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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

606 M-J Company A.L.C.

Guest Grant

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First of all allow me to introduce myself as I’m new here. My name is Grant and I’m writing from Vancouver Canada. My family is all back in England, and unfortunately most of my sources of information have now passed away. So I’m hoping that everyone here can help me fill in a few blanks regarding my family members who served in the Great War.

About two years ago, my great aunt willed me a very large picture of her father and his Unit, as she knew I had a great interest in him. Unfortunately the information she gave me about him was given to me when I was only five, now 30 years later I can’t remember a thing *smile*.

I’m hoping that someone here might be able to help identify his Regiment in the picture. I would post it here but the problem is its 3 foot long with over 200 men in it. I will give some background on him and the few details I remember. His name was RSM. William Tullett, he came from Surrey England and had joined the Army before the outbreak of war. Unfortunately due to the size of the picture zooming in on a hat brass is almost impossible. However the Unit does have a identification number etc.

Below the personnel in the picture is wrote in white ink “606 M-J Company A.L.C.”

The picture looks as though it may have been taken outside a Garrison. In the right hand side of the picture it reads “ Photo By Panaros” 60 Doughty Street W.C. No 1159.

I’m not sure if any of this information might help identify his unit, but I can only hope. Thanks to everyone in advance for taking the time to have a read and maybe try to figure this out.

Kindest regards,


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Hello Grant, welcome to the forum.

As a suggestion, I think the identification of the unit is slightly wrong. Could the writing say 606 MT Company ASC? MT is Motor Transport, ASC is Army Service Corps. It was formed on 22 November 1915, headquartered in Shepherd's Bush, London and was otherwise known as 23rd Local Auxiliary MT Company. It carried out a variety of military transport tasks in the south of England.

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Hello Chris,

Thanks ever so much for your reply, it’s almost 6 AM over here so I was just about to call it a day when I noticed you had responded. Thanks!

I would love to say, that it was simply a misread, or the quality of the picture was not great but nope it without doubt reads “606 M-J Company A.L.C.” .

I’m going to try and take the picture out of the frame or something and scan it for you to all take a better look. I have to be careful with it though, believe it or not you can still smell the pipe tobacco from my Great Grand-Dads pipe on it from where it had been in his study all those years!

Thanks again Chris!


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Hello once again, you know I just asked my wife (yes I woke her up *snicker*) If there was any chance that “J” could be a “T”. and we both agreed that due to the script style of writing it just might be!

I will do my best as I said to scan or take a picture of it, hopefully zoom in on the hatbrass’s which almost appear to look like a light infantry brass and see what you think. I can’t thank you enough Chris, you have given me food for thought! *smile*

Take Care,


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