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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

CSM RF Morris

Martyn Gibson

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Hi Pals,

I have been given a Soldiers' Small Book by a work colleague with a requet to try and find out some information on her Grandfather. I will give you what I have and if you can add to it, or point me in a good direction I will be very gratefull.

CSM Robert F Morris Service Number 3/Y65 or 3/765 difficult to make out.

Enlisted at Tidworth on 9/9/14 aged 43 years 4 months. Previous military service had seem him serve in India from Oct 1886 to Nov 1895 and South Africa Nov 1899 to May 1903. His Soldiers' Small Book is signed by a Capt Gingell. He was living at 28 Mount Pleasant Trowbridge at the time.

I am unsure if this soldier survived the war because of the following extract from a local newspaper. It reads........

"Writing to Mrs Morris (the Sergeant Majors Wife) the officer says he has just returned from Germany but was sorry he could not tell her but little of what had happened to her husband. What he (the officer) could hear from an officer of B Company was that Sergeant Major Morris had volunteered to take a message from his Company to Battalion Headquarters. The Germans at the time were all round the Company, and it is feared that Sergeant Major Morris never got through. The writer of the letter named one officer as the only one of that Company whom he knew to be alive. "the only consolation I can give you (the letter proceeded) is that he was one of the bravest fellows I have ever met. I was with him in the same company at Ypres, I have heard from other officers, from Colonel Gillson, down to the Second Lieutenant, "what a good soldier" he was. It was typical of him to volunteer for so dangerous a mission. The men of his company would have followed him anywhere, the "Old Sergeant Major" as he was familiarly called by them, was supposed to bear a charmed life.

Unfortunately there are no dates and no locations to try and put a name to where this incident took place. So any pointers or snippets of info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading this and a big thankyou in advance for any replies


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Hi Martyn,

This is what i can tell you about CSM Morris:-

In his first period of service (1896-1903)he would have been serving with the 2nd Battalion Wiltshire Regiment, firstly in India at Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Nowshera, Cherat, Ambala and Mean Meer. In 1891 The Battilon marched south from Amristar to Jhansi. Two years later they moved to Fort Dufferin in Mandalay before coming home in 1895 to Portsmouth.

When the Boer war Broke out the Battalion was in Aldershot. The Battalion served out in South africa from the 12th of January 1900 to May 1903, taking part in many actions.

After his discharge CSM Morris would have become part of the Reserve and recieved his new Regimental number of 3/765 (The "3" denotes 3rd Reserve Battalion).

I would say that when he rejoined the colours in 1914 He went back to the 2nd Battalion, because Col Gillson was the C.O. of the Battalion between 23/11/15 to 26/12/17.

Also, I think the letter describes the 2nd Battalion's Action near St Quentin on the 21st March 1918, where the Battalion was surrounded in the first few hours of the attack. The forward Coy's were surrounded almost immediatly however the HQ and A Coy, which were defending the "Keep" L'Epline de Dallon held out for a few more hours. The Officer, (Do you have his name by the way?), was probably recounting how CSM Morris was trying to inform the HQ of what had happened to the Forward Coy's, (The mist was so thick that morning that the HQ could'nt actually see the Front Line).

I don't believe CSM Morris was Killed, as he isn't mentioned in "Soldiers Died", but i think he was probably taken Prisoner, and the Officer who had just returned from Germany was a repatriated POW who obviously was'nt held at the the same camp as CSM Morris.

As an extra you might want to visit the RGBW website, which has all the Great War Wiltshire Regiment Battalion War Diaries online.( www.thewardrobe.co.uk )

Also for a donation the Museum will do research through it's records on your behalf.

I hope this helps. If you've got any questions about the above let me know.



P.s. A Capt Gingell is mentioned as having served with the 1st Battalion Wilts Regt during the Great war and so CSM may have intially served with the 1st Battalion on his entry into Theatre, or on the other hand Capt Gingell may have served in the 3rd or 2nd Battalion Wiltshire's. Is his signature dated?

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Many thanks for all this info, that was more than I hoped for. Unfortunately there is no name for this officer. Capt Gingell's signature in the Soldiers' Small Book is dated 8/7/15.

The only other names mentioned in this article are those of Bert Artur and Jack McCarragher described as his contemporaries in rank. This is in relation to the Battalion football team and to his duties in the Officers Mess.

He was one of 14 sons and 2 daughters from Trowbridge and in 1915 his mother had 6 sons and 1 son in law serving in the forces. If you are interested in a copy of this newspaper article mail me off forum and I will send you a copy.

Thanks again Ski all very good info


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Hi Martyn,

Just one more thing, a Capt Gingell was serving with the 6th Wilts in August 1915, and so i think it's safe to assume that CSM Morris was originally posted to the 6th Battalion and woud have had his Pay Book signed by Capt Gingell just prior to the Battalion going to France in late July 1915. He would have then, at some point, been posted to the 2nd Battalion whilst in France.

Thank's for the offer of a Copy of the article, I'll email off Forum with my address,



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