing) (Ever notice from where the WWII Waffenrock originated?)

U.S. Military Carbines form the Civil War and the Indian Campaigns to he Spanish-American War and he Philippine Insurrection by John D. McAulay (Mowbray Publishing) (Ever heard of the Punitive Expedition to Mexico...Did you ever notice the abundance of Krag-Jorgenson carbines that were carried?)

So, Thermonstar, if you open your mind to titles that don't just say "World War I" in the title, maybe you might recognize that there are plenty of titles on the slate that would appeal to a real Great War researcher. But again, suffice it to say, if you don't want to vote but prefer to pick and poke, do just that. The only people you affect are the researchers who actually take the time to assemble a book.

And alas, if you don't want to hear from Military Trader and what we are doing to support the hobby, don't worry. I am dropping my membership to your forum today.

John Adams-Graf

Editor, Military Trader and forum member since Dec 11 2002,

(and aggressive Belgian WWI collector...but that doesn't matter, does it?)

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do we get a moderators opinion on whether or not this is advertising ?

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(...) If you don't want to give recognition to scholars who do more than surf internet forums, that's your choice.(...)

Just whát constitutes a scholar by your standards, please, Jagjetta? I'd like a suitable definition please.

The above quote implies that people who surf the internet, or even dedicated internet forums like this one, seem, by your definition at least, to be incapable of putting together a book, or maybe even write a coherent sentence. I would like to see you explain that to several of the regular 'surfers', obviously not scholars by your o-so-high standards, on this forum.

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