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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Passchendaele 1917-2007

cockney tone

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Ladies & Gents,


Just received a 'flyer' from Pen & Sword advertising a new book; (Well I think its new!)

Passchendaele 1917-2007 'The story of the Fallen and Tyne Cot Cemetery by Franky Bostyn and Jan Van Der Fraenen (isbn 9781844156214)

I am thinking of purchasing a copy but at £25 I was just wondering if any of you had a copy and could post your opinion/review before I tamper with the lock on my wallet and iron my white five pound notes!



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Scottie - I think it's excellent. Apparently lots of other people do, too, because within quite a short time the publishers sold out. A reprint is expected in October. Some booksellers might still have copies though and many were selling it at quite a bit less than £25.00 (This is not a hidden advert - I sold out too, and am waiting for more copies as and when).


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thank you for your input, you have persauded me to splash out, normally I would have given you a call to try and 'cut a deal' but as you have run out I followed the link from this site and ordered a copy with that well known online store, quite a bit of a saving as well.

I met Franky Bostyn a couple of years ago on the Salient and if he writes as passionatly as he speaks it should be a good book and worth it!

Hope you are keeping well,

Regards and best wishes,


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It is a great book, i love my copy!

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Its arrived!

And I am as pleased as punch with it, first impression is that its very good.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just received my copy of this book and find it both moving and wonderful. Faces - photographs, family and background information about the men who fell at Passchendaele (including a mention of my great-uncle) are brought together, with many graphic photographs of the battlefield. The intention of the Belgian authorities behind the Passchendaele Project was apparently that, as the last of those living who knew these men passed on , information should be gathered together about the fallen so that they can be seen not simply names on memorials but as real people who "lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved". I think it succeeds admirably in this endeavour.

There is also a great deal of information about Tyne Cot which I found most interesting. A most dedicated endeavour and a lasting record of real people.

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