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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

5 I.R.


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Does anyone have, or can anyone tell me where I can find any information about the 5th Baden Infantry Regiment ?

I'm specifically looking for a listing of campaigns that they fought in ,especially 1870 -71. Also, what was this regiment's designation 1914-18 (in other words, which regiment had the 5 I.R. as it's ancestor)?



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The 5th Baden (IR 113) served with the 29th Division throughout the war. A snapshot of the unit history gives the following:

1914 Alsace-Lorraine and Artois

1915 Artois, Champagne

1916 Champagen, Somme

1917 Champagne, Verdun

1918 Verdun, Lys, Aisne.

Sorry, my information does not include the Franco-Prussian War.


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Thanks all ,for your help.

Does anyone know if a regimental history for the 5th (that deals with 1870-71) or a Baden Divisional history (same period) exists and where I may be able to access it? It doesn't matter about it being in German, I can read it pretty fluently (pity about my accent when I speak it though!).


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Hello Dave,

There are several books about IR 113 in the 1870/1871 campaign:

Schilling von Canstatt, Wilhelm. Das Grossherzoglich Badische 5. Infanterie-Regiment, jetzt Königlich Preussisches 5. Badisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 113 im Feldzuge 1870/71. Berlin, 1876, 204 p.

Schilling von Canstatt, Wilhelm. Geschichte des 5. Badischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 113. (several editions) Berlin, 1890-1904, 305-338 p.

Lindemann, Karl Heinrich. Kriegstagebuch eines freiwilligen Füsiliers des 5. Badischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 113 im Feldzuge 1870/71. (several editions)

Roth, Franz Anton. Aus dem Tagebuch eines freiwilligen Unteroffiziers des 5. badischen Infanterie-Regiments im Feldzuge 1870/71. (Badener im Feldzug 1870-1871 Bd. 7) Karlsruhe, 1895, 200 p.



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Thanks Jan.

I'll keep an eye out for one of those.


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  • 2 months later...

Although not directly related to what you are looking for, I have compiled 1914-18 overview of the 29th Division. It can be found at http://www.militaerpass.net/29id.htm



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